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1、五年级英语上册单词拼写天天练习题湘少版班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据首字母提示填空。Welcome(欢迎) to our school. Let m_show you a_. There are many c_on the first floor. They are very bright(明亮的) and b_. We study in these classrooms. We are happy every day. There is a_art room on the f_floor. We have art l_in it. Theres a computer room, t_. The

2、re are many c_in it. On the t_floor, theres a l_. We can read books in it.2. 根据句意提示,写出单词的正确形式。(首字母已给出)(1)Mymotheroftentellsmesomes_.Theyareveryfunny.(2)Ihavenothingtodonow.Imb_.Canyouplaygameswithme?(3)TonyandDickaregoodstudentsatschool.Theys_hard.(4)Ourschoolhasabigp_.Welikeplayingfootballonit.(5)W

3、_skirtisit?ItsLinglings.3. 按要求写单词。1twelfth(简写形式)2twenty-third(基数词)3thirty-one(简写形式)4twenty-two(序数词)5twenty(序数词)4. 请根据上下文的意思补充单词,注意单词的正确形式。(答案不唯一)1. She collects p_.2.What do we need in the party?I can bring s_and p_.3.What are these?Theyre s_.4. I sometimes dream about my f_.5. I get up at a qu_to s

4、even.6. My father is a f_. My mother is an e_.7. There are s_b_and rings on my table.5. 根据句意和单词首字母提示,完成单词。(1)Today I won(赢了)a chess game. Now I feel h_.(2)Yesterday I lost(丢了)my pen. I am s_.(3)I want to eat something. I feel h_.(4)I helped my mother tidy(打扫)the room. I am t_.6. 根据图片写单词。(1)_ (2)_(3)

5、_ (4)_(5)_ (6)_7. 按要求写单词。1. room(复数)_ 2. find(过去式)_3. Im(完全形式)_ 4.hide(现在分词)_5. is(否定形式)_ 6.hide-and-seek(中文)_8. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Watermelon is(I) favorite fruit.2. I dont like(orange). Theyre sour(酸).3. Usually we have some(eggplant) and bread forlunch on Tuesdays.4. The hamburger _(be) nice. Its my

6、 favorite.9. 按要求写单词。1. find(过去式)_ 2. on the school bus(中文)_3. lose(过去式)_ 4. it(物主代词)_5. my(复数)_10. 讲单词重新排序,组合成新单词,并写出中文含义。(1)a o n l g_ _(2)f f t r a c i _ _(3)i g r t h _ _(4)l r i b a r y_ _(5)s h i o p t l a _ _11. 补全下列单词。(1)excise(锻炼) (2):ftastic(极好的)(3)playgrnd(操场) (4)befe(以前)(5)sp(跳绳) (6)coff(

7、咖啡)(7)t(茶) (8)bl (铃)12. 按要求写出下列各词。1.stand(过去式)_ 2.use(形容词)_3.man(复数)_ 4.there(对应词)_5.cannot(缩写形式)_13. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1There _ (be) white _ (cloud) in the sky.2They _ (be) my holiday _ (picture).3_ (be) there a _ (lake) near here?14. 连词成句。(1) is , her , Lucy , name . _.(2) you , live , do , where ._.(3)

8、at , I , 56 , road , Wuhan , live ._.(4)is , be , let , friends _.(5) want , see, he , to , her ._.(6) car , one , comes _.15. 写出单词。1. Your cousin usually _(finish) his homework before dinner.2. Kitty, the cat is _(sleep) under the chair.3. He _(get) up late and didnt need to go to school.4. My father _( know) me well.5. He does well at school,and he a_ does well at home.3 / 3


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