二上U1第一课时教学设计 (2).doc

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1、如东县丰利小学英语二上Unit1第1课时教学设计主备人:曹扣琴教学内容 Unit 1 My family教学板块Part A、B执教者教学课时第( 1 )课时教学目标(1) 能听懂会说Whos he/she?并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。 (2) 能听懂、会说、初步认读father,mother,brother和sister发音准确。(3) 在游戏中培养学生的学习兴趣和合作意识。教学重点(1)能听懂、会说、初步认读father,mother,brother,sister ,发音准确。(2)能听懂会说课文对话。教学难点(1) 能听懂会说Whos he/she?并能根据实际情况用Hes/

2、Shes回答。(2)能听懂会说课文对话。教学准备白板课件, 家庭照片 教学过程二次备课Step 1: Warming up1. GreetingT:Good morningGood afternoon, boys and girls.S:Good morningGood afternoon, MissMr2. Enjoy a songStudents enjoy a song which leads to the title “My family”Step 2: Presentation1.Listen and learnListen to the words of the Little Gr

3、ey Wolf and learn the words: father, mother.ask and answer : who is he/she? He/she is.2.揭题:Unit 1 My family3.Happy reading学习对话,快乐阅读(1)Watch and answerT: Boys and girls. Lets watch a cartoon and tell me who he is.(2)Read and find “Who is she?”(3)Play and show听录音,让学生跟读对话。学生自读对话,尝试表演。4. Look and say Lo

4、ok at he pictures and practice the sentences “Whos he/she?”Step 3: Production1.Happy to say用所学的新句型和新单词进行操练T: Boys and girls, may you show me your family pictures and introduce your families to us. Lets use these sentences on the blackboard to say with your desk mate. (Teacher gives an example.)T: Wh

5、od like to try?S: 2. Happy to talkStudents talk about the picture of The big head son and dub for him.3. RememberTo be a good child. Love your mother, Love your father, Love your family.Step 4: Homework1、Read Part A 10 minutes . (跟磁带读A部分,不少于十分钟)2、Use the photo of the family to ask and answer in pairs. (和同桌用今日所学句型讨论全家福) Whos she ?Shes my mother Whos he ?Hes my father .板书设计:Unit 8 Do you like winter?Yes, I do . spring summerNo , I don. autumn winter板书设计:Unit 1 My familyWhos he? Hes my father Whos she? Shes my mother教学思路:教学反思:


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