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1、八下Unit 1 Past and present Title:Welcome to the unitPeriod: 1Type: NewTime: Class: Class_ Grade 8Teacher: _Teaching aims:Learn some expressions on transport at different times and arouse the Ss interest in learning this unit.Teaching procedures:Teaching Aims:Step 1 Presentation Present some pictures

2、and lead in the topic of this unit.Step 2 Listen and answerListen to the conversation between Eddie and Hobo and answer the following questions:1. Where was Hobos food an hour ago?2. Who has just eaten Hobos food? 3. What does Hobo think of Eddie?Step 3 Read and actRead and act the conversation.Step

3、 4 ExplanationExplain the language points in the conversation:1. Have you seen my food? 解析:此句用的是现在完成时的一般疑问句。现在完成时由“have/has + 动词过去分词形式”构成。现在完成时态主要在以下两种情形下使用:(1)表示过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态;(2)表示过去已完成对现在有一定影响的动作。否定形式为:主语 + havent /hasnt + 过去分词疑问形式:Have/ Has + 主语 + 过去分词 ?肯、否定回答:Yes, 代词 + have/has. No, 代词 + have

4、nt/ hasnt.e.g. Ive just eaten it. 我刚吃了它。 Youve changed. 你变了。 She has lived here for ten years. 她在这住10年了。 Have you finished your homework? 你完成家庭作业了吗? No, I havent. 不,没有完成。 havent = have not hasnt = has not Ive = I have Youve = You have2. 本课中出现的过去分词有:see saw seen eat ate eaten change changed changed3.

5、 You used to share food with me!解析:used to do sth. 过去(经常)做某事(现在已经不做了)。e.g. He used to do exercise in the park every morning, but now he stops because of the awful air. 他过去每天早晨在公园锻炼,但现在因为空气质量差而停止了。Step 5 Pair workTalk about the ways of going to school in pairs like this:A: How do you usually go to sc

6、hool?B: A: How did your parents go to school when they were students?B: Step 6 Transport at different timesLearn some transport at different times by show the pictures, then complete A on page 7. Step 7 Listen and complete the form.Listen to the conversation between Millie and Dad, then complete the

7、 form.DadMillieGo to school By _.By _.Why or Why not take a bus?There were _ _ people and it took a _ _ to wait.Its _ and _.Step 8 Pair workWork in pairs and take turns to talk about it. Use the conversation as a model.PastPresentgo to schoolon foot, by bike / busby bike / bus/ undergroundgo around

8、the cityby busby bus / taxi / cargo to other citiesby coachby coach / train / planeStep 9 Exercise1. Fill in the blanks.Hobos food _ in the _ an hour ago. But it isnt there now. Why? Eddie has just _ it because he was _. Hobo thinks Eddie has _ and he is not _ now because he _ _ share food with Hobo

9、.2. Translation1) 你看过这部新电影吗? 没看过。 _ you _ this new film? No, _ _. 2) 她过去是一名历史老师。 She _ _ _ a history teacher.3) 他们过去常常步行上学。 They_ _ _ to school _ _. 4) 我们家乡变化很大。 My hometown _ _ a lot.Homework1. Recite the two conversations.2. Remember the new words and phrases by heart.Title:Reading IPeriod: 2Type:

10、 NewTime: Class: Class_ Grade 8Teacher: _Teaching aims:1. Learn some new words on talking about the changes in past and present.2. Practise reading skills by learning the conversation.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision词汇:1. Have you _ (看见) my chocolate? No, I _. 2. She has _ (刚刚) eaten lunch.3. I u

11、sed to take the _ (长途汽车) Nanjing. 4. Where do you work at _ (目前)?Step 2 New words1) Read aloud the new words.2) Complete the B1.Step 3 Warming upEnjoy some pictures about Shanghais past and present, then tell us the changes in your hometown to lead in the changes in Sunshine Town.Step 4 Read and ans

12、wer1. Why does Millie want to know the changes in Sunshine Town? 2. Why does she interview Mr Chen?Step 5 TasksTask 1: Read the conversation between Millie and Mr Chen quickly and silently, write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.Mr. Chen knows little about Sunshine Town. 1) Mr Chen m

13、oved away from his parents when he got married. 2) There is a large shopping mall in Sunshine Town now. 3) The steel factory once put its waste into the Sunshine River. 5) It is easy for Mr Chen to see his old friends now.6) Amazing changes have taken place in Sunshine Town. Task 2: Read aloud the c

14、onversation again. Sandy wants to learn more about the history of Sunshine Town. She is asking Millis some questions. Work in pairs. Complete their conversation.Sandy: Tell me more about your interview with Mr Chen, Millie. Has he lived in Sunshine Town all his life?Millie: Yes. He first lived with

15、his parents in the _ part of town, and then moved to another flat two _ away. Sandy: What was the town like in the past?Millie: There were some small _ and shops. Sandy: What did Mr Chen say about the town centre?Millie: Years ago, there was a _ and a _. Now theres a new park, a new _ and a large _.

