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1、Module 9 单 元 分 析教 学 目 标 分 析语言知识目标功能谈论感受。语法全体学生能运用:Are you sad? She was very happy.词汇1全体学生能理解:nothing, think, drank2全体学生能运用:think, drank语音进一步感知语句重音。语言技能目标听全体学生能听懂: Are you sad? She was very happy.说全体学生能说: Are you sad? She was very happy.读全体学生能朗读课文,阅读相关短文写全体学生能拼写自选词汇运用全体学生能运用形容词等谈论感受学习策略在词语与相应事物之间联想文化

2、意识了解并关注中国传统文化,比较中外文化的异同情感态度关心并体察他人感受,别人遇到困难时能主动提供帮助任 务Unit 1:调查同学的感受。Unit 2:参加全班双簧表演。教 学 内 容 分 析 1. 本模块的主要话题是谈论感受。 2. Unit1 的课文情境是Lingling表情严肃地坐在房间里,Amy问Lingling怎么了,问她是否难过,Lingling说不是。Amy 又问Lingling是不是生气了,Lingling说不是。Amy 问Lingling是不是感到无聊,愿不愿意玩洋娃娃,Lingling说她并不觉得闷。Amy 问Lingling到底怎么了,Lingling说她在思考问题。Am

3、y问Lingling在想什么,Lingling说这是一个密码。好奇的Amy央求Lingling告诉她。Lingling说她在想送给Amy一个神秘的圣诞礼物。Amy说现在她知道了,礼物就不神秘了,不过她还是感谢Lingling的好意。 3. Unit2 的课文情境是描述Zara昨天的经历。昨天下雨,所以Zara不能出去玩。她很难过,只好在家帮妈妈做蛋糕。做好后,Zara肚子饿了,就和妈妈一起分享蛋糕。雨停后,Zara和伙伴出去玩,她很开心。 4. 本模块的语言学习是运用形容词谈论感受,语言难度不大,但涉及的词汇比较多,建议教师帮助学生对表达感受的词汇进行总结。 5. 本模块Unit1的任务是调查

4、同学的感受,Unit2的任务是表演双簧。课题Unit 1 Are you sad?. (新授课)教学目标知识技能目标知识目标:词汇 : 四会单词happy,bored, sad, angry, nothing 三会单词present, Christmas,matter, chess, thinking, secret 句型 : Are you ? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Whats the matter? Nothing.能力目标 :能够询问并表述某人(包括自己)的情绪情感目标培养学生关心帮助家人朋友和身边人的品质,以及积极乐观的生活态度。教学重点Whats the ma

5、tter? Are you? 以及回答Yes, I am. No, Im not. 词语学习目标是学习happy sad bored angry 等表示情绪的形容词难点Whats the matter? Are you? 以及回答Yes, I am. No, Im not. 词语学习目标是学习happy sad bored angry 等表示情绪的形容词课前准备点读机,多媒体课件、单词卡片第一课时 总第1课时教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revisionSing a song “ If you are happy.”T:Imvery

6、happy.(PPTshowshappy) a.Readthewordhappyandwriteitonblackboard. b.Tdrawsmilefaceonblackboard. ( 教师和学生一起做动作 )通过【百度搜索】歌曲视频:http:/ 一词的反复出现为新课导入做准备Step2Presentation.1.整体感知课文。PPTshowstwopresents.T:Nowyoullbeveryhappy.Look,theresapresent!Herearetwopresentsforyou.Youcanopenit,No.1orNo.2?Whocantry?1,2,3,sur

7、prise!T:Letswatchandfind: (1)IsLinglingsad?(2)Isshebored? (3)Issheangry?2.带着问题自己读课文:Lingling is not sad,not bored,not angry,soWhats the matter with her?学生回答:Nothing.Shes thinking.WhatsLinglingthinkingabout? SheisgoingtomakeAmyasurprisepresentforChristmas.T: We cannot always be happy. 3. When our fav

8、ourite pets die, maybe were sad. 幻灯片出示表情图标及单词sad Textlearning 1.Watchthevideo. T:WhatsthematterwithLingling?Letswatchandanswerthreequestions. a.IsLinglingsad?b.IsLinglingangry?c.IsLinglingbored? 2.Watchagainandanswer:WhatsthematterwithLingling? Ss:Nothing.Sheisthinking. SheisgoingtomakeAmyasurprisep

