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1、Vocabulary:1. A number of _ works of art have sold genuine.2. To _one, s power is to commit a crime and eventually end up in jail.3. Seeing the speeding car, the policeman _the driver to pull up at the curb.4. Unfortunately, he hit a traffic jam and missed the train _ a few minutes.5. She gave a cle

2、ar and _ account of her plans for the company, s future.6. Isn, t it rather _ to talk about how much money you earn?7. The books will be _ free to local schools.8. The editor required him to _ some details of the article.9. Few of us can be unmoved by the _ Romanian orphans .10. I have to _ my reput

3、ation.11. Thomas holds a belief in the _ nature of reality.12. I think that the Christian baptism is by complete _ of the person in water.13. Man has a(n) _ need for love and nurturing.14. This building represents the post-modernist _ in architecture.15. One common Chinese_ is that the elders ought

4、to be respected.16. This was the moment when Spielberg s career really _ 17. For low income families, mortgages are hard to _ .18. He was appointed as the director to _ a team of investigators.19. The company _ the new perfume with prime-time commercials on the major networks.20. You, ll meet the sa

5、me word again in a _ different context.21. We lost the election because of the _ to our supporters.22. She is _ with having saved the company from bankruptcy.23. I never _ in dealing with such matters.24. You made the wrong decision, and now you must take the _ .25. Tom is not _ clever in the class.

6、26. Basic English is a _ in the curriculum for the freshmen.27. The airline has _ a novel solution to the problem of jet-lag.28. Peter thought the world was flat until I _ him.29. I, d be _ if you would stop interfering.30. Writing a check is quite a simple _.31. She was _ a normal childhood by the

7、war.32. Roses in a silver bowl _ the handsome cherry table.33. Charles Darwin saw in the _ of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection.34. We met on two _ occasions. One was an academic conference; the other a party.35. The Inter

8、net, which covers the whole world, is increasing the _ of the people on the planet.36. Most vegetables we buy in winter are _ in the greenhouse.37. The students protested in front of American consulate. They had no motives but those of _ patriotism.38. The children _ while building forts with toy br

9、icks.39. The building is _ south and north.40. His failure in business is largely due to _ .41. Dogs have a(n)_ sense of smell.42. He is a(n) _ boy, always insisting on his own rights and opinions.43. He refuses to let others speak and _ every meeting.44. He rose quickly the political _ to become th

10、e party leader.45. The anti-smoking campaign had had quite a(n) _ on young people.46. He described them as a(n) _ and hard-working people.47. Many famous people are surprisingly _ 48. He is going to go abroad next month, so he takes a(n) _ course in oral English.49. This old custom does not _ now.50

11、. Conflicts between different _ groups in the country exploded into civil war.51. The police _ the fight and the crowd left.52. The film can be enjoyed by anyone, _ age.53. We _ her responsible for the failure.54. Your arguments are _ to criticism.55. My experience of working in this area closely _

12、your own.56. The report _ the government of shirking its responsibilities.57. It is hard to _ to the top in show business.58. The discussions with the miners, union ended in a _ .59. About a quarter of his wages are spent on rent and that is a large _ .60. The general _ his men to fight bravely.Exer

13、cise:Unit 11. If winter _, can spring be far behind?2. Scientists proved that the earth _ 49 times the size of the moon.3. Some young expats fear that they _ back into an old rut if they go home.4. The leader recently declared that the mandate _ more pupils to jump ship in t5he next few days.5. The

14、telephone _, would you answer it pleas?6. Human resources will achieve maximum productivity only when they _ access to appropriate types of physical resources.7. Pleas don, t come at four o, clock this afternoon, I _ a meeting then.8. While the children were playing in the shade, their parents _ in

15、the scorching sun.9. Wherever he travelled in those years, he _ down what he saw and heard.10. Look at those black clouds, it _.Unit 211. She _ to help but couldn, t get there in time.12. According to the timetable, the train for Beijing _ at seven o, clock every evening.13. They _ the factory, but

16、a heavy downpour spoiled their plan.14. There was a knock at the door, It was the third time that someone _ me that evening.15. He _ for ten years.16. It was not until then I came to know that practice _ perfect.17. It is reported that by the end of this month, the output of cement in the factory _

17、by about 10%.18. Even if it _ this afternoon, I will go there.19. We _ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.20. She _ to the office than she got down to writing the report.Unit 721. When I entered the room, I found all the broken glass around. /Entering the room, I found22. He was brought

18、up in the belief that pleasures were sinful. As a result, he now leads an ascetic life. / Having been brought up in the23. Because he was on an island, he was always within sight of the sea. /Being on an island, he was.24. If we are untied, we stand; if we are divided, we fall./If untied, we stand;

19、if divided, we fall.25. They were impressed by the young man, s qualifications. They offered him a good job with their firm. / impressed by the young man, s qualifications. They offered him a good job with their firm.26. The kind of machine which was once used widely is no longer marketed. /The kind

20、 of machine once used widely is no longer marketed.27. After the police noted down our names and addresses, he dismissed us. /Having noted down our names.28. If weather permits, we will have the match tomorrow. /Weather permitting, we will .29. Although he was mocked by everybody, he had my sympathy

21、./ mocked by everybody, he had my sympathy.30. Because the earthquake had destroyed everything they became homeless. / The earthquake having destroyed, they became homeless.Unit 931. The passengers and the suitcases _ were still waiting had to be transferred to another plane.32. The language through

22、 _ this opposition gained strength and organization was the key one of freedom and unity, not of oppression.33. This fighter _ loses his cool the first time he is hit will end up flat on his back on the canvas.34. Science fiction emerges in this time _ these two opposing groups have met and exchange

23、d ideas.35. The reason _ they now charge more is that prices have kept rising.36. Conservation is the very value _ needs to be added to the old values.37. We must know such symbols _ are used to represent chemical elements.38. The researcher encourages us to reach a state _ work is an extension of w

24、hat we naturally want to do.39. There are vey few _ admire his talents.40. The author with _ all of us are familiar will visit our company.Unit 1141. _ we go, we must build up good relations with the masses.42. Small _ it is, the pen is a most useful tool.43. Scarcely was George Washington in his te

25、ens _ his father died.44. _you know the significance of this economic reform, you should not complain.45. _hard I tried, I still couldn, t manage it.46. Hardly_ come into the room _ the meeting began.47. They had no sooner arrived at the airport _ it was time to check in.48. _you understand the rule

26、, you will have no further difficulty.49. _good health, I hope to finish the work ahead of time.50. Put the medicine _ you can easily get it.Unit 1251. He looks as if he _ nothing about it before.52. Without electronic computers, much of today, s advanced technology _ .53. I would rather he_ tomorro

27、w than today.54. The suggestion that the students _ more in class is worth considering.55. If only he _ in time, he would not have been punished.56. It, s about time that we _ an end to this controversy.57. If he were to be given another chance to do it again, he _ more.58. He must have had an accid

28、ent, or he _ there then.59. Had he studied hard, he _ the exam.60. I wish I _ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.Unit 361. we must pay more attention to intonation in learning pronunciation.62. His successful fight against inflation had reinforced his competence as an economi

29、st.63. They are using secure Internet connection to intensify relations with some of their trading partners.64. The administration has kept the cause of the incidence off the air in the radio.65. The teacher always makes the girl answer many difficult questions in class.66. These questions will arou

30、se a challenge to established attitude of superiority toward the outside world.67. We cannot exchange such goods which customers have bought during the sale.68. His father took no notice of him but his sister made much of him.69. After the meeting, both men described this negotiation as frank, friendly and constructive.70. We didn, t believe that he could hit the target.


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