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1、2013-2014学年度第一学期期中考试七年级英语命题人:李华娇、任彩霞第一部分听力部分一、 听力理解。(本大题共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)A)听音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每个单词只读一遍,每小题1分,共 5分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5.第1负共7页B)听音,选择你所听到的句子的合适答语。(每个句子只读一遍,每小题1分, 共5分))6. A. Its big and clean.B. Its m the school.C. Furniture.()7. A. Blue.()8. A. Rice.B. TwoC. On the left.C. How about rice?B. J

2、uiceC. Wall.()9. A. Yes. I like dumplings. B. Thank you.()10. A. Yes, we have. B. Too much. C. All right.C)听音,根据两段长对话内容,选择正确答案。(每段对话及问题读两遍,每小 题1分,共5分))11. How many buildings in Helens school?A. Four.B. Five.C. Six.)12. Where is the office building in Jacks school?A. In front of the classroom buildin

3、g.B. In front of the sports hall.C. In front of the library.()13. Docs Jack like noodles?A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesnt. C. I dont know.()14. What would Jack like to have for lunch?A. Coke and noodles.B. Cola and hamburgers.C. Cakes and hamburgers.()15. What does Jack want to drink?A. Water.B. Cok

4、e.C. Orange juice.D)听短文,请你根据所听的内容,在每小题给出的三个选项,选出一个能回答问 题的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在题前括号内。(短文听两遍,每小题1分, 共5分)()16.is a teacher of a language school.A. Miss King B. Tim King C. Sam King()17. Lessons start at every morning.A. 8:00B. 8:30C. 9:00()18. They in the afternoon.A. must learn English B. are freeC. take ex

5、ams(考试)()19. Mr King asks the students not to worry about(担心)the exam because.A. it s not difficultB. its not in中ortantC. its no use()20. They will know the results(结果)of the exam.A. in four weeksB. in three monthsC. in four monthsE)听填信息,你将听到一篇介绍Akm周日的活动安排的短文。请听短文,完成 下面的信息采集表。(录音听两遍,每小题1分,共5分)Alans

6、Sunday Activities(活动)TimeActivitiesIn the morningGet up ( 21 )At ( 22 )Go out for ( 23 )with his friendsIn the afternoonPlay sports for ( 24 )hoursIn the eveningVisit his (25 )第二部分笔试部分二、单项填空。在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(本 大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。)26. -What do you usually have for breakfast?-A piece of brea

7、d and egg.A. a; anB. /: the C. a; the D. /: an27. Its very important food and water every day.A. to have B. have C. has D. having28. - When is your Chinese lesson? - It s.A. at ten past half B. at half past tenC. ten past half D. half past ten29. Jack nine years old. Nick and I ten years old.A. are;

8、 is B. is; are C. is; am D. are; am 30.Its hot. What about the wmdow?- Good idea.A. openB. to open C. opening D. to opening31. How many are there in your family? - Two.A. children B. babys C. photoes D. peoples 32. Dammg can speak English,he can t speak it well.A. andB. butC. orD. so33.1 want to buy

9、 some apples for.A. theirB. heC. himD. his34. fathers are both scientists.A. Juns and BobB. Jim s and BobsC. Jim and BobsD. Jim and Bob第6页共7页35. Betty got some apples but I got any.A. have; hasB. has; haventC. hasnt; have D. has: hasnt36. The girl is Mary Smith, and her given name is.A. MaryB. Smith

10、C. Mary Smith D. Smith Mary37. He has a nice house a big garden.A. toB. ofC. withD. but38. We have no in the fridge (冰箱).Lets go and buy some carrots, potatoes andtomatoes.A. vegetablesB. eggsC. meatD. fruit39. Tliere is a playground in the of my school.A. betweenB. nearC. behindD. middle40.interest

11、ing book it is! I want to read it again.A. What anB. HowanC. WhatD. How1.1 1 have a friend in. He isB. England; America D. English; American in Class One.A. England; American C. English; America 42. Tom is friend.A. iny: hes B. my; His C. I; Hes D. I; His43. His father is a doctorA. at a hospital B.

12、 in hospitalC. on a hospital D. on hospital44. Remember well and stay healthy.A. eating B. to eat C. ate D. eats45. -does your brother go to school?-At 7:00.D. WhereA. What time B. What C. How三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。)I am an American boy. I am thirteen. I _46 in No. 14 Middle School in Shanghai.I

13、 often get up 47 half past six from Monday to Friday. I often have a cup of tea, an egg and some bread for my 48 .1 go to school at half past seven and get there before eiglit o clock, and 49 start at eight. We have four lessons in the 50 and two in the afternoon. At half past three, we _ 51 games.

14、I study hard and study well. I like English and I am good at it. Mike is my good friend. We go home together. I do my homework at home, but 52 at school. I like 53 TVvery much, but I can only watch it on 54 and Sunday. I often go to 55 at about nineoclock.()46. A. workB. studyC. liveD. stay()47. A.