9、resentforChristmas. 3.Listenandrepeat.幻灯片出示表情图标及单词angryWhen it rains , we cannot go out to play, maybe we are bored. 幻灯片出示表情图标及单词 bored 单词卡学习 bored 4. When we are sad, angry, and bored , we need a friend to help us to be happy.Try to help and care for each other. To be happy everyday. Lets see who i

10、s the best friendOur friend Lingling seems to be not happy. Lets see what Lingling feels today. 通过描述三种生活情景,引出本课三个表述情绪的重点形容词,让学生在每一个小情景中理解单词,体会单词含义。并就此引出本课的思想主题:关心帮助他人,开心快乐每一天!提出本课的任务:关心并帮助他人转变不良情绪,看看谁做的最棒!首先先关心一下玲玲,因为她今天好像不太高兴,由此导入课文学习。Step 3Drills A guseeing game : 两人一组,一人在手心写一个和情绪有关的形容词,另一人通过询问Are

11、 you sad / angry / bored / happy ? 来猜测老师先做示范 / 两人一组游戏 / 找几位学生展示游戏Enjoyapoem.(1)Treadapoem.(2)Writeapoem. a.Twriteitforexample. b.Sswritethepoemingroups.(3)Showtime:Readingroups.板书设计Module 9Unit 1 Are you sad?.Whats the matter?Are you sad/angry/bored?No,Im not.作业设计Read the words and the text.第二课时 总第2

12、课时教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revision1. Free talk教师和学生打招呼问好。T: Hello, boys and girls. Im your new teacher, Im Miss Rao.T: How are you today? Lets play a game :make faces.2.T: I say the words , you make faces as quickly as you can.T:Very good!Who wants to come here. This time you s

13、ay the words, they make faces. Lets see who is the best actor.通过和学生打招呼问好,使学生快速进入英语课堂并轻松引入本文。巩固操练感受单词,通过小游戏来激发孩子们的兴趣,为学习新课文做好铺垫Step2Presentation.Learn the textHave the students watch the CD-Rom and find the answer: Whats the matter with her?T:First, look at this girl. Her name is Zara. Yesterday, it

14、was raining. And whats the matter with her? Lets watch the CD-Rom and find the answer.Students watch CD-Rom and answer the question.T presents the answer on the blackboard or on ppt.Weather Activities Feelingsrainingcouldnt go out sad1.幻灯片出示Lingling 图片,让学生通过人机对话的方式询问Lingling Ss: Are you sad ? Are yo

15、u angry ? Are you bored ? 回答都为否定T: Whats the matter with Lingling ? 学生听课文回答问题 :Nothing. Im thinking.单词卡学习 nothing . 引导学生理解单词Whats in my left hand ? A chalk. Whats in my right hand?Nothing.2. 继续提出课文理解问题:Whats Lingling thinking about ? 听判断正误a. She is going to make a cake for Amy Fb. Its a secret. T c.

16、 She is going to make Amy a present for New Year. F d. She is going to make Amy a surprise present for Christmas T 单词卡学习 secret surprise . 引导学生理解单词:Do you have a secret ? Can you tell me ? Everyone has a secret. If you make a birthday present for your mother. But she doesnt know . So the present is

17、a surprise. Have you got a surprise present ?3. 再听课文圈出和情绪有关的形容词 ,将找出的形容词板书 让学生联想其他和情绪有关的形容词,并板书 游戏(表情变变变)操练板书的形容词:Game 1: Listen to the words and make faces ( 听单词做表情)Game 2: Look at the faces and speak out the words(看表情说单词) 4. 听并跟读课文 5. 两人一组,读课文,然后展示 ,展示方式: 朗读或表演Oneactandotherstudentsaskwithsentence

18、singroups.(1)Tandastudentactandaskforexample.A:Hello.Whatsthematter?Areyou?B:Yes,Iam./No,Imnot.(2)Actandaskingroups. (3)Showtime. (4)Openthepresentboxagain,andgetthepresent. T:Areyouhappy?Ss:Yes,Iam.具体表演过程 6. Lets chant: Sad, sad , are you sad ?No, No , Im not sad.Bored , bored , are you bored?No, N

