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1、美国在加拿大的南面。公园在学校的西北面。北京在中国的北部。北京在江苏的北面。山东在江苏的北面。香港在中国的南部,澳门在香港的西部。(Hong Kong, Macau)7BU4 Finding the wayWelcome语言点1. A is +方向of B (A 在B的什么方位)上海在南京的东面 Shanghai is of Nanjing. =Shanghai is to the east of Nanjing.A is in the +方向of B(A 在B里面什么方位)Taiwan is in the southeast of China.上海在中国的东面Shanghai is of C

2、hina.台湾在中国的东南The US is (to the) south of Canada.The park is (to the) northwest of the school.Beijing is in the north of China. =Beijing is in the northern part of China.Beijing is (to the) north of Jiangsu.Shandong is (to the) north of Jiangsu.2. Follow me, Eddie. =Come with me. (follow=come/go afte

3、r )follow sb. to sp.请跟我到图书馆。Please follow me to the library.跟我来,我会告诉你路线。Follow me and I ll show you the way.冬去春来。Spring follows winter.沿着这条街走到公交车站。Follow the street to the bus stop.3. Are you sure, Hobo? be sure 确信,有把握be sure to do sth.表示说话人推测 J定,必然会“。天肯定会下雨。It rain.(2) be sure + that从句.确信 我确信我能比你跑得

4、快。I m I can run f aster than you .(3)Are you sure? (4)Don t be so sure.(5)be sure of/ about sth be sure of/about doing sth 确信,对(做)某事有把握一定要写信告诉我所有的消息。Be sure to write to me and tell me all the news.你对钱有把握吗?Are you sure of money?我确信他会帮助我。I m sure (that) he can help me.4. Don be afraid. 祈使句:e.g. 上学不要迟到

5、 Dont be late for school.不要在街上踢足球Dont play football on/in the street. Never come here again.be afraid of (doing ) sth.害怕(做)某事,表示 怕担心”不要害怕犯错误。Don t be afraid ofmaking mistakes.他总是害怕一个人呆在家里。He is always afraid of stay ing at home alone.这个小孩怕狗。The little boy is afraid of the dog .(3) be afraid to do st

6、h.夜间他不敢独自外出。害怕做某事,着重指因害怕而不敢做某事(4) be afraid ( that ) 从句表示 抱歉,我恐怕帮不了你。(5) Im afraid not.5. have to go up again他不得不帮他妈妈做家务。改成否定句: He doesn 下雨了,我不得不呆在家里。 她妈妈病了,她不得不照顾她。He is afraid to go out alone at night .用出不好的消息或带有歉意的回绝:Sorry, I am afraid (that) I can t help you .I m afraid so.have to do不得不做 He has

7、to help his mum do/with the housework.t have to help . have to do 否定句 don t /doesn t have todo、做。Its raining. I have to stay at home.Her mother is ill, so she has to look after her.你不必敲门。You dont have to knock at/on the door.我不能和你玩游戏, 我得先做作业。I cant play games with you because I have to do my homewor

8、k first.我必须学好英语,因为我发现它很有用。I must learn English well because I fine it is very useful.6. Let s go on a trip (to sp.)!have/take /go on a trip to sp. 进行次去 .的旅行1be on a trip to sp.在去 的旅行中我们正计划着一次去故宫的班级旅行。We are planning a class trip to the Palace Museum.他们正期盼着进行一次去阳光镇的学校旅行。They are looking forward to ha

9、ving/taking a school trip to Sunshine Town.7about three kilometres away (from my school).动物园离我学校 4 千米远。 The zoo is four kilometres away from my school.我们学校离体育中心很远。Our school is far (away) from the Sports Center.离远 卡 far (away) from; 离多少公里远 is away(from ),fair、须省略。图书馆离我们班教室五百米远。The library is five hu

10、ndred metres away from our classroom.? How far is the library (away) from your classroom?How far is the school (away)from the your home?It s four kilometres away.It s ten minutes walk.我在离这儿很远的一个镇上工作。I work in a town far away from here.?我住在离这儿两英里远的地方。I live two kilometers from here.?我家离这儿不远。My home i

11、s not far from here.?汽车站离我家很远。The bus station is very far away from my home.?我们学校里这里不远。Our school is not far from here.Phrases:1. find your way to sp2. follow me=come with me=go after me3. Are you sure?4. between the hills5. go down here6. Don t be afraid (of doing sth/ to do sth)7. have to do sth8.

