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1、射频识别技术在物联网中的应用研究 射频识别技术在物联网中的应用研究(10700字) 摘 要:射频识别技术以其数据存储量大、读写速度快、数据安全性高、使用方便、读写距离远等显著的特点,正得到快速的认可,并广泛应用于身份识别、物流管理、物品追踪、防伪、交通、动物管理等领域。本文就射频识 .射频识别技术在物联网中的应用研究(字)摘  要:射频识别技术以其数据存储量大、读写速度快、数据安全性高、使用方便、读写距离远等显著的特点,正得到快速的认可,并广泛应用于身份识别、物流管理、物品追踪、防伪、交通、动物管理等领域。本文就射频识别技术的发展、应用和技术优势进行了详尽的介绍,并结合案例对该技术在

2、物联网当中的应用可行性及前景进行了分析和研究。关键词:射频技术(RFID);电子标签;条码技术;物联网RFID Technology Application in the Internet of ThingsAbstract:Rfid technology with its data thereserves big, read/write speed, high security of data and convenient use, reading and writing of distance and other significant characteristic, is to get

3、fast recognition, and widely used in identity, logistics management, items tracking, security, transportation, animal management, etc. This paper is rfid technology development, application and technical advantage for a detailed introduction, and combination of case of the technology in the applicat

4、ion of thing networking feasibility and the future is analyzed and studied. Key words:Radio Frequency Identification(RFID);Recognition;Internet of Things(IOT) 摘要西方的自然法思想历经两千多年的发展经久不衰,并一直是西方政治法律思想的核心,自在古希腊城邦时期发源以后几经嬗变,经历了自然主义自然法时期、神学主义自然法时期、古典主义自然法时期、新自然法时期等几个阶段,成为人类历史上最重要的法律思想。考察自然法不同阶段的思想内容,发现其内涵与外

5、延时伸时缩,难以明确的定义,其发展至今所经历的几种不同形态都赋予了自然法不同的内涵,即便是同一时期的思想家对自然法的定义有时也是大相径庭。但不管怎么变动,追求正义与理性、理想与道德、自由与平等的核心价值观念上,始终具有连续性。虽然由于时代所限,自然法学家们对正义、道德、自由的内涵所作的解释不尽相同,但自然法的理念、自然法的基本主旨以及自然法本身所蕴含的理性主义精神仍然是一脉相承的。关键词:自然法  理性  正义 AbstractThe west concept of natural law gets through durable not decline of two th

6、ousand development many years, and be always west politics law thought core, the origination is almost changed into the unrestrained ancient Greece city-state period as a result of changing hereafter, have experienced several stage such as natural naturalism law period , natural theology doctrine la

7、w period , natural classicism law period , new natural law period, become the most important human being law in history thought. Content inspecting the thought being unlike a stage, connotation and extension discovering natural law hold up and shrink intermittently , the boundary is blurred , are di

8、fficult to definitely definition, the person develops so far what be experienced several kinds different forms having given natural follow different connotation to, even if the thinker who is scheduled time with a period of time is also to be very unlike to natural law definition sometimes. Go ahead

9、 but freely with reason , ideal and morality, with equal core values disregarding why changes , runs after justice , have a continuity all the time. Though because of what times is limited,that natural jurists follow rationalism spirit contained by self to the idea , fundamental natural law gist and

10、 natural world being unable to make an explanation identical, but natural law completely assumed by justice , morality , free connotation still is to be a true disciple of. 摘  要:现代社会的发展为我们学习外语提供了未曾有过的好条件。但是,由于同时伴随着经济快节奏和不稳定的现象出现,导致机会多和诱惑多的事情共存着。因此,怎样做才能利用有力的条件,将不利的因素向有利的方向转换,掌握文化知识,把文化的深度钻研得更加透

11、彻,这些都是非常重要的事。而且,必须在日语教育和学习上树立明确的立场。也就是教书方和学习方自主性的问题。这是学习日语的原动力,也是成功的保障。关键字:日语教育 ;现状 ;改革 ;中日文化对比;要旨: 現代社会発展我外国語学習未曾有条件提供。、同時落着浮相伴、機会多誘惑多共存。、有利条件利用、不利要素有利転換、文化的素養身付、文化的深深大変重要。、日本語教育学習明確立場樹立。教側学習側主体性。日本語学習原動力、成功前提保障。 :日本語教育;現状;改革;中日文化比較;9400字 财政扶持家庭服务业发展研究(字)摘  要:家庭服务业被越来越多的家庭所需要。其虽被誉为“朝阳产业&

12、rdquo;, 但该行业目前还存在诸多弊端,严重影响其发展,国外无论是发达国家都在扶持家庭服务业发展。正因为以上原因,需要财政对家庭服务业发展进行扶持,促进家庭服务业健康发展。现有的财政扶持方式有服务消费券模式,税收优惠和小额担保贷款专项担保金等方式提供了一些经验。但是,财政扶持家庭服务业发展中存在一些资金总量、结构、扶持方式等方面的困境,需要创新财政政策的创新,加快家庭服务业的发展。关键词:家庭服务业;财政;财政扶持 Financial Support in Domestic Service Development ResearchAbstract: Family services

