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1、译林版七年级英语单元总结卷Unit 5 Amazing thingsWelcome to the unit1.得了吧!我昨天就见过一架。Come on . I saw one yesterday.2.世界上充满了令人惊讶的东西。熊猫是令人惊讶的动物。我惊讶于这个美景。The world is full of amazing things.amazing,令人吃惊,用来修饰某事Pandas are amazing animals.amazed ,吃惊的,用来修饰人的心情。 Im amazed at the beautiful sight.3.鱼睁着眼睛睡觉。这个男孩喜欢睡觉的时候关着窗子。Fis

2、h sleep with their eyes open.with+名词+形容词”经常用来表示伴随状态。The boy likes sleeping with windows closed.4.我们的眼睛和出生时一样大,但是我们的鼻 子和耳朵从没有停止生长。看起样同时和一样我不想穿和你一样的衣服。Our eyes are the same size from birth , but our nose and earsnever stop growing. look the same at the same time be the same.asI dont want to wear the s

3、ame clothes as you.5.太阳大约比地球大 130万倍。我们的教室比他们的大三倍。我们的教室时他们的四倍大。The Sun is about 1,300,000 times larger than the Earth.A + be +倍数+形容词比较级+ than + BOur classroom is three times bigger than theirs A + be + 倍数 + as +形容词原级 + as + B Our classroom is four times as big as theirs. time表示“时间”时为不可数名词。 time表示“次数”

4、 “倍数”时为可数名词。6.大象的脚背上没有骨头一只有脂肪。There are no bones in the back of elephants; feet-only fat.fat,名词,意为“脂肪”We should stay away from fat food.7.你知道关于世界上一些有趣的事实吗? 事实上面对事实了解事实Do you know any fun facts about the world ? in fact face the fact learn the facts8.那不是很令人吃惊吗? 不,确实令人吃惊。 是的,不令人吃惊。今天难道不是一个好天气? 不,是个好天。

5、是的,大小好。Isnt that amazing?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.此句为否定的一般疑问句,意为“难道不.”,常用来反问或希望得到肯定答复。Isnt it a fine day today?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Reading1.像往常一样,她们坐在一颗大树下。 昨天他就像往常一样很晚才下班回家。As usual, they sat down under a big tree.Yesterday he got home from work late as usual2.突然,她们听到了从树后的灌木丛中传来的 低语声。他的突然去世使大家感到悲伤

6、。Suddenly, they heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree.suddenly的形谷词形式为 sudden(矢然的) His sudden death(死亡)made everybody sad.3.没人回答。这两个女生非常害怕。你应该立刻给他回信。Nobody replied . The two girls were very afraid . reply,动词,思为 答复 ,固te词组reply to IOj 答复,相answerYou should answer/reply to his letter at once.4.

7、在回家的路上,她们遇到了安迪。On their way home , they met Andy.5.“它是什么呢?”安迪疑惑道。昨天他发生了车祸。我在回家的路上碰巧看到了他。What is it? ” Andy wondered .What happened ?” Andy asked.happen,动词,意为“发生”,主语为某事,特别指那些偶然的未能遇见的事“发生”,结构sth. happened to sb,某事发生在某人身上”A car accident happened to him yesterday.happen to do sth.碰巧做某事I happened to see

8、him on my way home.6.他搜索了灌木丛。警察对那个男人搜身,但是什么都没找到。警察为了找丢失的女孩搜查了全村。He searched the bushes .search someplace/somebody,及物动词,忌为 搜 索”,宾语可以是房屋、人、衣服等The police searched the man but found nothing . search someplace for somebody ,至U某处搜索某 人。The police searched the whole village for the lost girl.7.“它在这里。”安迪自言自语

9、道。玩得开心独自的亲自Here it is,“ Andy said to himself. enjoy oneself by oneself for oneself8.米莉和安迪都很惊讶。Millie and Amy were very surprised .surprising= amazing ”令人吃惊的”,主语为事 surprised 惊讶的,主语为人9那天晚些时候,她们把小猫送到了动物中心。 两小时后他找到了他的妈妈。Later that day, they took the little cat to the animal centre.He found his mother tw

10、o hours later.10它非常虚弱,因此当它唯唯叫的时候,听起 来就像低语声。It was very weak, so when it miaowed, it sounded like a whisper .Grammar1当我们到达博物馆时,那里有很多人。When we got to the museum, there were a lot of people there.2我们也了解到了 一些奇怪的鸟比如渡渡鸟。We also learnt about some strange birds like dodos.3它们很久以前生活在地球上。They lived on the ear

11、th a long time ago.4般 过 去 时 态【一般过去时态的定义】1、表示过去某时或某段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态He watched TV for two hours yesterday evening. 过去发生过的动作 He was late yesterday.过去的状态2、表示过去的习惯性动作He often went to school on foot last year.过去经常做的事【一般过去时态的时间状语】1、yesterday , yesterday morning/ afternoon/ evening, the day before yesterday.