12、 go up (again)9. go on a trip to sp (take a trip to sp; be on a trip to sp) 10. north of the zoo=to the north of the zoo11. about three kilometres away (from sp) 12. get there/here/home (by bus)句型转换练习1. Let s enjoy Beijing opera he做为同义句 )/enjoy Beijing opera here?2. Be late for school.(改为否定句)late fo

13、r school.3. I think we can go there by underground.(改为否定句 ) I we can go there by underground.4. She goes to the zoo by bus.(对划线部分提问)she to the zoo?5. The Sunnyside Garden is north-west of the zoo. (改为一般疑问句 )6. Simon walks to the supermarket. (改为同义句 ) Simon the supermarket.7. They go to the restauran

14、t by bike.(改为同义句 ) They to the restaurant.把下列句子翻译成汉语:1. Don t be so sure. Let s ask the teacher foi2h Dpn t be afraid. We are all here to help you.3. The zoo is north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.4. Tom is going up the hill.5. Don t do it like that. 6. Some people are afraid of dogs.Exercise

15、s 一、根据句意和所给音标或汉语写出单词。1 . f ?l?u me and you will find the way to the park. 2. Our school is sau 0 of the zoo.3. In China, many college students are ready to work in the (西方)areas.4. People in the(西方)often celebrate Christmas by having a party.5. My home is 3(千米)away from my school.二、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.恐怕我们

16、得再上去。I m we go upagain.2 .你的家在哪? 离这儿远吗? your home? Is it here?3 .金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝。(东好西好,不如自家好。)or, home is the.7BU4 Reading 语言点1. everyone = everybody 每人 不可与 of 连用 Everyone is ready. Please begin.every one 每个人 / 物 可与 of 连用Everyone is here. So the teacher asks every one of us to follow him.I like every o

17、ne of the presents.everyone, everybody 用作主语时,谓语动词应用 三单 。Everyone is here today. Everyone likes the film.2. Go straight on, and youd the Pllafninda House.(1) . straight adv. 径直地,直地Turn right and walk straight.( adj. 直的 The road is not straight. That is a straight line. )(2) . 祈使句 + and you will do.列举

18、类似文中的句子: Turn left, and to the west of the Lion s Arean,dytohue W olrllfdi of Birds.? Turn right, and to the east of the Monkey s Forest, you ll see the giraffes.? Cross the bridge, and you ll see the elephants.Think about the problem, and you ll find the answer.Work hard, and you ll be better at yo

19、urcstus.bje? 祈使句 + or you will not do. .Hurry up, or you will not get to school on time. =Hurry up, or you will be late.该句型可转换成if 句型: ll pass thell be late.努力学习,你就会通过考试。 Work hard, and you ll pass the exam=. If you work hard, you exam.快点,否则你会迟到。 Hurry up, or you ll be late.=If you don t hurry up, yo

20、u 3. Walk along the road.= Walk down the road.along prep. 沿着 ,顺着 = downMy Grandparents often spend half an hour jogging along the street after supper.我父母经常沿着公路散步。 My parents often take a walk along the road.4. is (to the ) north/ south/ west/ east/ north-east/ south-east/ north-west/ south-west of .

21、 在. 的北面 /南面/西面 /东面/东北面 / 东南面 / 西北面 / 西南面The cinema is (to the) north of the restaurant.Carrefour Supermarket is (to the) north-west of our school. is in the north/ south/ west/ east/ north-east/ south-east/ north-west/ south-west of . 在. 的北部 /南部/西部 /东部/东北部 / 东南部 / 西北部 / 西南部Yunnan is in the south-wes

22、t of China.Our school swimming pool is in the south-east of our school.比较 : Taiwan is the east of Fujian. Taiwan is the east of China.5. remember v. 记得, 记住 反义词: forgetMy daughter of four years old can remember some stories.remember sth.Remember that it is dangerous to go near lions and tigers.rememb

