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1、Unit 4 My family(Cartoon time)无锡市扬名中心小学 许俊峰一、 教学内容译林版小学英语3A Unit4 My family(Cartoon time)二、 教学目标1. 理解和掌握词汇:grandpa, grandma掌握句型:This is Good evening.2. 能运用所学句型完整地介绍自己的家庭。3. 理解cartoon time故事内容,体会各人物的心理并能以正确的感情朗读和表演故事。三、 教学重点、难点重点:句型This is并能完整介绍自己的家庭。难点:理解人物心理并能有感情地朗读和表演故事。四、 教学准备:多媒体课件,单词卡片等 五、教学过程S

2、tep1: Warming up 1. Free talk:T:(Mike头像)Hello,boys and girls. Im Mike.Do you remember my family? 2. Revision: a. (出示Mikes family photo) This is my family. (Review: my family)b. Look! This is my (出示各家人图片并复习单词father, mother, brother, sister, me) c. T: Who can be Mike and introduce his family? Hello, M

3、ike. S1:Hello,Mr Xu. T: Whos this? S1: This is my father.(打招呼用Hi,Good morning等替换,让学生用句型:This is my逐一介绍各人物。)3. Play a game.(单词认读) T:(课件)Look at these words, lets help them find their masters. (图片与单词匹配,并请学生领读)4. Read and act 扮演Mike完整介绍自己家庭,复习story time内容。Step2: PresentationA. New words1. T: Look at Mi

4、kes album, therere another two photos. Who are they? This man is very old, hes Mikes fathers father. Whos he?Teach: grandpa (grand-pa-grandpa)2. T: What about this woman? Shes Mikes fathers mother.Teach: grandma (grand-ma-grandma)3. Learning tips:In English, fathers father and mothers father, we bot

5、h call him grandpa. Fathers mother and mothers mother, we both call her grandma.B. Family tree1. Point and say.T: Look, Mike has a big family. This is his family tree. Do you have your family tree? Please point and introduce your family. Eg: This is my family. This is I love my family.(Work in pairs

6、)C. Cartoon time1. Leading-inT: All of you have a warm family. Our friends, Bobby and Sam also have their families. Lets go and have a look.(课件展示Cartoon time:Bobby and Sam)T: Last time, Bobby introduced his sister Tina to his friend Sam. But Tina was afraid Sam. So she ran away. What will happen thi

7、s time? Lets watch Episode 4.(Watch the cartoon)2. Watch and answer.Q: Who is this?Teach: Bobbys mother, Sams father3. How do they introduce their family?Bobby: This is my mother. (Emotion:happy)Sam: This is my father. (Emotion:proud)4. Read and answer.T: (Bobby and his mother) They look very sacred

8、, why?Read the story by yourselves and try to answer this question.A. They are scared of Sam.B. They are scared of Bobby.5. Try to read with your feeling.T: What is Sams father thinking about? (How to eat/cook them) How to read this sentence?Sams father: Good evening. (Emotion:terrible)T: What about

9、 Bobby and his mum?Bobby and his mum: Good evening. (Emotion:scared)T:At last, they met a little tadpole and a frog. What did the tadpole say?S: This is my mother. (Emotion:lovely)6. Think and answer.Why they are so surprised? (They dont look the same.)Step3: Consolidation1. Read this story. a. Watc

10、h the cartoon and read after it. b. Point and read after the tape. c. Point and read by yourselves. d. Read in rolls. (角色配音)2. Read, think and answer.How many families are there in this story?Three: Sams family, Bobbys family, Tadpoles family3. Read and actT: We need six characters to act this story.Guess: What would the frog say?S: Good evening, croak!Act this story in groups.Step4: SummaryT: What did you learn from this lesson?(学生自我总结所学知识)Step5: Homework1. Introduce your family tree to your friend. 2. Read and act the cartoon with your partner.


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