19、o, Im not bored.Angry, angry, are you angry ?No, No, Im not angry.Matter , matter , Whats the matter ?Nothing , nothing , I am thinking.首先通过人机对话的方式来询问玲玲今天的情绪,这样的设计有语言的交流感,同时让学生学习如何询问别人的情绪。然后对后半段课文的理解采用提出理解问题,通过判断正误的方式了解玲玲正在想什么。在此期间穿插了对课文中的疑难单词( nothing , secret, surprise)的理解和学习. 在第二轮的听课文期间,让学生圈出表示情绪

20、的形容词,再次提炼本课的重点词汇,并进行了词汇拓展,通过游戏的形式加以巩固和操练。在课文学习之末,又设计了一个学生比较喜欢的说唱,将课文中的重点单词和句型进行了总结和巩固。Step 3Drills 1. Extention task : 假设你的同桌今天不高兴, 关心并帮助他 / 她 快乐起来 两人一组对话练习,看看哪一组表现最棒 先给出示范对话A: Whats the matter ? Are you sad?B: No, Im not . Im angry.A : Why ?B : Because Li Ming broke my new toy.A : Dont be angry. I

21、can fix it .B : Thank you. Im happy now.2. 学生两人一组做对话练习选 4到5组进行全班展示3. 和学生一起分享一段心灵寄语: We cannot always happy .Care and help everyone around you.Help them To be happy everyday !在练习与拓展环节,设计了两个环节。首先是设计了一个猜谜游戏,目的是让学生巩固运用重点单词和句型,掌握如何询问和表述情绪。 然后是一个拓展任务:关心帮助同学转变不良。回扣本课之初提出的任务,学生通过一节课的学习,最后能够运用所学语言知识,通过语言交际来完

22、成任务。体现了本课情景任务教学的设计理念。板书设计Module 9 Unit 1Are you sad?Are you sad? Whats the matter?Im作业设计Do you know your parents feelings ?Ask and care your father and your mother . Mum , are you today ? Dad , are you today 关心并询问爸爸妈妈今天的情绪.课题Unit 2 She was very happy.教学目标知识技能目标Words: happy, sadSentences: She was ver

23、y happy.She was thirsty.She was.情感目标培养学生关心帮助家人朋友和身边人的品质,以及积极乐观的生活态度。教学重点和难点Words: happy, sadSentences: She was very happy.She was thirsty.She was.课前准备卡片,多媒体和图片第三课时 总第3课时教 学 过 程 设 计教学步骤教 学 活 动设计意图Step1Warming up and revision1.singasongtowarmup:Ifyouarehappy.thenasksomequestionstoreviewM9U12.-Howareyo

24、utoday/Howareyoudoingtoday?Iamfine/ok/notbad/justsoso/excellent!-WhatisthematterwithLingling?Have students watch some short films:The first one is a report about earthquake in Sichuan. The second one is about Liu Xiang.The third one is about playing golfing.T:Lets watch the film, then tell us how yo

25、u feel.T: How do you feel?Ss: Im sad. Im happy.Im angry用电影镜头和片段来引出复习情绪的单词。Nothing.-IsLinglingsad/bored/angry?No,sheisnt.-Whatisshedoing?Sheisthinking(aboutsth).-WhatisLinglingthinkingabout?SheisgoingtomakeapresentforChristmasforAmy.学生跟着课件的节奏,边唱边做动作,缓解学生紧张的情绪,把学生带入欢乐的学习英语的氛围中Step2Presentation.1.Showp

26、icturesthenasksomequestionstopresentthenewtext:We have different feelings at different time. Sometimes we are happy, sometimes we are sad, and sometimes we are bored, right ? So today were going to talk about our feelings at different time. By the end of this lesson, I hope you can tell your story a

27、nd write a diary to tell your feelings, OK?-Whatistheweatherlikeyesterday?-Itwasrainingyesterday-CouldZaragoouttoplay?-No,shecouldnt.shecouldntgoout.-Howwassheyesterday?-Shewasverysad.-Thenwhatdidshedo?-Shehelpedhermummakeacake.-HowdidZarafeellater?-hewashungryandthirsty.-WhatdidZaraeatanddrink?-She