23、er that 从句Please remember to bring your computer to school tomorrow.I remember telling you the news.remember to do sth. 记得要做某事remember doing sth. 记得做过某事记住它们是危险的。 Remember (that) they are dangerous.我想不起他的电话号码。I can t remember his telephone number.记住下次把你的英语书带来。 Remember to bring your book next time.3我

24、记得关过窗户 了。I remember closing the windows.6. dangerous adj. 危险的Walking along the river is dangerous.在大街上踢足球是危险的。It s dangerous to play football on/in the street.danger n. 危险前面有些危险。There is some danger ahead.in danger 处于危险中out of danger 脱离危险这位老人处于危险中/脱离了危险. The old man is in danger/ out of danger.7. Ne

25、ver go near them.祈使句的否定:Dont do/ Never do sth.8. sound n.声音 (sound/ noise/ voice)The little girl is afraid of the strange sound.(2)系动听起来The music sounds beautiful.Sounds great/ wonderful.sound like9. Birds make beautiful sounds when they sing.(时间状语从句 )10. jump aroundaround: prep 在 周围 There are many

26、trees and flowers around my house.adv.周围的,到处the houses around(周围的房子)show sb around , show sb around splook around 四处看看11. funny adj. 好笑的,滑稽的 The story of the monkeys is funny.fun n. 乐趣 有趣的事 Reading is great/lots of/ much fun.放学后我们有许多有趣的事。We have lots of fun after school.这些书很有趣,读这些书是乐趣。 These books a

27、re funny, and reading them is fun.12. quite adv.相当, 非常 The buildings are quite tall in Shanghai.quite可以修饰形容词、副词、动词、介词短语等,(与不定冠词a/ an连用时,放在不定冠词之前)very可以修饰形容词和副词等,(与不定冠词a/ an连用时,放在不定冠词之后)This is a very comfortable chair. This is quite a comfortable chair.13. leaf n.- leaves eat leaves from the trees l

28、eaves of/ on the treesLeaves wave in the wind.14. cross v.穿过,横渡,横穿Look at the red traffic light. Don t cross the road now.n.十字,十字形号,十字形物? crossing n.十字路口,人行横道;across prep. 穿过? cross = go / walk acrossDon t cross / go across the road now.练习:1 .汉语对外国人来说是个相当难的语言。Chinese is quite a difficult language fo

29、r foreign people. /a very difficult language2 . 努力学习,你就会通过这次考试。Work hard, and you will pass the exam.3 . 我妈妈记不住我的电话号码。My mother can t remember my telephone number.4 .她是个很漂亮的女孩。She is a very beautiful girl. / She is quite a beautiful girl.5 . 杭州在南通的南方。Hangzhou is to the south of Nantong.6 .穿过这条马路,你就会

30、看到南通博物馆。Cross the road, and you ll see Nantonm Museu7 .我经常听到李先生唱歌。 I often hear Mr Li sing.8 .我们经理认为画画有趣。但是他的画总是很好笑。Our manager thinks drawing is fun. But his pictures are always funny.7BU4Grammar 语言点1 . a用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前。注意:an是放于元音音素前,而不是元音字母前结论:当我们首次提到某人或某物时,在前面用不定冠词 a/an当我们再次提到某人或某物时,我们在

31、前面加定冠词“ tha ”2 .定冠词the的其他用法:1 .the sun世界上独一无二的事物2.the second序数词前3.the old某些形容词前,表示某一类人4.the Greens用于姓氏复数形式前,表示某一家人5.play the piano乐器前6.the best形容词最高级前特别提醒:有时名词前不加冠词。如月份 ,季节,星期,国家,体育运动,一日三餐,语言,或某些专有名词等前面不力口冠词。in June, in summer ,on Sunday, in China, play basketball ,have supper ,speak English ,Luxun等

32、 in on at above below behind between over under beside inside outsidenext to in front of in the front of in the middle of on the right of on the left of3 .介词: along意为 沿着,循着如: We walk along the road.我们沿着路走。That car drove along the river.那辆车沿着那条河向前行驶。across意为从一边到另一边横过“、穿过,相当于from one side to the other

