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1、1,Lean Manufacturing Value Stream Mapping,2,What is Lean?,Lean is a that focuses on: Creating value for the Customer Eliminating Waste Continuous incremental improvement,Thinking Process,3,What is a Value Stream?,“All of the actions, value or non value added that are required to bring a product from

2、 concept to launch or from raw material order to delivery. . . ”,From “Lean Lexicon”,4,Order Fulfillment Value Stream,Ideally, wed want the materials, information and cash to flow smoothly (without interruption) and as quickly as possible through this stream.,5,Lean Elements,Value Stream = Value Pro

3、viding Processes,Pull,Perfection,Flow,Value,6,Value,“What is the willing to Pay for?” 3 Types of Customers: The external end-user or paying customer The downstream customer of any internal upstream process. Your company as the customer of external suppliers.,Customer,7,Flow,Ideal flow = 1 piece at a

4、 time Rate determined by customer demand - Takt time Work balanced for each person or machine Travel distance for materials & people minimized Standard Work utilized Flow what you can Pull what you cant Requires that all steps in the process be: Capable = Right every time Available = Always able to

5、run Adequate = Capacity to avoid bottlenecks,8,Phases of Lean Journey,Phase 1-Identify/Map Value Streams Phase 2-Prioritize opportunities Phase 3-Utilize Lean tools to eliminate waste Phase 4-Control the flow Phase 5-Lean metrics Phase 6-Re-evaluate Value Streams and begin again,9,It All starts with

6、 Waste Identification,Identify all forms of Waste throughout our entire Value Stream before: Reducing the waste or Eliminating the waste This will enable us to prioritize our efforts and focus on the high potential events first.,10,8 Wastes,Overproduction Inventory Waiting Transporting Unnecessary p

7、rocessing Unnecessary motion Defects Under utilization of people,11,Over-Production,Producing more than what the customer really wants.,Ways to Overcome: Reduce setup times Synchronize time and amount of processes Create compact layouts and visibility,12,Inventory,Excess inventory requires handling,

8、 space, $, people, and paperwork.,Ways to Overcome: Synchronize work flow to reduce accumulation Shorten setup time Reduce lead time Cellular layouts Zero Quality Defects Reducing all other wastes reduces the waste of inventory,13,Waiting,Waiting for upstream processes due to poor layout, unbalanced

9、 work load or equipment downtime.,Ways to Overcome: Synchronize work flow Balance uneven loads by flexible workers and equipment Implement preventive maintenance to eliminate machine down-time,14,Transportation,Transportation adds No value to the product. Rather than improve the transportation: Redu

10、ce it Eliminate it.,Ways to Overcome: Establish layout and locations which reduces or eliminates transportation,15,Unnecessary Processing,Same data entered into 3 different information systems. (SAP, Access, Excel),All unnecessary, or Non- Value Added, processing steps should be eliminated,Ways to O

11、vercome: Question if process is necessary at all Simplify Use Standard Work Reduce Handoffs/approvals,16,Unnecessary Motion,Motion of people, machines, and products is waste.,Ways to Overcome: Study motion and eliminate or reduce motion through improved layouts. Cellular Manufacturing Rethink materi

12、al storage Job/Task Combinations,17,Defects (Correction),Making defective product is pure (muda) waste. Focus on preventing defects Not finding and repairing defects,Ways to Overcome: Mistake-proof to prevent defects Never Pass defects Standard Work,18,Waste of Underutilizing People,The eighth waste

13、 is not fully utilizing the time and talents of people. Who are the “real” experts ? and what do they know?,19,Purpose of Value Stream Mapping,The purpose of the value stream map is to look at the big picture and to develop a “future-state” map by eliminating all non-value added activities and minim

14、izing all non-value-added but required activities.,20,Basic Current State MAPPING TIPS,1 Cross-functional Team completes the map Start at the customer end Walk the actual pathways of both material and information flow. Draw by hand in pencil.,21,Value Stream Mapping IconsProcess Icons,22,Value Strea

15、m Mapping IconsInformation Flow Icons,23,24,Production Lead Time =23.5 days Value Added Time = 184 Seconds,From Learning to See by Mike Rother and John Shook,Current State Map,25,Future State Questions,How do we focus on the Lead time? Understand the takt time What area in the process triggers produ

16、ction? Will we build to shipping or to a supermarket? Where can we use continuous flow? What items or Events require Process Maps How do we simplify Where do we reduce travel & redundancy? What process improvements can we do?,26, Use the list of future state questions Have your cross-functional grou

17、p brainstorm Utilize “outside” folks and yourself to question everything You can sketch future state ideas at the table to discuss If you wish use an overhead a simple transparencies by hand to show your ideas After you have identified all of the improvements and opportunities what would your map lo

18、ok like You may revise your map several times as you simplify Make sure you can trace all key product and information flow Look for disconnects or oversights in your new map by following it through as a group exercise What are the new Lead and Cycle times (Lead time is the key),Team Tips,Future Stat

19、e Mapping,27,From Learning to See by Mike Rother and John Shook,Future State Value Stream Map,28,Benefits of Value Stream Mapping,Helps you visualize more than the single-process level Clearly defines Lead and Cycle times Has cross-functional accuracy Links the material & information flows Provides

20、a common language and base to work from Provides a blueprint for implementation More useful than quantitative tools Ties together Lean concepts & techniques,29,Very simply, a lean value stream should produce what the customer needs when it is needed and with the highest quality and the lowest cost.

21、To do that all processes must be linked from the final customer back to the raw material and all non-value added activity must be eliminated.,30,Lead Time Reduction,Shorter Lead Time = Smaller downstream Inventory Smaller Order Quantity = Smaller downstream Inventory,Inventory = Order Quantity / 2 + Safety Stock Safety Stock = Daily Demand x Demand Std Dev x INVNORMAL(service level) x Lead Time ENR Service Level = 98%,31,VSM References,Learning to See by Mike Rother and John Shook ,


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