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1、第六小学 纪清华,学习目标 (Learning objectives):,1.能听说读写词组:swim speak English,cook,play basketball , play ping-pong.2.能运用句型:can you .?及其回答Yes ,I can.No,I cant.3.能用I can.,I cant.句型写句子4.在学习的过程中,尽力展现自己的才能!,I can finish !So easy !,你记住了吗?,do kung fu,draw cartoons,water the flower,run,wash my clothes,play football,si

2、ng English songs,jump,play the pipa,dance,I often(经常) _,Hi,Huitailang!,What do you do on the weekend ?,+,football,foot,ball,play football,home,+,工作,work,homework,do homework,做作业,wash my clothes洗我的衣服,watch TV看电视,Task 1 : I act and you guess . (我来比划你来猜),温馨提示:根据上面词组任选三个,一人表演,另一人猜,全猜对有奖哦!,clean the room

3、 wash clothes draw pictures play the pipa sing and dance play ping pong play football play basketball watch TV do homework read books water the flowers,Game 1 : Whats missing ?,Task 2: Pair work (同桌编对话)What do you do on the weekend? I often _ .,A:What do you do on the weekend? B:I often _.What about

4、 you ? A: I often _.,A:What do you do on the weekend? B:I often _.What about you ? A:I often _. Do you often _? B: Yes, I do./No, I dont.,Game 2:Lucky turning! 要求:两名同学通过转幸运盘练习对话,read books,watch TV,do homework,Wash my clothes,Do you often on the weekend?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,play computer games,rea

5、d books,watch TV,do homework,Wash my clothes,Do you often on the weekend?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,play computer games,read books,watch TV,do homework,go shopping,play computer games,Do you often on the weekend?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,read books,watch TV,do homework,go shopping,play ping-pang,Do you oft

6、en on the weekend?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,read books,watch TV,do homework,go shopping,play computer games,Do you often on the weekend?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,read books,watch TV,do homework,go shopping,play computer games,Do you often on the weekend?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,read books,watch TV,do homewo

7、rk,go shopping,play football,Do you often on the weekend?Yes, I do./No, I dont.,Task 3:I can make an interview.,小组内人人争当小记者,对其他五人进行采访,运用以下句型:,What do you do on the weekend?I often . Do you often?Yes, I do./No, I dont.(温馨提示:3分钟,哪组表现积极,大声采访,给予奖励哦!快点开始吧!),My weekend On the weekend I am busy(忙碌的 ),but I

8、am happy . I often do homework and read books.Sometimes I watch TV . I wash my clothes .I play football with my friends(朋友). I like my weekend . What about your weekend ? (温馨提示:6分钟,组内4人背,2人熟读.),Task4: I can recite. (我会背),I can recite. (我会背),在周末我是忙碌的,但我是开心的.我经常做作业和看书.有时候我看电视.我洗衣服.我和我的朋友们踢足球.我喜欢我的周末.

9、你的周末呢?,Game 3: Whats missing?,Sunday,Tuesday,watch TV,What do you do on Sundays?,What day is it today?,read a book,read books,do homework,Do you often wash your clothes?,play football,Thursday,Saturday,Whats missing?,Task 4: I can do.(我会做),1.What do you do _ Sundays?A.in B.at C.on 2. Do you often do

10、 your homework ? _A.Yes,I do . B.Yes, I dont. C.No, I do.,3.What do you often do on the weekend? _I often play football.Yes, I do.,4. Do you often watch TV? _Yes, I do.I often watch TV.,My weekend On the weekend,I often _,I often _,and _,Sometimes I_,and _,5.完成短文.,.,.,.,Summary 总结,亲爱的同学们,这节课你们开心吗?你们

11、主要学了哪五个词组和哪两个句型?,Summary:,do homework watch TVread books wash my clothes play football,1.What do you do on the weekend? I often do homework.2.Do you often watch TV on the weekend?Yes,Ido./No,I dont.,词汇,句子,1 、Copy the new words and new phrases 8 times. 2、Talk about (谈论)your Saturdays and Sundays with your friends.,Homework,See you!,


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