15、withB. inC. onD. at()48. A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinnerD.supper()49. A. filmsB. worksC. lessonsD. concerts()50. A. afternoonB. morningC. eveningD. night()51. A. makeB. playC. watchD. see()52. A. sometimesB. alwaysC. usuallyD. often()53. A. seeingB. watchingC. lookingD. looking at()54. A. MondayB. Sat

16、urdayC. FridayD. Tuesday()55. A. schoolB. classC. bedD. movies四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读A、B两篇短文,并做短文后面的题目。从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能 回答问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将答案填写在答题卡上。AKate is an English girl. She is tlurteeii. Shes in Beijmg witli her parents. She doesnt know any Chinese. She cant speak Chinese well. Sometimes

17、(有时)her friends don t know her.Its Simday moming. Kate wants to walk to the zoo and see animals. But she doesnt know the way (路)to the zoo. She asks two women t but they dont know her. Then Kate draws picnires of animals and shows to a boy. The boy smiles (微笑)and tells her the way.【.根据短文,选择正确的一项)56.

18、 Kate is in Beijing with herD. father and motherA. brother B. friends C. sister)57. Kate doesnt know well.A. Chinese B. English C. Beijing D. her friends)58. Kate goes to the zoo.A. by bike B. by bus C. on foot D. by train)59. Kate shows to a boy.A. animals B. a map C. a piece of paper D. pictures o

19、f animals )60. The boy.B. doesnt know the way to the zooB. goes to the zoo with KateC. tells Kate the wayD. doesnt know die pictureBMrs. Brown is very fat (胖).Her husband and she go to see the doctor. Her doctor says to her.“Dont eat meat and cakes/ Her husband says, 1 stop her eating them, doctor/

20、Tlie next mommg Mrs. Brown makes a nice cake and her husband eats half (一半)of it. Then he goes to work. Mrs. Brown cuts (切)a very small piece of it and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a big piece of and eats it. A few minutes later she eats it all.“My husband will be(将会)angry(生气).What shall I do

21、?、she tliiiiks. She makes anotlier (另一个)cake very quickly.She eats half of that and leaves(留)half on the table. Her husband comes back later and he secs the half cake on the table. He is very happy.()61. The doctor tells Mrs. Brown not to eat meat and cakes because.A. Mrs. Brown likes themB. meat an

22、d cakes arent goodC. Mr. Brown tells him to say soD. meat and cakes make her fat()62. The next morning Mrs. Brown makes a cake for.A. herself B. her husband C. her children D. the doctor()63. Mrs. Brown makes another cake for.A. she is good at making cakesB. her husband likes cakesC. she wants to ea

23、tD. her husband will be angry()64. Why is Mr. Brown happy when he sees the half cake on the table?A. Because he is hungry.C. Because he likes the cake.D. Because Mrs. Brown begins to stop eating cakes.E. Because the cake is nice.()65. Which is true?A. Mrs. Brown eats one cake that morning.B. Mrs. Br

24、own eats half.C. Mrs. Brown doesnt eat cakes.D. Mrs. Brown eats half and leaves half.配对阅读阅读以下材料,获取必要的信息,然后匹配有关问题,并将答案写在答题卡指 定位置。)66. Lucy, a math teacher.)67. Peter, a bus drive匚)68. Amy, a worker.)69. Tony, a policeman.)70. John, an actor.A. His film is very good, many students like him.B. Do you l

25、ike eating good apples? You can come to his farm.C. He works at a police station.D. If you want to go to Guangzhou, he can take you there.E. You go to a factory, you can see her.F. She can help you learn math well.五、看图短文填词(本大题有10小题,每小题L5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,并借助上下文和图片补充所缺信息。每个空格只能够填写 一个形式正确、与短文内容意思相符的单词。Thi

26、s is a 71 of my family. There are 72 people in my family.These are my 73 . My mother name 74Alice. My father is Jackie Brown. His 75name is Jackie. They are teachers, they work at 76school. are my grandparents. My 78 name is Maria and my grandfather name is Frank.Look at that boy, he is my brother M

27、ike. Whats the girfs name? Oh, 79 name is Linda. Ha ha, its me. My brother and I are students. go to school 807 o,clock every day.六、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分。)A)信息归纳(本部分共5小题,每小题1分,共5分。)阅读短文,根据短文内容完成下面的信息卡。Kay is a Chinese girl. She is 13 years old and she is a student. Everyday, she gets up at 7 and the

28、n has breakfast. Her favourite food is noodles. She goes to school by bike. At school, she likes English very niuclr her best friend is Lily, and they often speak in English.After school. Kay can do many things. She can sing, dance, draw, swim and so on(等等).She is a nice girl, everyone like her.Info

29、rmation CardWhere is Kay from?81.How old is she?82.Whats her job?83.Whats her favourite food?84.What can she do?She can sing, dance, 85., swim and so on.B)书面表达(本部分1小题,共15分)假设你叫Linda,是一个十二岁的女孩,爱好运动,喜欢健康的饮食。以下是你每天的 饮食表,请根据表格内容写一篇短文。Lmdas diet(饮食)早餐 7:00 a.m.一些而包,一个鸡蛋,牛奶午餐 12:30 p.m.米饭,鸡肉,鱼,蔬菜,一个苹果晚餐 6

30、:00 p.m.米饭,肉,胡萝卜,汤要求:1、词数60以上:2、要点齐全,语句通顺,内容连贯。答案:1 -5 CEDAB6-10 ABABC11-15 BCBBC 16-20 CBBAA21. late22. noon 23. lunch 24. two 25. parents26-30 DABBC31-35 ABCBB36-40 CCADA 41-45 A A AB A46-50 BDACB51 -55 BABBC56-60 DACDC 61-65 DBDCA 66-70 FDECA71. photo72. six73. parents74. is75. first/given76. a77. Tliese78. grandmothers79. her80. at81. China82. 1383. a student84. noodles85. draw书面表达(略)第7贞共7页


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