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1、3A Unit 6 Colours 第一课时一、 教学内容:Story time二、 教学目标:1. 知识目标:(1) 能听懂、会说、会读以下日常交际用语:Look at my What colour is ? Its并能熟练运用其与他人的日常交流中。(2) 能听说读写单词orange, green, is, it, red ,和and。2. 技能目标:运用所学交际用语与他人谈论颜色。3. 情感态度目标:有兴趣听英语、说英语;乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与。三、 教学重难点:(1)能听懂、会说、会读以下日常交际用语:Look at my What colour is ? Its并能熟练运用其与他

2、人的日常交流中。(2)能听说读写单词orange, green, is, it, red ,和and。四、教学准备:卡片,课件。五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm upGreetingsHi/ Hello. Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls.Free talk师生间用所学的日常交际用语自由交谈。T: Look at my jacket/ skirt/ T-shirt/ cap.S: Its nice. / How nice! / Great. / Its great.T: What colour is it? / What colour is t

3、he?S: Its red. (红色,在上一单元已学过。)这时,教师指着不同颜色的衣服问学生Red? Red?. 学生摇头,“ No. ”T: They re different colours. “Colours” is our topic today.揭示课题: Unit 6 ColoursStep 2 Presentation and practice学习 red and yellow My skirt is red. Im wearing red today. 跟读单词red, 开火车读单词。拼读记忆单词 R-E-D, red。Who is wearing red today? 穿红色

4、衣服的同学齐读单词。教师在课件上展现一条黄色的短裙问: What colour is her skirt? Red? 借此问句,引出新词yellow。教师出示单词 yellow, 学生跟读录音。分组朗读单词yellow。 Who is wearing yellow today? 穿着黄色衣服的同学齐读单词。过渡:Her skirt is yellow. Look at Yang Lings skirt. What colour is it?学习Story time初听课文录音,思考下列问题:What colour is YangLings skirt at the beginning? (在开

5、始)What colour is YangLings skirt then?(然后) What colour is YangLings skirt at last? (最后)指名学生回答问题。Q1 S: Its orange. (2)学习单词orange。 跟读录音,齐读,分男女读单词orange。拼读记忆单词O-R-A-N-G-E, orange。(3)Look and say 学生看图片,模仿第一幅图说一说。Q2 S: Its green.(4) 学习单词green。跟读录音,齐读,开火车读单词green。拼读记忆单词G-R-E-E-N, green。Q3 S: Its red and y

6、ellow. (红黄相间)A色+B色 AB相间练习:课件出示红绿相间 red and green拼读记忆单词A-N-D, and。学生逐句跟录音读课文。指导学生朗读句子:What colour is my? Its师生、生生根据所学的四种颜色及衣物进行简单的问答练习。Step 3 Consolidation小组内分角色朗读对话。指名同学上台表演。(注意模仿语音语调)Work in pairs学生分成四组,每组选择一幅图片利用句型What colour is my ? Its 编对话,然后选代表上台表演。比一比看哪组表演得最好。Step 4 Summary1.当你想询问某物品的颜色时,可以如何问?回答呢?2.我们今天学习了哪些颜色类的英语单词?Step 5 Homework 1 Read the dialogue after class.2 Find the things : red green yellow orange六、板书设计Unit 6 ColoursWhat colour is my? red 红色卡纸Its yellow 黄色卡纸 orange 橙色卡纸 green 绿色卡纸


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