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1、Unit 2 Playing sports-Topic 3( 2 )Section BThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课的重点活动是1a 和 2 。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the new words: shall, pick2. Learn about the Simple Future Tense with “ will ” .3. Learn about expressions on making a telephone call.D. Teaching aids 教具图片 /表格/小黑板/ 录音

2、机in. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间: 10 分钟)1. (小组讨论为什么学习英语。)T: Please discuss the reasons why we must learn English.51: I learn English because it is important.52: I learn English because I like it very much.S3:I learn English because (每组叫一名学生在讲台前介绍学习英语的原因。 )T: I will ask o

3、ne student from every group to tell me the reasons.54: We learn English because it s very important.S5:We learn English because (小组讨论你最想要去的地方。 )T: Discuss the place where you want to go best in groups.56: I want to go to Shanghai because it s one of the biggest cities in the world.57: I want to go t

4、o Hangzhou because the West Lake is very beautiful.(小组内选一名同学介绍想去的地方及原因。 )T: I will ask several students to say the places and reasons.58: We want to go to the West Lake because it is very beautiful.59: We want to go to Shanghai because there are many people and some places of interest.T: I won t go

5、to school next Sunday. Can you guess what I will do?510: Will you go to the park?T: No, I won t.511: Will you go to the library?T: No, I won t.512: Will you go to the store?T: No, I won t.S13:Will you ?T: No, I won t.514: Will you go to the movies?T: Yes, you re right. I will go to the movies. Will

6、you go with me?Ss: Sure, we will.T: When shall we meet?515: Let s meet at seven o clock next Sunday evening.516: It s too early. Let s make it half past seven.T: OK. Where shall we meet?517: Let s meet at the school gate.S18:Let s meet (板书以上对话。)A: Will you go to the movies with me?B: Sure, we will.A

7、: When shall we meet?B: Let s meet A: Where shall we meet?B: At the 2.(学生两人一组做相似对话练习后表演。)(教师给予及时的评价。)T: Very good! /Excellent! /Well done! /I like this dialog very much! /Wonderful! /Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)T: Boys and girls. Do you want to know where Kangkang and Michael will go?Okay, le

8、t s listen to 1a and fill out the form in 1b.(放录音)T: Please listen to the tape again and check your answers.(让学生读1a并划出关键词)T: Please read 1a and underline the key words and phrases.(板书于小黑板上。)K: Hello,?M: Speaking.K: Michael, would you like to ?M: I d love to, but I ll have to .K: What about ?M:Let s

9、go K: When shall ?M: Let s make it K: Where ?M: At the K: OK.M: ,(教师适当讲解重难点。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间: 6 分钟 )1. (示范学生跟读1a 。 )T: Follow the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation.2. (人机对话。 )T: You are Kangkang. The tape is Michael. Listen and make a dialog with Michael.3. (使用关键词复述对话,连锁对话。

10、 )S1 : Hello, is that Michael speaking?S2: Speaking.S3:4. (教师问一个学生。 )T: S4, you did well just now. By the way, when is your birthday?S4:It s T:(对全班同学) Next Sunday is S4 s birthday. He wants to invite some students to Renmin Park. Please make a similar phone dialog.S4:Hello, is that speaking?S5: This

11、 is . speaking.S4:S5, would you like to ?S5:I d love to (两人小组做对话,并叫两组同学上台表演。 )Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间: 11 分钟)1. T: Great! You are very wonderful. Now please listen to 1a and find out the correct answers to the questions of 1c.(放录音)T: Now listen to the tape again and check your answers.(教师和学生共同编一组

12、对话,要用上“ will ” 以练习和巩固一般将来时。 )T: What s the weather like today?Ss: It s sunny.T: What will the weather be like tomorrow?51: It will be cloudy.52: It will be windy.T: What will the weather be like this weekend?S3:I don t know. I think it will be 54: It will be cloudy.55: It will be sunny.T: Really? Wh

13、at about going fishing?Ss: Good idea! When shall we meet?T: Let s make it half past eight in the morning.Ss: OK. Where shall we meet?T: Let s meet at the bus station.Ss: OK. See you then.T: See you.(让学生看着写有上面对话的小黑板作对话,擦去对话中的某些单词,只保留主要句型。 )T: Now, in pairs, make a similar dialog like this.2. T: Pleas

14、e look at Activity 2. Read the example and answer the following questions.(板书)( 1 ) What will the weather be like this weekend?( 2 ) When shall they meet?( 3 ) Where shall they meet?T: Can you find out the key words and answer the questions in 2 minutes?(学生读2,两人一组核对答案。)T: Check your answers in pairs

15、.Answers:(1) It will be sunny.(2) They will meet at half past seven.(3) They will meet at the bus station.T: Now please look at the three notes in Activity 2. Make a similar dialog like the example with the information.(教师选两对学生表演对话。)T: I ll ask two pairs to act out your dialogs in the front. You two

16、 , please.(表演完之后。 )T: Let s clap.3. (全班同学评论。 )Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间 :8 分钟)1 .T: Suppose it will be sunny this Sunday. We will go hiking together. Talk about it first.S1: What will the weather be like this Sunday?S2:It will be sunny.51: Really? What about going hiking?52: Good idea! When shall we meet?S1:Let s make it S2:OK. Where shall we meet?S1:Let s meet S2:OK. See you then.S1: See you.T: Then change your partner. Change your partners six times at least.2.Homework:根据上面的自由对话,写一篇短文,可以像这样开始:Next Sunday, it will be sunny. I will go with We will meet I will bring with me .


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