2014-2015三英下册期末试卷 (2).doc

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1、20142015学年度第二学期三年级下册英语期末考试试卷 学校 班级 姓名 学号 . 密 封 线 内 请 不 要 答 题 第一部分:听力(40%)一听录音,选出所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10分)( ) 1. A. bird B. bag C. boy( ) 2. A. he B. she C. the( ) 3. A. schoolbag B. pencil caseC. pencil( ) 4. A. cows B. ducksC. pigs( ) 5. A. they B. these C. those( ) 6. A. 11:00 B. 10:00 C. 12:00( ) 7. A. t

2、here B. pear C. where ( ) 8. A you B. your C. yes( ) 9. A. Hes my father. B. Hes my uncle. C. Hes my brother.( )10. A. Whos that girl? B. Whos that man? C. Whos that woman?二根据所听内容顺序,给下列图片排序。(听两遍)(5分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三判断所听内容与图片是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”(听两遍)(6分)1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )四听

3、录音,选择相应的汉语意思。(5分)( ) 1. A. 那些是什么? B. 这些是什么?( ) 2. A. 这是我的橡皮。 B. 这不是我的橡皮。( ) 3. A. 该吃午饭了。 B. 该吃早饭了。( ) 4. A. 他是我的叔叔。 B. 她是我的婶婶。( ) 5. A. 它在那里。 B. 它在哪里?五根据你所听到的问题,选择正确的应答句。(听两遍)(5分)( ) 1. A. Its a cow. B. Theyre pigs. C.This is a chicken.( ) 2. A. She s on the desk. B. Its under the tree. C.Theyre in

4、the bag.( ) 3. A.Yes, I am B. Thank you. C. No, thank you.( ) 4. A. Im twelve B. Its twelve oclock. C.No.Im not.( ) 5. A. Thank you B. Come in, please. C. Im sorry.六根据所听对话内容,补全句子。(听三遍)(5分)1. Is this pencil? Yes,it is.2. Whats that? Its a .3. Please dont in class.4. Whats the ? Its three oclock.5. _

5、these ducks? No. they are pigs.第二部分:笔试(60分)一、将下列单词按照划线字母的读音进行归类,将序号写在横线上。(5%) baby dinner ball name sleep twin farm picture stand niceboy_ _ duck_ _ up_ _ make_ _ man_ _二、词汇(一)看图写单词。(5%)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (二)英汉词组互译。(10%) 1. 一本英语书_ English _ 2. 八只橘子_ _ 3. 在椅子后面_ the _ 4. 在我的书包里_ my _5. 开门_ the _ 6. 五个可爱的

6、女孩_ lovely _ 7. wake up_ 8. over there_9. on the farm_ 10. Sit down._三、选择填空。(10%)( )1. Were in the library. _ shout. A. Please B. dont C. Dont( )2. This is _ my lunch box. My lunch box is over there. A. not B. no C. /( )3. -Is this your brother? -_. A. No, it isnt. B. No, she isnt. C. No, he isnt.(

7、)4. Its seven oclock. Its time _ breakfast. A. for B. to C. of( )5. -Whats _ over there? -Its a hot dog. A. this B. that C. those( )6. _ a nice pencil case! A. How B. What C. Where( )7. This is Zhang Rui. Im Xu Hao. _ good friends. A. Were B. Theyre C. Im( )8. -What are _? -_ cows. A. this; Its B. t

8、hese; Theyre C. those; Its( )9. -_ are you? -_ six. A. How many; Its B. How old; Im C. What time; Its( )10. -Who is that _? -_ Mr Brown. A. woman; Shes B. man; Shes C. man; Hes四、根据所给情境,选择合适的句子。(6%)( )1. 欢迎大家来到你们班,你可以说: A. Welcome to my farm. B. Welcome to my class.( )2. 你想介绍照片里的人是你的爷爷,可以说: A. This i

9、s my grandpa. B. This is your grandpa.( )3. 早上妈妈叫你起床,你会说: A. Wake up. B. OK, Mum.( )4. 你想知道远处的那位女士是谁,可以问: A. Whos that man? B. Whos she?( )5. 你想知道刘涛画的画是不是一只鹦鹉,可以问: A. Is this a parrot? B. Are these parrots?( )6. 你问妈妈现在几点了,妈妈会说: A. What time is it? B. Its ten oclock.五、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分)1. those, w

10、hat, under, tree, are, the ( ? )2. nice , look , my , pictures , at ( . )3. that, who , man , is ( ? )4. like, would , apple, an , you ( ? )六、用阿拉伯数字将下列句子排列成一段通顺的对话。(6%)( )Hes my uncle.( )Its nice. Whos this man?( )Is this boy your cousin?( )Yes, she is.( )Look at my picture.( )No. This is me.( 4 )Is

11、 this your aunt?七、根据图片和上下文意思,完成下列对话,将单词写在横线上。(5%)1. A: What time is it? B: Its _ oclock. A: Oh, its time _ _.2. A: Im cold(冷). _ the _, please. B: OK.3. A: Whats _?B: Its a chicken.A: Is that a cow _ the tree?B: Yes, it is.A: What are these?B: _ are oranges.A: Are those _ too?B: _, theyre apples.八、阅

12、读对话,判断下列句子是否与对话内容相符,相符的用“T”表示,不相符的用“F”表示。(5%) A: I cant find(找不到)my pen. B: Is this your pen, Su Hai? A: No, it isnt. Its black. My pen is white. B: Is it in your pencil case? A: No, it isnt. B: Is it in your schoolbag? A: No, it isnt. B: Look, its under the desk. Is that your pen? A: Yes, it is. Th

13、ank you, Liu Tao. B: Youre welcome. Oh! Its five oclock. Its time for home. Goodbye. A: Goodbye.( )1. Liu Tao cant find his pen.( )2. Su Hais pen is white.( )3. Su Hais pen is in the schoolbag.( )4. Su Hais pen is under the desk.( )5. Its four oclock in the afternoon. 学校 班级 姓名 学号 . 密 封 线 内 请 不 要 答 题

14、 20142015学年度三年级第二学期期末调研英语听力内容一听录音,选出所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10分)1. bag 2. she 3. pencil 4. ducks5. those 6. 11:00 7. where 8. you 9. Hes my uncle. 10. Whos that woman?二根据所听内容顺序,给下列图片排序。(听两遍)(12分)1. - Is this your bag? 2. -Are these chickens? -No, it isnt. -No ,theyre pigs.3.-Its time for school. 4. - Whos she?

15、-Bye ,Mum! -. Shes my aunt 5.-Are these apples? -Yes ,theyre apples. 三判断所听内容与图片是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”(听两遍)(6分)1. Its time for dinner. 2. Wake up, Liu Tao.3. Open the book, please. 4. We are twins.5. The bird is under the desk. 6. Don t shout!四听录音,选择相应的汉语意思。(5分)1. What are these? 2.It isn t my rubber. 3

16、. Its time for lunch. 4. He s my uncle. 5. Its over there. 五根据你所听到的问题,选择正确的应答句。(听两遍)(12分)1.Whats that? 2.Wheres the parrot? 3.Would you like a cake? 4.Whats time? 5. Dont talk here. 六根据所听对话内容,补全句子。(听三遍)(5分)1. Is this your pencil? Yes,it is.2. Whats that? Its a pear .3. Please dont sleep in class.4. Whats the time ? Its three oclock.5. _Are_ these ducks? No. they are pigs.


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