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1、Section A 第 2 课时(2d 3c) 曾学习目标类别学习重点重点单词peace, sea , sky, pollute , environment, planet, earth, part, plant重点短语in tlie future, the same as, go to school, free time, in danger on the earth, play a part in, save the earth. in the sea重点句式1. What will the future be like?2. Everyone should play a part in

2、saving the earth.3. Cities ivill be more crowded and polluted. There will be fewer trees and the environment will be in great danger.自主学习方案1 .自学生词,并记住拼读及拼写。2 .预习课本,找出重点短语和句子。(见学案自学导练内容)3 .读记后完成自学导练内容。课堂导学方案Step 1 复习和情景导入(4分钟)1 .检查上课时的家庭作业。2 .请学生发言,让他们谈一谈对未来的预测。 (提示学生用 will来表达)eg: I think in the futu

3、re , we will have more robots at home to help us. We will have more time to relax. Kids won t go to school. There will be a computer in their head. The computer will tell them how to do anything at any time. Is that amazing?环节说明: 情景导入激发了学生用英语表达的兴趣, 同时又引出了本节课的重点句型,对提高学生的口语表达能力也起到较好的效果。Step 2 完成教材 2d

4、的任务1 .学生自读对话,回答下面的问题。( 3 分钟)( 1) What s Jill s prediction about the future?( 2) Does Jill want to live on the earth or other planets?( 3) Should everyone play a part in saving the eart?h2 .大声朗读2d 对话,读熟后与同伴分角色表演对话。( 3分钟)3 .邀请三组学生表演对话。(5分钟)4 .小结训练。 ( 2 分钟)5 C ) ( 1 ) What your father ? He is very kind

5、.A. does; likeB. does; likesC. is; likeD. is; likes6 A )( 2) The river is dirty.people go to swim in it.A. FewB. A fewC. LittleD. A little环节说明: 将对话以任务型阅读的形式呈现, 这样不仅能锻炼学生的思维能力又能加深对课文的理解; 对话练习还提高了学生的语言表达能力。Step 3 完成 Grammar3c任务1 .参考学案中第47 页的单元语法透析,让学生找出难点,精讲点拨并做精练作业。 ( 5 分钟)2 .参考学案中第1课时的知识讲解,然后用more,

6、less, fewer填空来完成 3a。 ( 3 分钟)3 .教师按照3b 提供的话题,让学生们展开想象,作出自己的预测并竞相回答。 ( 2 分钟)情景: Kids study at home instead of school.In 100 years:Kids will study at home instead of school.Kids will study online.4 .教师利用多媒体呈现各种城市场景,启发学生对未来的城市的想象,然后用一篇短文描述出来。 ( 6 分钟)One possible version:I think there will be more tall b

7、uildings , and there will be fewer cars and more buses. So there will be less pollution. People will have less work to do because of the help of robots. There will be more wild zoos for animals. We will live with them.Step 4问题探究用little, much, few或many的正确形式填空。1. There will be more/fewer buildings in the city.2. There is much pollution now, but I think there will be less in the future. So the world will be more beautiful.Step 5 家庭作业完成课后提升作业(学案 p 44)。教学反思本课时通过学生畅所欲言激励学生用英语表达,同时又引出了本节课的重点句型,对提高学生的口语表达能力也起到较好的效果;再通过小结训练将对话以任务型阅读的形式呈现,这样不仅能锻炼学生 的思维能力,又能加深对课文的理解。


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