28、atewithanddranksomewater.-Whentherainstopwhatdidshedo?-Shewentouttoplay.2.ListentotheCD-ROMandletstudentsrepeataccordingtothepictures.Thendrawthekeypointsonthetext,trytomakesentencesbythem:helpsb.dosth.makeacakeeatacakewithsb.drinksomewatergoouttoplay不同的问题引出新课,并设置问题任务学生自主听,理解并掌握。进一步巩固课文。Step 3Drills

29、 1.Lookatthebigscreenandtrytofillinblankstomasterthetext.Thenletssrememberthekeypoints:1.Yesterday,itwas_.Zara_goout.shewas_.shehelpedhermum_acake.2.Afterthat,shewas_.she_thecakewithmum.shewasvery_.she_somewater.3.Thentherain_.Zara_outtoplay.ThenZarawas_.4. letssreadthetextfluentlyandtrytorewritethe

30、text.Lastweek,itwassnowing,Icouldntgoouttoplay,Iwasbored.IdidmyhomeworkandtidymyroomFulfill the task-Tell your story and share your feelings.T:Well done. You could tell Zaras story and Mr.Beans story very well. What about yourself? Could you tell your story and share the feelings with us? Here I pre

31、pare some message for you. You could make your story now and share your stories one by one in your group.Worksheet:Time Weather Activities FeelingsYesterdayLast SundayLast SaturdayLast nightYesterday, it was_. I _. I was_.Then I _. Iwas_. After that, I_.I was _. (教师先示范,PPT上要有相关提示,让学生展示时看着ppt讲)通过不同形式

32、的练习让学生掌握并巩固新词和新句。板书设计Module 9 Unit 2 She was very happy. Yesterday,itwas_.Zara_goout.shewas_.shehelpedhermum_acake.作业设计1.ReviewthetextsM9U1.U2.2.Recitethetextandtrytomasterkeysentences。第四课时总第4课时课题(练习课)完成活动手册教学目标知识技能目标通过做本模块的练习来复习重点单词和句型,让学生在听说读写中巩固重点内容。教学重点和难点Words: happy, sadSentences: She was very

33、 happy. She was thirsty. She was.课前准备卡片,多媒体和图片教学过程设计阶段安排学习内容教学活动设计意图Step1Revision.1 Greeting2 Sing an English song together调节和活跃了课堂气氛。Step2Do the exercise.Unit1 1 Listen and match Let Ss read it first Let Ss listen and match Choose some Ss read it and tell me the answers Check the answers together 2

34、 Look and complete Ss look at the pictures,and write the sentences Listen and repeat it one by one Check the answers together 3 Read and tick 先和学生一起复述课文,然后让学生自己先选对错,再检查。 4 Look ,read and number. Look at the pictures ,then read read the sentences ,and number 5 Listen,look and tick 6 Look read andcomp

35、leteUnit2 1 Listen and tickLet Ss listen Let Ss tick Choose some Ss read it one by oneCheck the answer together 2 Read and tickLet Ss readLet Ss tickCheck the answers together 3 Look ,read and completeLet Ss readLook and complete it by yourselfListen and repeat it one by one Check it together 4 List

36、en and numberListen and number5 Read ,guess and write Let Ss read the sentence,then给学生时间思考,找一个学生口头表达后,指导学生开始写,告诉学生用到的句型。 6 Read and answer让学生自己读短文,看问题,根据短文回答。这些题的设计让学生再次对本模块的单词和重点句型进行了很好的复习和巩固。尤其是Do a survey这道题,提高了学生的实践能力,充分发挥了学生的能力,让学生能在实践活动中学习,掌握知识。作业设计复习本模块的单词和课文。教学反思:本课的教学对象是五年级学生,他们的英语知识已经有了一定的积累,英语听说读写方面的能力有了一定的基础,具备了初步运用英语做事的能力。而且学生在合作学习以及在真实的任务中运用所学语言进行交际的能力等方面都较低年级时有了很大提升。在教授新语言点时,要尽可能多地联系实际生活,创造生活化的语言环境,让学生在语境中更好地理解课文,同时采取小组合作学习的方式加强生生合作与互动,通过任务驱动,鼓励学生在真实的情景中运用所学语言,让学生在大胆实践和积极参与的过程中,培养其积极的情感态度和自主学习能力。10


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