Unit3lookingGoodFeelingGood (2).doc

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1、Unit 3 looking Good Feeling Good单词拼写1 Woo ,you look even s_ in this dress .2 After having this piils , she is really losing w_3 Different countries have different social s_.4 The doctors are going to perform an o_ on him 5 We must deal with the matter p_ or it will hurt her .6 Now that I am fatter ,

2、 my doctors have advised me to go on d_.7 They will feel e_ if you go to their house too early .8 She is a_ indeed .but she is cold inside 9 Reading in the sun does great h_ to your eyes 10. Hearing the sad news , the mother couldnt c_ herself11. We should have formed the habit of taking exercises r

3、_12. The l_ of his job worried him .13. They made so loud noises that I cant c_ on my study in the classroom 14. After taking a bath ,you will feel much r_ and easy to go to sleep .15. Follow the doctors s_.and you will soon recover from your cold .16. In fact , a large a_ of money has been spent on

4、 the project.17.She takes exercise every morning to keep her slim f_.18.Success came to her after many f_.19.The room was small and c_ too much furniture(家具).20.You must tell me _(确切) what you would like to do.21.All the men were under heavy _(压力), working day and night.22.This group of chemicals is

5、 known to be h_ to peoples health.23.She ought to be a_ of herself for talking to her mother like that.24.Id never met anyone at the party before-they were complete s_.25.She e_ every morning by running, which I think is a good habit.26.I hadnt seen her for 20 years, but I r_ her immediately.27.If y

6、ou are working long distances, you need _ (合适的) shoes.28.He was badly injured in the accident and now the doctors are _(动手术) on him.29.He asked for my a_ on the choice of a new car.30.I was really _(尴尬) when I spilled the cup of tea on my teacher.31.A wolf in a sheeps s_ is our most dangerous enemy.

7、32. My s_ is that we put off the meeting until next week .32. Smoking is harmful , which will d_ your health 33. Dont tell your personal information to s_.翻译句子。李冬将自己一半以上的肝脏捐给了我,拯救了我的生命。我目前正在努力减肥,因为我的体型让我感到很羞愧。在过去的两个星期内,我减了有7公斤。我妈妈始终告诫我不要服用这种药片,因为减肥药对身体有害那些药片里含有某种有害的化学物质,导致了我肝脏衰竭不要为了苗条,动人的身材毁了自己的健康,那样做是不值得的我很吃惊,在中国竟然有人和你的肝脏完全匹配。没有什么比健康更重要。当他躺在医院的时候,他很后悔没有听从妈妈的劝告。当你踏入社会的时候, 知道如何与人相处是很重要的。美国的孩子在16 岁的时候就可以准备参加驾驶考试了,是吗?战争导致了油价的上涨


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