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1、必修一知识点总回顾一 完成句子(每空只限一词)1. The children played_(户外) until it started to rain.2. Failing the exam again_(使心烦意乱)her a lot.3. It was very stupid of you to_(不理睬) your mothers advice.4. All the people are_(关注)about the growth of the younger generation.5. The goods will be _(运送) to shanghai by air.6. The o

2、ld man went though many wars and _(遭受) a lot from them.7. We agreed go to the cinema together, but we_(不同意)on which movie to see.8. He drew a(n)_(直的)line on the paper.9. Though I hadnt seen him for many years,I could _(认出) him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.10. She made a(n)_(请求) for some w

3、ater.11. I believe that all men are created _(平等的)12. The salesman _(劝说) us to buy his products.13. She _(毕业于)from Harvard with a degree in law.14. It is a days _(旅程)to get to the seaside.15. Milu often says”_(态度) is everything.” To encourage the players to devote more.16. I consider this to be a(n)

4、 _(可信赖的)brand of washing machines.17. When she heard the news that her husband was killed, she _(爆发) into tears.18. There were six _(投票) in favor of my suggestion.19. We were_(震惊) when we heard of the news that they would get married soon.20. They began the _(拯救) work at once.21. The city was comple

5、tely_(破坏) by the earthquake.22. We should pay more attention to the _(质量) as well as quality.23. He gave the children some candies to _(奖赏) then foe behaving well.24. Tthis tree looks tall and strong, but_(实际上)its truck is hollow.25. The enemy_(进攻)us at night.26. This film is_(以为基础)on his first nove

6、l.27. He knew he had hurt his sister and _(请求)her to forgive him.28. Both his grandparents were_(埋葬)on the hill.29. He_(命令) the soldiers to shut the gate.30. He managed to_(逃脱) from the burning house.31. The police set a(n)_(陷阱)to catch the thief.32. He_(伤害) his left hand in a fight.33. I_(更喜欢) tea

7、to coffee. What about you?34. He is very ill and unlikely to_(痊愈)35. They have planned a tight _(时间表) for travel.36. He_(安排) his child in a corner of the reading room just now.二 句子翻译1 他和我面对面坐着(face to face)2 在中国种田不再完全靠天了(no longer)3 他爱上如此美丽的姑娘是很自然的事(fall in love with)4 父母关心他们孩子的健康和学习(be concerned ab

8、out)5 我很感激你的建议,它帮助我和同学们融洽相处(be grateful;get along with, 定语从句)6 这本故事书我百看不厌。(get tired of)7 我们学习语言是为了交流(in order to)8 你在童年时读过的书会对你终生职业的选择产生一定影响。(play a part in, 定语从句)9 现在,每年有超过100万的旅客去湖南观光旅游(at present, more than)10 我们要把我们的时间充分利用在学习上(make use of)11 我得求助于字典了(turn to)12 他想不出一个合适的回答(come up with)13 由于大雾,

9、今天早上到处都出现了交通阻塞(because of, there be)14 他已下定决心克服自己的缺点(make up ones mind)15 她和往常一样,早餐吃了面包和鸡蛋(as usual)16 迈克给了她一个坚定的眼神,这眼神表明他不会改变主意,也不会屈服(determine, change ones mind, give in, 定语从句)17 我姐姐喜欢游泳,而我喜欢滑雪(be fond of, while)18 请耐心点。火车十分钟后到(be doing表将来)19 我六点醒了,然后马上起床(right away)20 我高兴极了,我觉得我好像能飞起来(as if)21 好像

10、她的公司就快要破产了(it seems that,at an end)22 据报道,那个城市的吸烟人数已达到五百万(it is reported that, the number of ,reach)23 你把这些旧杂志翻出来干什么?(dig out)24 营救人员累得再也动不了,并在废墟中睡着了(tooto, fall asleep, in ruins)25 讥笑一个陷入困境的人是不友善的(in trouble,定语从句)26 杰克被判终身监禁(be sentenced to)27 事实上,我刚开始学习驾驶(as a matter of fact)28 这个政府是什么时候上台的?(come to power)29 她恳求我让她加入我们刚建立的排球队(beg,set up, 定语从句)


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