13、 was more and more families need. Although it is known as "sunrise industry", but the industry is now also many disadvantages exist, the serious influence its development, foreign both developed countries have domestic service in support. Because of those reasons, for family services requi

14、re financial support and promote the development the healthy development of domestic service. The existing financial support means has service consumption tax benefits and coupons mode, small assure loan means such as special security provides some experience. But domestic service, financial support

15、 existing in the development of some of the money supply, structure, support the plight of method etc., the need for innovation fiscal policy innovation, speed up the development of domestic service. Key words: family services;Finance;关于口语中的省略现象(附答辩记录)(包含选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,中期检查报告,毕业论文字)摘要:众所周知,在日语会话中,经常

16、会省略掉句子的一些要素。避免使用清楚的表现形式是日语的一大特质。日本人在日常的言语生活中自然的使用省略表达。中国的日语学习者在口语和书面语中却经常出现这样那样的错误,尤其在和日本人的交流中因对方的省略表达而屡屡产生误解。此前,有关省略表达的研究取得了各种成果。本文拟从日语的句法方面,省略的文化背景方面来论述日语中的省略表达。希望本文的研究结论对日语习得者能正确地理解与运用日语省略助一臂之力。 关键词:口语;省略;句法;文化背景;口語表現省略現象要旨:周知、日本語会話、文要素省略。表現避日本語一大特質思。日本人日常言語生活、無意識省略表現使、中国日本語学習者話言葉書言葉、間違。特、日本人、話手省

17、略表現誤度起。本稿口語表現文構造、省略文化背景省略表現論。本稿結論日本語学習者、正確口語省略使分一助願。 :口語、省略、文構造、文化背景我人間互、会話文簡潔性常求。簡潔性実現、方法、省略一。省略言語現象、日常会話中使。省略多言語言日本語、英語中国語他言語、多省略文使用定評。、文法学者松尾捨治郎敬語語順自由省略多日本語三大特徴指摘。湖南省会展业现状及前景分析(字)摘  要:会展业是会议业和展览业的总称。会展经济将不断发展,影响面广,关联度高。会展业涉及工业、农业、商贸等诸多产业,对结构调整、开拓市场、促进消费、加强合作交流、扩大产品出口、推动经济快速持续健康发展等发挥重要作用,在城市建

18、设、精神文明建设、和谐社会构建中显示出其特殊的地位和作用,并日益显现出来。通过对湖南省会展业的竞争地位,市场供需以及参与竞争的优势,劣势,机会和威胁的分析,提出对湖南会展业良性发展的建议与对策。关键词:会展业;现状;前景;分析; 湖南Current Situation and Prospect in Hunan Province of convention and exhibition industryAbstract: Exhibition industry is collectively, of the Convention and exhibition industry. The con

19、vention and exhibition industry involves a great deal of industries such as industry, agriculture, trade and business, to the structural adjustment, exploit market, promote consumption, strengthen coooperation and exchange, expand the products export, promote economy to develop in a healthy way etc.

20、 and play an important role continuously fast, demonstrate its special position and function in urban construction, construction of spiritual civilization, harmonious society construct, and display day by day. Through the exhibition industrys competitive position, the capital of Hunan, market supply

21、 and demand and competitive advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats analysis, recommendations made on sound development of exhibition industry of Hunan and countermeasures. Key word:Exhibition industry and convention;current situation;prospect; analyze;hunan心是孤独的猎手中的主题分析(5700字)摘  要

22、:心是孤独的猎手是二十世纪四十年代美国著名作家卡森•麦卡勒斯的第一部成名作。这部作品曾在兰登书屋美国“现代文库”评选出的“二十世纪百佳英文小说”中排名第十七位。本文从“孤独”、“美国梦”、“种族歧视”三个方面来剖析作品的主题,从而揭示小说深邃的内涵。关键词:心是孤独的猎手;卡森•麦卡勒斯;主题On the Theme of The Heart is a Lonely HunterAbstract: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

23、is the first well-known novel of Carson McCullers’, an important American writer in 1940s. This book has been selected as one of the “Pokka Twentieth Century English Novels”, ranking the seventeenth one by the Random House American Modern Library. This paper attempts to analyze the

24、 theme in The Heart is a Lonely Hunter from three aspects: loneliness, American dream and racial discrimination, so as to reveal the deep meaning of the work.Key words: The Heart is a Lonely Hunter; Carson McCullers; Theme 传媒业发展的SWOT分析(字)摘  要:传媒业属于文化产业与信息服务业交叉的一个边缘性产业,具有垄断性较强、增值性较大、盈利模式独特的特点,传媒

