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1、六年级英语上学期单词拼写辅导练习湘少版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句子意思,填上正确的单词。(1)_ are you going to _ this afternoon ?going tomy grandparents.(2)is your fatherto the cinema ?Hethe cinema at 5:00 this afternoon.(3)are you?Im going to the science museum.(4)Sarah going to?Shebuy a comic book.(5), is there a bookstore near here ? Yes,

2、.2. 用动词的适当形式填空。1.Mike_ (like) cooking.2. They_ (have) the same hobby.3. My aunt_ (look) after her baby carefully.4. You always_ (do) your homework well.5. I_ (be) ill. Im staying in bed.6. She_ (go) to school from Monday to Friday.7. Liu Tao_ (do) not like P.E.8. The child often_ (watch) TV in the e

3、vening.9. Su Hai and Su Yang_ (have) eight lessons this term.10. What day_(be) it today?Its Sunday.3. 看图写单词。1.Whats the matter? My finger h_.2.I c_my room yesterday.3.Look! Shes s_.4.Look at the_. It is lovely.4. 写出下列英语单词的原形。1seeing_ 2looking_3broken_ 4waiting_5was_ 6photos_5. 根据首字母或汉语提示,填词完成句子。1. W

4、hen it is w_, we like to fly kites in the park.2. It was s_. They took hats and sunglasses(墨镜).3.Children were h_. They wanted to have some bread.4. The ants like h_very much.5.I often go_(游泳) with my friends.6. 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。1. We should p_ more trees and help the animals.2. We shouldnt _ (砍伐) mor

5、e trees.3. There is m_ grass under the tree.4. Its time to _ (关爱) Mother Earth.5. You drink _ (太多) water.7. 用括号中的词的适当形式填空。1.We should _(eat) fruit and vegetables every day.2.MrGreen_(drink) too much yesterday.3.There are _(step) in the swimming pool.4.It often _(rain) in summer.5.Dongdong often_(wat

6、ch) TV at home on Sunday.6.They_(have)an English lesson now.8. 用be动词的适当形式填空。( )1.I_anEnglishteachernow.( )2.HelenandNancy_goodfriends.( )3.Look,there_lotsofsheepthere.( )4.Today_thesecondofJuly.( )5.Allthestudents_veryexcited.9. 重新排列下列字母,组合成一个新单词并在括号内写出汉语意思。(1) somgethin _( )(2) radgon _( )(3) ltlei

7、t _( )(4) fogetr _ ( )(5)pneho _( )10. 根据发音提示,补全单词。/ei/1r_ny2p_nt3d_4Mond_5tod_6r_nbow11. 补全本课出现的单词。1. f_st 2. libr_ 3. com_ter4. _ther 5. t_k(过去式)12. 根据句意和首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词。1.Thursdayisthef_dayoftheweek.2.Ournationalf_isredwithfiveyellowstars.3.Wecanborrowbooksfromthel_.4.Iusuallygos_intheriverwithmyf

8、riendsinsummer.5.In1979,DengXiaopingvisitedGuangdongandm_animportantspeech.6.Theboyranveryfast.Soonhec_upwithotherboys.7.JimandJackliveonthed_floors.JimlivesonthesixthandJacklivesonthetenth.8.Letsi_ourteacherstoourparty.Theyllbeveryhappytobewithus.13. 单词拼写。1. Please dont_(u s p h) the car.2. My uncl

9、e_(p p r d d e o) a book on the floor.3. The cook can_(r a c r y) many plates.4. Its late. They have to_(h r y r u).5. He_(d o n u f) a nice plate.14. 看图写单词。1.The dog is thirsty. Look. It is_water.2.Usually I go to Hangzhou by_.3.Tom_a horse in the forest park yesterday.15. 根据句意,写出所给单词的正确形式,每空只填一词。1. Li Ming jumps the _ (high) in our class.2.Hefelt_(happy)duringhisholiday.3.Thepeoplearound_(we)areveryfriendly.4.Itsveryeasyfor_(play)togethurt.5.Itwas_(sun)yesterday.4 / 4


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