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1、英语期末复习英翻汉(30%)第2页:【1】At its core, a computer is a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output, all according to series of stored instructions. 其核心概念,计算机是根据一系列存储指令接收输入,处理数据,存储数据并产生输出的设备。 【3】 In the context of computing, data refers to the symbols that represent facts,

2、objects, and ideas. 在计算的上下文中,数据是指表示事实,对象和思想的符号。refer to: 是指,常用来对所要说明的词汇进行解释。【5】 Memory is an area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed, stored, or output.内存是计算机内暂时保存将被处理,存储或输出的数据的一块存储区域。【6】 Storage is the area where data can be left on a permanent basis when it is not im

3、mediately needed for processing. 存储器是当数据不需要立即进行处理要永久进行保存的一块区域。【8】 And although you can store data from one stage and use it in the next stage, you cannot store the sequence of formulas-the program-required to balance your checkbook. 而尽管你能从一个步骤存储数据并且在下一步骤使用它,但却不能存储一系列公式用于计算支票簿结余的程序。第8页:【12】 A compute

4、r falls into the supercomputer category if it is, at the time of construction, one of the fastest computers in the world. 如果一台计算机在它制造的时候是世界上最快的,它就被分类为超级计算机。第17页:【6】. Some models position the system unit behind the keyboard, while others build the system unit into the back of the display. 一些型号的产品将主机箱

5、放在键盘的后面,而其它型号的产品将主机箱放到了显示屏的背面第27页:【10】 When you install a peripheral device, you are basically creating a connection for data to flow between the device and the computer. 当你安装了一个外设,你就基本上在设备和计算机之间流动的数据建立了连接。第41页:【4】.Computer programmers write instructions for the computer programs that become the com

6、ponents of a computer software product. 计算机程序员为将成为计算机软件产品组件的计算机程序写指令代码。【6】. Therefore, instructions written in a high-level language must be translated into machine language before a computer can use them. 因此,用高级语言写的指令代码在计算机使用它们之前必须翻译成机器语言。第60页:【2】. A field contains the smallest unit of meaningful i

7、nformation, so you might call it the basic building block for a structured file or database. 字段包含有意义信息的最小单元,因此你可称它为结构化文件或数据库的基本构成模块。【4】. However, these DBMSs have limited capabilities to deal with problems that arise when multiple users attempt to update the same record at the same time. 然而,当多个用户要同时

8、更新同一记录时,这些数据库管理系统处理由此引起的问题的能力是有限的。填空题(15%)第10页:3. A computer is a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output according to a series of stored instructions. Before a computer processes data, it is temporarily held in memory . This data is then processed in the Central

9、Processing Unit (CPU). The idea of instructions for a computing task can be loaded into a computers memory.4) Computers are grouped into categories. A personal computer is a type of microcomputer designed to meet the computing needs of an individual. A desktop computer fits on a desk and runs on pow

10、er from an electrical wall outlet. A notebook computer is a small, lightweight personal computer that incorporates screen, keyboard, storage, and processing components into single portable unit. A tablet computer is a portable computing device featuring a touch-sensitive screen that can be used as a

11、 writing or drawing pad. A handheld computer features a small keyboard or touch-sensitive screen and is designed to fit into a pocket, run on batteries, and be used while you are holding it. A mainframe computer is a large and expensive computer that is capable of simultaneously processing data for

12、hundreds or thousands of users.第34页:3. Most computer systems include a keyboard and pointing device for basic data input.4. For output, most computers include a display device. A CRT produces an image by spraying electrons toward the screen. LCD technology produces an image by manipulating light wit

13、hin a layer of liquid crystal cells. Image quality for a display device is a factor of screen size, dot pitch , width of viewing angle, resolution, refresh rate, and color depth . A typical computer display system consists of the display device and a graphics card.5. An ink jet printer has a nozzle-

14、like print head that sprays ink onto paper to form characters and graphics. A laser printer uses the same technology as a photocopier to paint dots of light on a light-sensitive drum. A dot matrix printer produces characters and graphics by using a grid of fine wires.第53页:1.Computer programmers writ

15、e instructions for the computer programs that become the components of a computer software product.2. Software is categorized as application software or system software.3. The three most popular types of document production software are word processing , desktop publishing , and Web authoring .6. Ed

16、ucational software helps you learn and practice new skills. Reference software provides a collection of information and a way to access that information.7. Accounting software helps a business keep track of the money flowing in and out of various accounts. Project management software is an important

17、 tool for planning large projects, scheduling project tasks, and tracking project costs.汉翻英(15%)第34页:2. 在计算机的主机箱内,主要有:处理器,内存,适配器,端口,驱动器槽和电源等。There are the processor, memory, adapter cards, ports, drive bays, and the power supply inside the system unit.第54页: 1. 计算机软件主要分为系统软件和应用软件。Computer software is

18、 categorized as application software or system software.4.商业软件包括垂直市场软件和水平市场软件。Business software includes vertical and horizontal market software.第73页:3.数据库客户端软件允许任何一台远程计算机或网络工作站访问数据库的数据。Database client software allows any remote computer or network workstation to access data in a database.4.整型数据类型用于

19、包含全是数字的字段数量,循环,名次等。The integer data type is used for fields that contain whole numbers-quantities, repetitions, rankings, and so on.阅读理解(25%)27页最后一段自己搞定.59页倒数第2段: An entry-level DBMS that resides on a network server might be able to handle many simultaneous searches. However, these DBMSs have limite

20、d capabilities to deal with problems that arise when multiple users attempt to update the same record at the same time4. This limited multiuser capability might be able to handle, for example, a civic center ticketing system operated by a box office clerk. It would not be sufficient, however, to han

21、dle the volume of simultaneous transactions for Ticketmasters 3,800 retail ticket center outlets, 20 telephone call centers worldwide, and online Web site. 位于网络服务器中的入门级DBMS能够处理很多并发查询。然而,当多个用户要同时更新同一记录时,这些数据库管理系统处理由此引起的问题的能力是有限的。这种有限的多用户能力能够处理如票务处职员运行的市中心票务系统。然而要处理购票通的3800个零售票的中心出口流量的同时交易、20个世界范围的电话呼叫中心和在线网站等就不够了。我不是来抢沙发的,也不是来打酱油的。我不是为及格呐喊加油的,也不是对老师进行围堵攻击的。我只是为了不挂科默默奋斗。你是个美女,我毫不关心;你是个怪兽,我决不在意;你是个帅哥,我不会妒忌;你是个畜男,我也不会BS。你的情操再怎么高尚,我也不会赞美;你的道德再如何沦丧,我也不为所动。在这个处处都要银币的时代,不得不弄个牛B的数字来显眼,(纯属娱乐)


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