33、.如:Be careful when you walk across the street. 过马路时你应小心。How many bridges are there across the Changing River? 长江上有几座桥?over 越过,从上边过去”The boy climbed over the wall.那孩子爬过了墙。There is a bridge over the river.河上有座桥。through表示 通过“、穿过(空间)”。The hunter walked through the forest. 猎人穿过的森林。The moonshine got throu

34、gh the window.月光透过窗户。up可以作介词和副词,意为往上”,向上”.He climbed up a mountain. 他爬上了 山。He walked up the stairs.他从楼梯往上走down做副词,表示从高处往下。向下”或 沿着往下”。如:The sun went down.太阳落山了。The ship sails down the river.那艘船顺流而下。round 介词,意思是 环绕“、围绕”。如:The earth moves round the sun.地球围绕太阳运行。Hes traveling round the world.他正在进行环球旅行。f

35、rom介词,意思是 从”、距、离”、来自”表示时间,地点的起始和来源I got a letter from my brother. 我收到了我弟弟的来信。I came to Nanjing from Hangzhou.我从杭州来到南京。to 向、往、到 I walk to school every day.我每天步行到校She will fly to Beijing in an hour.她将在一小时后飞往北京。4 .词组:躺在草地上lie on the grass;熊猫宝宝a baby panda在露天/开阔地in an open area;半小时后half an hour later;在商

36、店的外面 in front of the shop在食物的下面below the food在左边 /右边on the left/on the right在一个非常大的笼子in a very big cage站在那 J Lstand orer there坐在另外一棵树的下面sit under the other tree在长椅白下方 /上under the bench/ on the bench一个.另一个. one .the other-.57BU4 Integrated skills 语言点1. walk/go past sp/sb= pass sb/sp (v)(从旁边)经过某人或某地2.

37、 the path next to the river那条河边的小路;in the next room在隔壁的房间里3. a house on your left你左边的一个房子区别于 to the left向左4. at the big tree在那棵大树处区别于 under the big tree在那棵大树下5. walk to the bridge向/朝那座桥走去区别于walk across/ over the bridge走过那座桥6. cross the bridge 过桥区另1J于 go/walk across the bridge7. Take the second turni

38、ng on the right.= Turn right at the second turning.在第二个拐弯处右转8. would you like to do sth? Yes, I d like/lotoe9. Which way should I go at the traffic lights?在红绿灯处我应该走哪条路?10. Turn left at the first crossing= Take the first crossing on the left.在第个交叉路 口左拐11. at the corner of sp在的拐角处 区别于 in the corner of

39、 sp在角落里 区别于 on the corner of sp 在角落上12. get there, walk there,see you there.13. 祈使句,+ and/ or + 陈述句。 =If ,you will/ won t do Work hard, and you ll know more. =If you work hard, you ll know more.Hurry up, or youll be late. = If you dont hurry up, you ll be late.7BU4 Task语言点1. invite sb to sp邀请某人去某地;i

40、nvite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事2. have a birthday/ Christmas/ welcome party 举办一个生日、圣诞、欢迎 聚会3. this weekend 这个周末4. would like to do 很想做某事5 .prepare sth for sb= get sth ready for sb 为某人准备某物6 . play games 玩游戏7. drinks 饮料8.look forward to doing sth 盼望着做某事9. show sb sth=show sth to sb 向某人展示某物10. show sb around

41、 带某人参观11. take the underground 乘地铁12. turn left/ right 向左/右转13.walk straight on 一直向前走14.walk across sp 穿过某地15. an invitation letter 一封邀请信16. plenty of+可数/不可数名词 大量,足够,充足17. prepare sth for sb= get sth ready for sb 为某人准备好某物18. show sb how to do sth做给某人看如何彳某事19. on ones way to sp在某人去某地的路上20. on the way to sp在去某地的路上21.on the way to my home在去我家的路上22. on the way home/ here/ there在回家/来这儿/去那里的路上23. get out (at Exit A)在出 口 A 处出去24. walk straight on to sp 一直向前走到某地25. bank岸,银行26. be happy to do sth很高兴做某事27. next to紧靠,在隔壁;in the next room在隔壁的房间里


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