16、Sandy: Were there any factories in Sunshine Town?Millie: Yes. There was once a _ near the Sunshine River. Task 3: Millie is going to write about the changes in Sunshine town for her history project. She has made some notes. Help her complete the sentences with the information.l Sunshine Town (1)_ ov

17、er the years.l People now have (2)_ town.l The (3)_ from the steel factory was once a problem. Luckily, the government took action to improve the (4)_. l Old people used to (5)_ together. l Old people sometimes (6)_ because they cannot (7)_ as often as before.l People think it is good to see (8)_. S

18、tep 6 ReadListen to the recording and read the passage following the tape.Homework1. Read aloud the conversation in pairs.2. Find out the difficult sentences and discuss them with your classmates. Title:Reading IIPeriod: 3Type: NewTime: Class: Class_ Grade 8Teacher: _Teaching Aims:1. Learn the langu

19、age points in this conversation.2. Do some exercises about the language points.Step 1 RevisionWork in pairs. Talk about Mr Chen and Sunshine Town with the help of these questions:About Mr Chen:1. Where did he live when he was a child?2. Why did he move to this flat?3. What did he use to do with his

20、old friends?About Sunshine Town:1. What did people in the town have years ago?2. What has part of the town centre turned into?3. What did the steel factory put into the river?4. Do you think Mr Chen lives a better life now?Step 2 Language points:1. Youve changed too. You used to be so kind to me. 短语

21、used to意思是(用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经。如:We used to play cards and Chinese chess together. 过去我们常在一起打牌、下象棋。2. Ive lived here since I was born.主句(用现在完成时)+ since + 从句(一般过去时)。这是现在完成时常用的一种句型结构,如:He _ (teach) English at this school since he _ (come) to China.自从他来到中国就到这所学校教英语。3. When I got married in 1965, my wife an

22、d I moved two blocks away and weve lived in this area since then. Has the town changed a lot over the years?since then 从那时起(一直到现在)over the years 这几年期间这两个时间状语都是现在完成时的特征性时间状语。如:He _ (be) a policeman since then.Over the years, I _ (read) lots of books about animals.be/get married 结婚e.g. How long have y

23、ou been married? 你结婚多久了? We have been married for three years. 我已经结婚有三年了。4. Now the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park.turn/change into 把变成e.g. The cars blocking the exits could turn this place into a death trap. 那些堵住出口的汽车可能使这地方成为死亡陷阱。5. Later the government realized the p

24、roblem and took action to improve the situation.realize vt. 意识到;实现e.g. They have realized the problem. 他们已经意识到这个问题。We must try our best to realize our China dream. 我们必须要尽最大的努力实现我们的中国梦。6. Well, in some ways it is.in some ways 在某种程度上,在某些方面 如:In some ways I agree with you. 在某种程度上我同意你的观点。7. Now I feel a

25、 bit lonely from time to time. from time to time 不时,偶尔如:We have not seen each other for a long time, but we send emails from time to time. 我们已经很久没见面了,但偶尔会通邮件。lonely 孤单的,寂寞的alone 单独,独自 (= by oneself)e.g. The old man lives alone, but he never feels lonely. 那个老人独自一个人生活,但他从不感到孤独。Step 3 DiscussionDoes Mr

26、 Chen live a better life? Why or why not?Step 4 ExercisesMr Chen _ _ in Sunshine Town since he was born. He _ the town very well. He first lived with his parents in the _ part of town. In 1965, he moved two _ away from his parents because he _ _. The town has changed a lot. They only have some small

27、 _ and shops, a post office and a _.Now they have a new park, a new theatre and a _ _ _, too. _ was a serious problem in the past. Now the government has taken action to _ the _. Sunshine Town has turned into a _ _ town. Though it has become _ for Mr Chen to see his old friends as often as before, h

28、e thinks its good to see the _ _ in the town.二、翻译句子:1. 从那以后,她就独自己一人居住。 She _ _ _ _ _.2. 从某种程度上讲,这是项危险的工作。 _ _ _, its a dangerous job.3. 她偶尔听听音乐。 She _ _ music _ _ _ _.4. 目前人类不可能生活在月球上。At _, its _ _ _ _ _ on the moon.Homework1. Try to recite the conversation.2. Preview Grammar.Title:GrammarPeriod: 4T

29、ype: NewTime: Class: Class_ Grade 8Teacher: _Teaching aims:Learn the use of the present perfect tense. Step 1. RevisionAnswer some questions about the conversation between Mr Chen and Millie.Model 1:Has Sunshine Town changed a lot? Yes, it has.Model 2:Have Mr Chen and his wife moved out of the town?

