Allen Iverson(艾弗森)英文ppt介绍 完美版.ppt

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1、Nothing But AI,319,3,Contents,Personal introduction 人物介绍,2,1,4,5,Ais say 经典名言,Growth experience 成长经历,Classic moments 经典时刻,Achievementd Title 个人成就,Name: Allen Iverson Nickname: The answer osition: G Born: 06/07/75 Height: 6-0 / 1,83 Weight: 165 lbs. / 74,8 kg. College: Georgetown 98,名字:阿伦艾弗森 绰号:答案 位置

2、:后卫 生日:6/07/75 高度:1.83M 体重:74.8kg 毕业学校:乔治城大学(Georgetown)98年毕业,Personal introduction 人物介绍,Allen Iverson ,the famous American NBA basketball player, has repeatedly named NBA All-Star team, former captain of USA Basketball Dream Team. Standing height of 40.5 inches of net bounce, bounce height is the n

3、et run-up to 45 inches (ie 114cm or so). June 26, 1996 Philadelphia 76ers were chosen to be the shortest in the history of NBA draft pick, nicknamed The Answer (阿伦艾弗森(Allen Iverson),美国NBA著名篮球运动员,曾多次入选NBA全明星阵容,曾任美国男篮梦之队队长。原地净弹跳高度达到40.5英吋,助跑净弹跳高度更是达到了45英吋(即114cm左右)。1996年6月26日被费城76人队选中,成为NBA历史上最矮的状元秀,绰

4、号“答案(The Answer)”。),Allen Iverson first round in 1996, the first overall by the Philadelphia 76 candidates, he was court wizard to start and lightning fast break points rule the roost in the NBA, called the fastest player in the league. Badly bruised but his indomitable will wounding charge forward,

5、 quickly gained worldwide NBA fans. Iverson led the 76ers into the NBA Finals once, career harvest numerous honors, including Rookie of the regular season most valuable player, scoring the regular season, All-Star player, and he was the shortest in league history the MVP. 阿伦艾弗森于1996年首轮第一顺位被费城76人选中,他

6、是球场精灵,以闪电般的启动和快速突破得分称雄于NBA,堪称全联盟最快的球员。他浑身是伤但以顽强的意志带伤冲锋陷阵,迅速得到了全世界NBA球迷的喜爱。艾弗森带领76人队曾经打入NBA总决赛,职业生涯收获荣誉无数,包括最佳新秀、常规赛最有价值球员、常规赛得分王、全明星球员等等,他还是联盟历史上最矮的MVP。,Achievementd Title 个人成就 Named the 2000-01 NBA Most Valuable Player, leading the league in scoring (31.1 ppg) and steals (2.51 spg) 荣获2000-01赛季NBA“最

7、有价值球员称号”,平均每场得分31.1,抢断2.51次,均列全联盟第1位 Most Valuable Player of the 2001 All-Star Game 参加2001年NBA“全明星大赛”,荣获“最有价值球员”称号 Three times selected All-NBA Second Team (2000, 2002, 2003) 3次入选NBA“第二阵容” (2000, 2002, 2003), Two time first team All-NBA Team (1999, 2001) 2次参加“全明星大赛”,并且首发出场 Named the 1996-97 Schick N

8、BA Rookie of the Year, becoming the first 76ers player to ever win the award 获得1996-97赛季NBA“最佳新秀”称号,成为76人队首位获此殊荣的球员 Set the Sixers all-time rookie record with 1,787 points 作为新秀,赛季得分1787分,创NBA最高记录 Scored 40 points in five straight games in April 1997 to set an NBA rookie record 1997年4月,连续5场比赛得分超过40分,

9、创NBA新秀最高纪录, Named MVP of the Schick Rookie Game during the 1997 NBA All-Star Weekend, posting 19 points and a game-high 9 assists 参加1997年全明星周末“新秀大赛”,得到19分,9次助攻;获得“最有价值球员”称号 Named NBA Rookie of the Month for November, 1997, leading all rookies in scoring (21.8 ppg), assists (6.4 apg) and steals (2.67

10、 spg) 获得“本月最佳球员”称号(1996年11月),平均得分21.8,助攻6.4,抢断2.67,均列新秀第1位,Im far from a hater. You got talent, I love you. 我根本不是一个会憎恨妒忌的人。你有才能,我就喜爱你。 I play every game as if it is my last 我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场。 No matter what , just do not give up .Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for wh

