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1、 外研社八年级英语教学案例 Module 9 Animals in danger Unit 1 We need to protect animals. 教者:桂林灵川县大圩中学 王行英 一、教材分析 本节课重点是能够听懂谈论动物的对话以及谈论濒危动物的情况和动物保护。其中牵扯到了动词不定式的用法。因此在教学时采取情景教学,多媒体辅助,以及微观法降低知识点的难度。教学之前在网上百度搜索动物的相关教学材料,确定教学的重难点以及课堂教学形式和方法。然后根据课堂教学需要,利用百度搜索CCTV10关于保护动物的公益广告视频和濒危动物的图片,在课堂上放给学生观看,引起学生的兴趣,增强环保意识,提高保护动物

2、,保护环境的重要性。并用动物图片做成FLASH课件给同学们演示,给了学生视觉上的直观感受。 二、教学目标 1.知识目标:能够正确使用下列单词和词组:danger, protect, orange, cousin, brown, mad, surprising, kill, hard, away, dirty, awful, peace, rare, example, nature, surprised, find out, without drinking, be excited, animals in danger, stop the killing, take away, in peace

3、, decide to do , on earth. 2.能力目标:能够听懂谈论动物的对话,获取对话主要信息。能够谈论濒危动物的情况和动物保护。 3. 情感目标:让学生增强保护环境和进行环保宣传的责任感。 三、教学重点与难点教学重点与难点:有关濒危动物的听说训练。 四、教学方法:情景教学法、多媒体辅助教学法 五、教具准备 教学CAI课件、多媒体和电子白板、录音机、光碟 六、教学过程(一)、情景导入1.T: Do you like animals? What kind of animals do you like? As we know, many animals are in danger.

4、So lets have a look at an advertisement. 通过百度搜索CCTV10关于保护动物的公益广告视频, 引起学生的兴趣,增强环保意识,提高保护动物,保护环境的重要性。分别点出camel, lion, snake, bear, whale, elephant, and tiger.Show the pictures of the animals in danger. Read the words fluently.(二)、小听力。Listen and answer the questions.1. Which animals are they talking ab

5、out?2. Which animals are in danger?(三)、听后说。点出所有这些濒危动物的图片,练习这两个句式。(四)、听力。1. 处理生词。用幻灯片出示单词,带学生朗读。2. 学生听录音两遍后,选择正确答案。1) What is the conversation about?A. About animals in danger B. About big animals C. About living animals2)Has sally ever seen the pandas before?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. N

6、o, she hasnt.3) Why do some people kill whales or elephants?A. For their skin. B. For their meat. C. For money.4) What happens when the villages and farms grow bigger?A. Many animals have no place to live in.B. The animals can live in peace. C. The animals can drink well. 5) Who has made the water t

7、oo dirty to drink?A. Humans B. Animals C. The plants(五)、做阅读理解activity 5(自主完成),同时找出不懂之处(组内合作学习),组间释疑,教师适时点拨。Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words and expressions in the box.kill in danger peace protect reserve 1) When people too many animals, they become rare.2) Elephants and whal

8、es are examples of animals .3) Nature are forests or large parks where animals can live in peace.4) We can animals in danger if we give them somewhere safe to live.5) We need to give animals fresh water and somewhere to live. This will help them live in .(六)、重难点探究突破,学生自主补充(先自主后合作,让学生讲解,释疑,点评)找出文章中含有

9、动词不定式的句子,并指出在句中作什么成分。1. We need to protect animals.(宾语)2. I was so excited to see the pandas.(状语)3. Its sad to think about all those animals in danger.(主语)4. Its hard to stop the killing . (主语)5. We need to help animals live in peace. (宾语)6. Many people decide not to think about it. (宾语)7. Lets find

10、 out what we can do to save them.(状语)(七)、归纳短语。1. be excited to do 2. Wolong Panda Reserve 2. animals in danger 4. stop the killing 5. take away 6. make it dirty7. decide to do 8. on earth9. find out 10. somewhere safe(八)、对话、短语、句子的处理。1. 跟读对话。2. 疯狂读熟对话。3. 读烂重点短语和句子。(九). 学以致用(work in pairs)。Ask and ans

11、wer the questions. 1. Are you surprised to find out that whales are in danger?2. Why do some animals have no place to live in ?3. Do you think it is right to kill animals for their meat?4. Do most people want to help animals in danger?5. Would you like to find out more about animals in danger?(十)、当堂

12、检测。将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。1. 我们应该保护动物。2. 想到那么多动物濒临灭绝令人难过。3. 停止杀戮很难。4. 我们正在剥夺他们的土地和森林。5. 我们有必要帮助他们平安生活。七、教学反思我对情景教学、多媒体辅助教学法有了更深的理解。设计听力、情景对话让我有了很深的体会。1. 教学方法 为了能够听懂谈论动物的对话, 获取对话主要信息和谈论濒危动物的情况和动物保护,增强保护环境和进行环保宣传的责任感,我先引用百度视频的公益广告,使学生认识到保护环境的重要性。加强听力练习,再进行重难点探究,反复跟读、朗读之后达到学以致用的目的。2.教学任务 本课教学内容是学生感兴趣的动物保护的主题,富有趣味性,公益广告的视频和濒危动物的图片引起学生的兴趣,增强环保意识,提高保护动物,保护环境的重要性。任务活动充分调动了学生的积极性。学生大多数都能积极地运用所学的语言完成本课任务。 总的来说,本节课重难点突出,时间安排得当,内容充实,操练充分,课堂教学任务能顺利完成,课件美观,教学效果好。如果课件再添加一些动画效果,会更好。如何提高学生之间的操练效果,有待进一步研究学习。


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