30、 No, they havent.1. Has the government built a new park? 2. Have most of Mr Chens old friends moved away?3. Has it become impossible for them to see each other as often as before?4. Have Mr Chen and his wife decided to move out of the town?Step 2. The present perfect tense1. We use the present perfe

31、ct tense to talk about actions that started in the past and continue to the present.e.g. I have lived here since I was born.She has worked in this factory for nine years.2. We use the present perfect tense to talk about an action that happened in the past and have a connection with the present. e.g.

32、 Eddie has just eaten Hobos food. (Eddie ate the food, and now Hobo has nothing to eat.)I have already seen the film?(I saw the film in the past and now I still remember something about the film.)3. We also use the present perfect tense to talk about how many times an action has happened till now.e.

33、g. I have already read this book many times. Mr Chen has been to the USA twice.4. We make positive statements in the present perfect tense like this:I / You/ We / They have arrived.He / She / It has5. We make negative statements in the present perfect tense like this:I / You/ We / They have not arri

34、ved.He / She / It has6. We ask and answer questions using the present perfect tense like this:HaveI / you/ we / theyarrived?Hashe / she / it Yes,I / you/ we / theyhe / she / it No,I / you/ we / theyhe / she / it 7. We form the past participles of some regular verbs by adding ed, just as what we do t

35、o form the simple past tense of these verbs:Most verbs +edfinish finishedVerbs ending in -e +d change changedVerbs ending in a consonant +y -y +iedcarry carriedShort verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant double the consonant +edstop stopped8. We form the past participle of irregular verbs differentl

36、y. Here are some examples:No changecomecome hurt hurtChange the vowelhold held win wonChange the consonantlendlent build builtChange the vowel(s) and the consonant(s)catch caught keep kept forget forgotten tell toldOthersbe been have had fall fallen fly flowndraw drawn see seenStep 3 A short testWri

37、te the past participles of the verbs below. borrow plan sayhope cry growmake send hitget watch enjoyComplete the sentences below using the present perfect tense. 1 They _ (finish) their homework already.2 John _ never _ (visit) China.3 Mr Li _ (repair) over ten bicycles since Monday. 4 We _ (not see

38、) each other for years.5 My parents _ (not come) back yet.6 Our teacher _ (teach) us a lot about the history of China.Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.Millie: _ you _ (see) any films recently, Sandy?Sandy: No, I havent. What about you?Millie: I _ (see) one las

39、t Saturday. Sandy: Whats it about?Millie: Its about the changes in Beijing over the past century. From this film, I _ (learn) more about Beijings past and present.Sandy: Oh, I think I _ (hear) about the film. Do you plan to see it again?Millie: Yes, Id like to.Step 4 Summary一、现在完成时的构成:1. 现在完成时的肯定句句型

40、: 主语 + have /has +过去分词e. g. He has lived in Beijing for ten years. I have finished my homework.2. 现在完成时的否定句句型: 主语 + have/has+ not+过去分词 e.g. I have not seen the movie yet. He hasnt been to Beijing since then.3. 现在完成时一般疑问句的构成: Have/ Has + 主语+ 过去分词? Yes, 主语+ have/ has. No, 主语+ havent/ hasnt. e.g. Have

41、you finished your homework yet? Yes, I have. / No, I havent. havent =have not hasnt = has not Ive = I have Hes = He has二、用法:以下两种情况应用现在完成时:1. 过去发生的动作或状态一直持续到现在。 He has lived here since he came to Nanjing. 2. 过去完成的动作,但强调这个过去完成的动作对现在有一定的影响或产生某种结果 : I have seen that film already. (I saw it in the past a

42、nd now I can still remember something about the film.) 一般过去时只用来表示过去发生了某事,并不能表明对现在产生了什么影响。e.g. He lost his mobile phone yesterday. 他昨天丢失的手机。(We dont know whether he has found it or not.) He has lost mobile phone already. 他已经把手机丢失了。(He cant use it right now.)三、判断方法:1. 依据用法,结合句意判断。如: 他在这所学校教书有三年了。He ha

43、s taught at this school for 3 years.2. 依据一些副词或时间状语判断。 现在完成时常和already, ever, just, never, recently, yet 等副词,以及since, for 引导的时间状语连用。 Have they arrived yet? already “已经”常用于肯定句中,yet “还,仍然,已经”,常用于否定句和疑问句中。Homework1. Review the summary on present perfect tense.2. Finish the exercises on the workbook.Title:Integrated skil


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