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1、天津大学本科学院、专业英文名称及学制学院专业学制机械工程学院SchoolofMecha ni calEngin eeri ng机械设计制造及其自动化Mach inery Desig n, Manu facture and Automati on四热能与动力工程Thermoe nergy and Dyn amic Engin eeri ng四工程力学Engin eeri ng Mecha nics四工业设计In dustrial Desig n四精密仪器与光电子工程学院School of Precisi on In strume nt andOptoelectr on icsEngin eeri

2、 ng测控技术与仪器Measuri ng and Con trol Tech no logy and In strume nt四信息工程(光电信息工程)In formatio n Engin eeri ng (for opto in formati onEngin eeri ng)四生物医学工程Biomedical Engin eeri ng四电子科学与技术(光电子技术)Electr onic Science and Tech no logy (for optoelectr onic tech no logy)四光电子技术科学Optoelectr onic Tech no logy四电气与自动

3、化工程学院School of Electric Engin eeri ng and En ergy电气工程及其自动化Electric Engin eeri ng and Automati on四自动化Automati on四电子信息工程学院SchoolofElectr onicIn formati on Engin eeri ng电子科学与技术(微电子)Electro nic Science and Tech no logy(for solid electr onics and microelectr oni cs)四电子信息工程Electronic Information Engineeri

4、ng四通信工程Communi cati on Engin eeri ng四建筑工程学院School of Civil Engin eeri ng土木工程Civil Engin eeri ng四水利水电工程Hydraulics and Hydroelectric Engin eeri ng四港口航道与海岸工程Port, Channel and Coast Engin eeri ng四船舶与海洋工程Ocea n and Naval Engin eeri ng四建筑学院School of Architecture建筑学Architecture五城市规划Urba n Planning五艺术设计Arti

5、stic Desig n四化工学院SchoolofChemicalEngin eeri ng化学工程与工艺Chemical Engin eeri ng and Process四过程装备与控制工程Process ing Equipme nt and Con trol Engin eeri ng四生物工程Biological Engin eeri ng四制药工程Pharmaceutical Engin eeri ng四分子科学与工程Molecular Scie nee and Engin eeri ng四材料科学与工程学院School of Materials Science and Engin

6、eeri ng材料科学与工程Materials Science and Engin eeri ng四材料化学Materials Chemistry四材料成型及控制工程Materials Forming and Con trol Engin eeri ng四管理学院School of Man ageme nt信息管理与信息系统In formatio n Man ageme nt and In formatio n System四工业工程In dustrial Engin eeri ng四工程管理Project Man ageme nt四工商管理Busin ess Adm ini strati o

7、n四财务管理Finan cial Man ageme nt四电子商务Electro nic Busin ess四物流工程Logistics Engin eeri ng四理学院School of Sciences数学与应用数学Mathematics and Applied Mathematics四应用物理学Applied Physics四应用化学Applied Chemistry四社会科学与外国语学院School of Social Sciences andForeig n Lan guages法学Law四汉语言文学Chin ese Lan guage and Literature四英语En g

8、lish(for Scie nee and Tech no logy)四职业技术教育学院School of Vocati onal Tech ni calEducati on高等教育管理Man ageme nt of Higher Educati on-二二计算机科学与技术(职)Computer Scie nee and Tech no logy四药物科学与技术学院School of PharmaceuticalScience and Tech no logy药学Pharmacy四环境科学与工程学院School ofEn viro nmen talScience and Engin eeri

9、ng建筑环境与设备工程Con struct ion En viro nment and Equipme ntEngin eeri ng四环境工程Environmen tal Engin eeri ng四环境科学Environmen tal Science四软件学院SchoolofSoftwareEngin eeri ng软件工程Software Engin eeri ng四中视影视学院School of TV and Film动画Ani matio n四表演Performi ng四农业与生物工程学院School of Agriculture and Biological Engin eeri ng食品科学与工程Food Science and Engin eeri ng四计算机科学与技术学院School of Computer Science and Tech no logy计算机科学与技术Computer Scie nee and Tech no logy四XI


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