12、2、last night/ Saturday/ week/ month/ year3、a month ago/ two days ago/ three weeks ago, just a minute ago4、in 2000 ; just now ; once; one day; the other day ; the following Sunday【过时式的规则变化】1、大多数动词后面直接加ed,如:ask asked2、以不发白的e结尾的动词,只加-d,如:close closed3、以辅首字母+y结尾的动词,把 y变为i再加ed,如:study stud ied4、一个元音字母+ 一

13、个辅音字母结尾的短动词,双写最舟-个辅音字母,再加ed,如:chat chat ted【过去式的不规则变化】1、动词的过去式就是原型:8must - mustlet letread- readcut- cutput- putcost- costhurt- hurthit- hit2、将兀音字母变成 a: 10begin-beg anring-r angsing-s angdrink-dr anksit-s atswim- sw amrun-r angive- g avecome camebecome-became3、将兀音字母变成o: 8get -g otforget - forg otwin

14、- w onshine - shonewake w okeride r odewrite - wr otedrive - dr ove4、将aw/ow变成ew: 6blow-bl ewgrow - gr ewthrow - thr ewdraw - dr ewfly fl ewknow kn ew5、将部分字母变成t: 6build -buil tlend -len tsend - sentspend-spentmean - meantlearn- learnt6、将部分字母变成ought/aught: 5bring - br oughtbuy - b oughtthink - th ough

15、tcatch-c aughtteach-taught7、情态动词的变化:3can- couldwill- w ouldshall- sh ould8、其它情况:36pay -p ai dsay-saidlay - l aidlie - l aychoose -ch osemeet- m etfeed-f edtake - tookstand- stoodunderstand-understoodfall - f ellhold - h eldleave - leftfeel-f eltsleep-sl eptkeep-keptsell - soldtell toldam, is - wasar

16、e weredo - didhave/has -hadeat -atego - wentlose - lostwear - woreseesawmake-madehear - heardfind- f oundbegin-beg anspeak-spokedream-dream ed/dreamtlearn-learn ed/learntsmell-smell ed/smelt天与劭阿世大瓦(规则里):考enjoy-hope-chatcarry-5.核raise-start-cry-stop-Apass-reply-move-plan-play-visit-use-try-2、铸天与到阿世去瓦

17、(混谷里):fix-happen-takeinvite-have-make-.-read-spend-考rain-search-get-leave-6.核go-trystudy-begin-Bsing-wake-be-do-check-teach-watch-live-feelbuy-leave-write-wonder-have-prepare-put-7.考 核C3、颛与劭阿世大八(头故空):? Suddenly, Millie(hear) a whisper from the bushes.? Lily(try) her best, but she still(fail).? The o

18、ther day, the police(search) the whole building,but(find) nothing.? I often (meet) the old man on my way home last year.Integrated skills1长颈鹿脖子长,但当我知道它的脖子里只有 7块骨头的时候我很惊讶。令我惊讶的是多么令人惊讶啊!惊讶地做某事The giraffe has a very long neck, but I was surprised to know that there are only seven bones in it.that是宾语从句的

19、引导词,它提布卜面将出现一个句子作为前四动词的兵语。to my surpriseWhat a surprise!be surprised to do sth2令人吃惊的是在寒冷的冬天蛇吃得很少或 不吃任何东西。It is also amazing that a snake eats little or nothing in cold winter.这里it是形式主语,真实主语是that引导的从句,that是主语从句的引导词。3骆驼生活在非常干燥的地方,而且有趣的是 它们可以长时间缺水的情况下还能存活。Camels live in very dry places, and it is inter

20、esting that they can live without water for a long time.4现在我L点都不怕动物了。再也不.(4)Now I m not afraid of animals any more . not any more= no more强调某事在数量上或程度上不再加深not any longer=no longer强调某事在时间上不再延长5我听说过一个年轻人。I heard of a young man.6他骑自行车环游了 80多个国家。He travelled around over 80 countries by bicycle.7前几天我读过一本书

21、。 几大前I read about a man the other day.the other day= a few days ago 用于 ,般过去时8他能同时用一只手写字另一只手画画。He can write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.Task1我们生活在一个充满令人惊奇的事物的美 好世界里。We live in a wonderful world with a lot of amazing things.2三明治得名干-个叫做约翰?蒙太古的人, 他是第四代三明治公爵。Sandwich got its na

22、me from a man called John Montagu, the Four Earl of Sandwich.3他不想停卜来吃饭,所以他把肉放在了两片 面包之间。He did not want to stop for meals , so he put meat between two pieces of bread.4不久其他人想吃相同的食物,所以他们要了 份三明治。Soon others wanted to eat the same food, so they asked for a sandwich.5后来这种食物在全世界流行起来。Later the food became

23、popular all over the world.6现在电视机可以大到 152英寸。她和你一样细心。Now TVs can be as large as 152 inches. as+形容词原级+as,和一样 She is as careful as you.Unit 6 Outdoor funWelcome to the unit1.户外活动的乐趣户外活动Outdoor fun.Outdoor activities2.快点!匆忙去做某事他匆忙去看一切是否正常。匆忙地她匆忙地离开。Hurry up!hurry to do sthHe hurried to see if everything

