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1、新标准英语三年级第二学期期末模拟试卷学校: 姓名: 班级: 得分:听力部分(60分)一、听音,圈出你所听到的字母或单词。(10分)1、 b d 2、 e i 3、 g j 4、 like lake 5、big bag 二、听音,在听到的图片下打“”(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听音,选择你所听到的句子。(10分)( ) 1、A、I like morning exercises. B、I dont like morning exercises.( ) 2、A、Its hot and sunny today. B、Its cool and windy

2、 today.( ) 3、A、Pass me the rice,please. B、Pass me the fish,please.( ) 4、A、The cat is under the tree. B、The cat is behind the tree.( ) 5、A、She goes to school on Tuesdays. B、He goes to work on Tuesdays.四、听音,排序(15分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、听音,连线(15分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 笔试部分(40分)一、将字母相应的大小写用线连起来。(10分)E G A R O

3、r e g o a二、把问句和合适的答语用线连起来。(10分)Does she go to school on Mondays? Yes, I do. Whats your favourite song? Its on the desk. Do you like noodles? They are lions. What are they? Its the ABC song. Where is the book? Yes, she does. 三、将韵句中食物的单词圈出来,并在单词旁边写出其中文意思。(答对5个满分 共10分)I like meat.I like rice. I like no

4、odles.Do you like them too?I like fish.I like milk. I like noodles.Do you like them too?I like apples.I like pears. I like bananas.Do you like them too?四、用手写体仿写下列字母或单词。(10分)like eat snow Cc Hh bed coat warm Jj Ff听力材料及答案一、听音,圈出你所听到的字母或单词。(10分)1、 b 2、 i 3、 g 4、 like 5、big 二、听音,在听到的图片下打“”(10分)1、I like

5、meat.2、He plays football on Mondays.3、They are lions. 4、Do you like swim?5、Its an elephant. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听音,选择你所听到的句子。(10分)( A ) 1、A、I like morning exercises. B、I dont like morning exercises.( A ) 2、A、Its hot and sunny today. B、Its cool and windy today.( B ) 3、A、Pass me the rice,

6、please. B、Pass me the fish,please.( B ) 4、A、The cat is under the tree. B、The cat is behind the tree.( A ) 5、A、She goes to school on Tuesdays. B、He goes to work on Tuesdays.四、听音,排序(15分)1、fly a kite 2、watch TV 3、 go swimming 4、 ride a bike 5、 play football ( 4 ) ( 3 ) ( 1 ) ( 5 ) ( 2 )五、听音,连线(15分)1、Im Tom. I like noodles.2、Hello,Im Ms Smart. I like rice.3、My name is Amy. I like meat.4、Does Lingling like milk? Yes, she does.5、Sam doesns like noodles.He likes fish.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - 8 -


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