11、at you want to achieve 无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力地为它奋斗。 I do not know what a pure point guard is , I just play the game & do whatever is necessary to win even it means I have to be selfish 我不知道一个控球后卫是怎样的,我只知道要全力争取胜利,就算必须做得自私。,Ais say 经典名言,They can not break me . The only way to break me is to kill

12、 me,And everything that does not kill me makes me stronger 他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我更坚强! I do not to respect and fear anyone! 我不用尊重和害怕任何人! Who can stop me is me! 只有我自己才能使自己停下来! I always think I could miss 20 shots and believe that the 21st is going in,I just keep fighting. 我总是觉得我会投失前20投,并且相信那第21

13、球一定会进!我只是不停奋斗。,Ive learned to play when Im struggling,I think thats what being a professional and growing up is all about. You realize youre not going to play well every night. You keep fighting and something good will happen. 在奋斗过程中,我学会了怎样打球。我想那就是作为职业球员的全部。你明白了你不可能每晚都打得很好,但你不停的奋斗会有好事到来的。 Only The S

14、trong Survive. 强者生存。(艾弗森纹身) Im what i am 我就是我,No one can copy the legendary Allen Iverson How the black slums in the United States, but the difference is that Iverson family worse than anyone else, almost led a life of hell, and sometimes do not have enough to eat no food, live in dilapidated areas,

15、 in his living near the clots of blood and the pinhole can be found at any time at night you can hear the gang at the Rush. Iverson, however, is in such an environment they grew up. 无人可复制艾弗森的传奇 在美国贫民窟有多黑人,但是不同的是艾弗森的家庭比任何人都差,几乎过着地狱般的生活,吃不饱有时候甚至没有没有吃的,住的地方破烂不堪,在他住的附近随时可以找到血衣和针孔,晚上可以听到黑帮在火拼。然而艾弗森就是在这样的

16、环境下成长的。,Growth experience 成长经历,His mother told him to play basketball, but Iversons favorite is football, for future survival, Iverson he took to basketball! Iverson is the NBAs shortest in the history of Mandarin! Thus a red star in the entire United States up! Countless young people began to imita

17、te Iverson to play, countless young people to become fans of Allen Iverson! Iverson came in the League before everyone suits and ties to emulate Michael Jordan, but Iverson came to Union, hip-hop clothing has been the majority of players of all ages, a time of countless imitators, so that NBA had to

18、 enact dress to make. 他妈妈告诉他要打篮球,可是艾弗森最喜欢的是橄榄球,为了以后的生存问题,艾弗森毅然选择了篮球!艾弗森是NBA史上最矮的状元!就这样一个巨星在整个美国红起来!无数青少年开始模仿艾弗森打球,无数青少年成为艾弗森的球迷!在艾弗森来到联盟之前人人都西装革履地模仿乔丹,但是在艾弗森来到联盟之后,嘻哈服饰却得到了广大球员的青睐,一时间效仿者无数,以至于NBA不得不颁布“着装令”。,Iverson said that I did not want to be Jordan, I do not want to become a magician, I do not w

19、ant to become a Bird, I do not want to be anyone of them, when my career is over, I want to see in the mirror and say I do arrived, I was that Allen Iverson. 艾弗森说我不想成为乔丹,我不想成为魔术师,我不想成为伯德,我不想成为他们中的任何人,当我的生涯结束了,我想要看到镜中的自己然后说我做到了,我还是那个阿伦艾弗森。,On June 26, 1996, was 76ers elected kwame brown,On June 26, 1

20、996, was 76ers elected kwame brown,On June 26, 1996, was 76ers elected kwame brown,On November 2, 1996, in the NBA debut 1996年11月2日,在NBA赛场上的处子秀,On June 26, 1996, was 76ers elected kwame brown 1996年6月26日,被76人队选为状元,Classic moments 经典时刻,The first face Jordan, fearless 第一次面对乔丹,毫无惧色,Pressure winning the

21、MVP kobe Bryant, rookie. February 8, 1997, obtain rookie MVP“ 力压科比,荣膺新秀赛MVP 1997年2月8日,获得新秀赛MVP,11 February 2001, all-star game MVP 2001年2月11日,全明星赛MVP,Transfer the nuggets,intentional daggers but no turning back 转会掘金,有心杀敌却无力回天,The combination of in automobile, wrong。 November 6, 2008, and transfer the piston 落户汽车城,错误的结合 2008年11月6日,转会活塞,2009 April 4, this summer season completely reimbursement, as a free agent 2009年4月4日,本赛季彻底报销,成为自由球员,Crossover,谢谢观赏,


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