24、 is OK. in a hurryShe was in a hurry to leave.3.你抱怨太多了。向某人抱怨某事他常向我抱怨菜的味道。You complain too plain (to sb) about sthHe complains to me about the taste of the dishes.4.那只包没有那么重。The bag isnt that heavy .that在这里意为“那么”,是副词,相当于 so5.一你想尝试什么户外活动? 一我想要去骑马。What outdoor activity would you like to try ? I want to

25、 go riding.6.-你喜欢野营的哪方面,-我喜欢呆在户外,靠近美丽的湖泊和山丘。What do you like about camping?I like being outside, near beautiful lakes and hills.Reading1.她抬头看见一个穿着外套的白兔子经过。学生们去了图书馆查阅信息。She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.look up在句中意为 抬头看 ,look up还有查 阅的意思,如:The students went to the library to lo

26、ok up the information.2.它从口袋里拿出一块手表并看了看时间。It took a watch out of its pocket and looked at the time.3.爱丽丝站起来,跟在兔子后面穿过田野。Alice stood up and ran across the field after the rabbit.4.兔子跳进一个大洞。The rabbit jumped down a big hole.5.爱丽丝不想兔子逃脱,因此她也跳到洞里。Alice did not want to let the rabbit get away , so she jum

27、ped down the hole, too.6.爱丽丝往卜落了很长时间,然后她落到地上。掉下,摔卜掉下,从.跌落摔倒,栽跟头掉进.里入睡落后,跟不上Alice fell for a long time, and then she hit the ground. fall down fall off fall over fall into fall asleep fall behind7.她发现自己独自在一个又长又低的大厅里。我醒来的时候发现自己在一个陌生的地方。She found herself alone in a long, low hall.find+宾语+形容词/介词短语(宾语补足语

28、)I found myself in a strange place when I woke up.8.周围都是门,但它们都是锁着的。There were doors around , but they were all locked.9.爱丽丝在桌上看到一把小钥匙,但是它打不 开任何一扇门。Alice saw a small key on the table, but it did not fit any of the doors.10.然后爱丽丝注意到一扇小门并把钥匙插进 去。Then Alice noticed a small door and put the key into it.思

29、考:notice sb do sth 和 notice sb doing sth 的区 别11.爱丽丝设法穿过门,但是她太大了。Alice tried to go through the door , but she was too big.Grammar1.他和他的朋友练习打排球。练习做某事需要更多的练习He practised playing volleyball with his friend. practise doing sth need more practice2.上周你和你的家人去野营了吗? 不,我们没有。Did you and your family go camping l

30、ast week? No, we didn t.3.我们在湖边搭了一个帐篷。举起手来在墙上贴一张海报We put up our tent near a lake. put up your hands put up a poster on the wall4.我们还在湖上划了船。 去划船We also rowed a boat on the lake. row a boat= go rowing5.你们整晚都呆在外面吗? 是的。Did you stay outside all night ? Yes, we did.6.野营之旅确实棒。The camping trip was really wo

31、nderful.Integrated skills1.风筝在中国有悠久的历史。Kites have a long history in China.那是历史上第一个风筝。 使用中/危险中/惊讶地That was the first kite in history . in use/in danger/in surprise2.战国时期,一位名士 -墨子,用木头做了一 只鸟。In the Warring States Period , a famous man, Mozi, made a bird out of wood3.他的学生,鲁班,用竹子做风筝。用.做.His student Lu Ba

32、n used bamboo to make kites. use sth to do sth4.东汉时期,蔡伦发现了一种新的造纸方式, 然后人们开始用纸做风筝。In the Eastern Han Dynasty , Cai Lun found a new way to make paper , and then people began to use paper to make kites.5.在13世纪,一个名为马可波罗的意大利人拜 访了中国。In the 13th century , an Italian man called Marco Polo visited China.6.他告诉

33、西方人关于风筝的一切。He told people in the west all about kites .7.在明朝和清朝,放风筝成才-种流行的户外 活动。In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kite flying became a very popular outdoor activity .8.潍坊,从那时起就因为制作风筝而出名了。Weifang, a city in Shandong Province , became famous for making kites from then on .Task2.瓶子上的标签写着:“喝我。”A note on t

34、he bottle said DRINK ME :3.她又喝了一些,然后她感到有点不舒服。She drank some more . Then she felt a little ill.4.她低头看到自己的身体变得越来越小。She looked down and saw that her body became smaller and smaller.5.很快爱丽丝变得足够小,能穿过那扇门,因 此她决定进入花园。Soon Alice was small enough to go through the door, so she decided to enter the garden.6.当她朝着那扇门走去的时候,她忘记了钥匙。When she walked towards the door , she forgot about the key.7.爱丽丝不得不回到桌旁,但是她太小了够不 着钥匙。Alice had to go back to the table, but she was too small to reach the key. 注忌:too.to. 太. 而/、能”8.她尽力往上爬,但是失败了。 做某事失败She tried to climb up , but failed . fail to do sth8


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