25、业快速发展对我国经济社会发展产生了深远影响。本文用SWOT分析法对湖南传媒业发展的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行了深入的剖析,并从深化传媒管理体制改革;打造跨地区、跨媒体、跨行业经营的大型传媒集团;打造湖南传媒产业集群;积极进行品牌创新;增强湖南传媒人才聚集力五个方面对湖南传媒的发展提出了相关建议。关键词:传媒业;集团化;产业集群;品牌;创新The SWOT Analysis of The Media Industry Development in HunanAbstract: Media industry belongs to the cultural industry and informat

26、ion services cross a frontier industry, has the monopoly stronger, valueadded bigger, and profit model unique features. The rapid development of media have a great influence in Chinas economic and social development. In this paper, using SWOT analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and ch

27、allenges of media industry development in Hunan, and puts forward related Suggestions of five aspects as follow: deepen media system reform; build trans-regional, cross-media and cross-industry management of large media group; build hunan media industry clusters; to carry out actively brand innovati

28、on; enhance hunan media talents gathered force.Key words: the medium;System sowing separation;Industrial cluster;Brand;Make innovations摘  要根据教学楼设计规范和其它相关标准,以及设计要求和提供的地质资料,设计该教学楼。 按照先建筑后结构,先整体布局后局部节点设计步骤设计。主要内容包括:设计资料、建筑设计总说明、建筑的平面、立面、剖面图设计说明,以及其它部分的设计说明;结构平面布置及计算简图确定、荷载计算、内力计算、内力组合、主梁截面设计和配筋计算、

29、框架柱截面设计和配筋计算、次梁截面设计配筋计算、楼板和屋面设计、楼梯设计,基础设计等。其中附有风荷载作用下的框架弯矩、剪力和轴力图;纵向和横向地震荷载作用下的框架弯矩、剪力和轴力图;恒荷载和活荷载作用下的框架弯矩、剪力和轴力图以及梁柱的内力组合表。关键词:框架、重力荷载代表值;现浇钢筋混凝土结构;内力组合;弯矩调幅。  AbstractAccording: to building design specifications and other relevant standards and design requirements and provide geological data,

30、 the design of the framework of the classroom building. After the first building in accordance with the structure and layout of the overall after the first local node design steps design. Main contents include : design, architectural design of the total shows that the construction of the plane, Faca

31、de, profile design specifications, , and other parts of the design; structural layout and schematic calculation of identification, load, stress, the combination of internal forces, Main beam reinforcement design and calculation, frame-section design and reinforcement, meeting beam reinforcement desi

32、gn, floor and roof design, stair design, infrastructure design. Enclosing wind load under the framework moment, shear and axial bid; vertical and horizontal seismic loads under the framework of the moment, shear and axial bid; Constant load and live load under the framework moment, shear and axial t

33、rying to internal forces and the combination of beam-column table. Key Words:frame, Gravity load charecter value , cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure , internal force make up , curved square amplitude modulation. 在整个设计过程中,我本着“安全,适用,经济,美观”的原则,在满足设计任务书提出的功能要求前提下,完成了建筑设计这一环节,合

34、理的选择框架,并为以后的结构设计打下了良好的基础。工程概况本设计教学楼位于*市,用地755方米,红线范围为50m×20m。该地段地势平坦,环境较好,在选址和环境营造方面,注意自然景色的优美,也重学习环境各交通条件的因素,更强调人与自然环境的协调统一,比较适合教学楼功能的充分利用。 根据设计资料的规划要求,本教学楼建筑要求的主要功能有:门卫室,教师休息室,大教室,小教室,多媒体教室等。设计标高:室内外高差:450mm。墙身做法:墙身采用250厚的加气混凝土块。内粉刷为混合沙浆浆底,纸筋抹灰面,厚20mm, 内墙涮两度涂料,外墙贴砖。楼面做法:楼面(大理石楼面),100厚现浇

35、钢筋砼楼板,20厚板底抹灰。屋面做法(上人屋面):见建筑设计部分。门窗做法:塑钢窗和木门。 6.1风荷载计算    326.2 地震荷载计算    357框架的内力组合    407.1 梁柱的内力组合    407.2 柱端弯矩设计值的调整    458 截面设计    468.1框架梁截面设计    468.2框架柱截面设计    488.3 楼板设计&

36、nbsp;   549 楼梯计算    579.1 示意图    579.2 荷载计算    5710 基础设计    5910.1荷载设计值    5910.2 A、D柱独立基础的计算    5910.3 B、C柱基础配筋    62毕业设计总结    65致谢    69参考文献1 现行建筑设计规范大全.

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38、构设计.北京:高等教育出版社,2005. 10 李必瑜.房屋建筑学.武汉:武汉理工大学出版社,2000.11 龙炳煌.建筑抗震减震原理.武汉:湖北科学技术出版社,2000.12 Newmark (Newmark, N.M.), Luosenbuleishi (Rosenblueth, E.). Earthquake Engineering Principles (U.S.). Beijing : China Building Industry Press, 1986.10.13  Tomatoes (Wiegel, R.L.). Earthquake Engineering (U.S.). Beijing: Science Press, 1978.314 (U.S.) The United States Green Building Committee. Green Building Assessment System (2nd Edition). Beijing: Science Press, 1988.2. 


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