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1、Section BPeriod Two预习检测:L上如此多的课外辅导班take so many after school classes2.减掉他们的几个活动31 国痴咳笛舜 ir activities4 .一位三个孩子的母亲ie tired children5 .送他们的孩子们去各稗备粮懈漪Shree kids配该是硒年做i傀肱I物时配血s of classesIts time to do homework? for homework.7,她们总是把自己的孩子与其他的孩用作比较。 They are always comparing themwith other children.8.人们不应

2、该吧孩子逼得那么紧。Peopleshouldn pushtheir kids s。 hard学习目标:1,学习新单词2 .知识点:compare .with.sendto.continue doing sth/ to do sth so that cut out / cut off /cut up not. until. 3 , 了解各种各样的学习班以及孩子们的减Read the article and answer the questions.1. What is the common problem for Chinese and American families?The childre

3、n have too many after-school activities which cause them to be stressed2. Who gives their opinions about the problem?Cathy Taylor, Linda Miller and Dr. Alice Green.2Look at the words in bold in the article. Can you guess their meanings? Try to match them with the meanings below.1. Keeps on happening

4、 continues2. Physical exercise and practice of skillstraining3. Worries about things at home, school orwork stress4. Usual or common typical5. Try to be the best or the first to finish something compete6. Getting better or bigger development7. Looking for differences and similarities between things

5、comparing2dRead the article again and answer the questionse1. Does Cathy Taylor think its important for kids to join after-school activities?Yes, he does.2. Does Linda Miller agree with Cathy? Whats her opinion?No. She thinks it is unfair to compare their kids with other children. SheI thinks people

6、 shouldnt push their kids so hard.慢根社3. Does Dr. Green agree with Cathy or Linda? What does she say?Dr. Green agrees with Linda. She says, “Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves too. Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children.“二1

7、. cut out删除;删去,动副短语,当代词作宾语时,代词置于中间。关于cut的短语还有cut up 切碎cut down 砍伐cut off切除,切断报社02. Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good high school and later a good university.so that意为“以便,为了%引导目的状语从句,that从句中常使用can / may等情态动词;我们必须努力学习以便于将来能挣很多钱.We must study hard so that we can mak

8、e a lot of money in the future.今天早晨他早早起床以便于能赶上早班公 交车.He got up early this morning so that he could catch the early bus .3. compare动词,“比较;比作compare .with .把与作比较/对比compare. . to 把比作例:1)我们常把儿童比作花朵。We oftencompare children to flowers.2)不要把我跟别人比较。Don compare me with others.练习一下吧:1 .People often con candl

9、es.2 . Dont comparemy fathers.ipare teachers tomy handwriting with4. The tired children dont get home until after 7:00 pm.notuntil 直至!I才 我昨天晚上直到写完作业才去睡觉.I didnt go to bed until I finished my homework last night.5. continue动词,“持续,继续 continue to do sth.指做完一件事后继续去做别的事.continue doing sth指一件事中断的后再继续做这件我做

10、完作业之后,又继续帮助妈妈做家务.After finishing my homework, i continued to help my mother with house work.休息了 10分钟之后我又继续做作业.I continued doing my homework after 10-miunterest.练习一下:1 After answering the phone , I continue (do) Hotitework.2 . We continuedworkingyork) after ashort rest.6. Mothers send their small kid

11、s to all kinds of classes.送某人到某地 send sb to sp寄给某人某物 send wb sth = end sth tn sb各种各样的all kinds of昨天晚上他奶奶病了,他爸爸送她去医院。His grandmother was ill last night and his father sent her to the hospital.7. People shouldnt push their kids so hard 人们不应该把孩子逼得这么紧 push verb督促;逼迫他逼迫他们接受这个计划。He pushed them to accept h

12、is plan.她父母督促她努力学习。Her parents pushed herstudy hard.Review课时重点回顾so that be always doing sth.cut out/cut of他 ut up/cut down compare.with./compare .to.in ones opinion1. Greens (Green) are leaving for Canada next weekIts time for us to have (have) class.John is always watchingfwatch) TV on w

13、eekends.Too much pressure is bad for a childs development (develop)What should I do to relax (relax) ?完成句子1 .现在许多学生都上课外补习班。Now a lot of students take after-school classes,2 .你应该把它删去。You should cut it out .3 .孩子们应该有时间放松并为自己考虑。Children should have timeto relax andthink for themselves.1. D are a typica

14、l American family.A. Whites B. The WhiteC. White D.The Whites2. Its time us sports.A. for; play B. for; playingC. for; to play D. to; to play3. They continued B after having a short rest.A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walked4. Some parents are always comparing their childrRi other children.A. to B

15、. with C. as D. for;5. Doctors say too much pressure is not good for childs B .A. developB. developmentC. opinionD. independent6. People shouldnt D their kids so hard.A. compare B. argue C. fight D. push7. They B come back home it wasvery late.A. don9t; until B. didn9t; untilC. wont till D. wont; un

16、til8The teacher speaks very loudlyallthe students can hear herA. so that B. because C. since9.Youd better take the map with you _ you won get lost.A. as long as B. as soon as C so that号蒸沿掘H1. I dont have a partner to play tabletennis with.-Why a sports club to practicea lot?A. dont joinB. not joinin

17、gC. not to join dont you joinV J2. 根据中文意思完成句子。很抱歉今天不能陪你去购物,明天怎么 样?Im sorry I can go shopping with you today. How / What about tomorrow?3. 一Would you like to watch the movie with me tonight?, but I have too muchhomework to do. Fd love to C. It doesnt matterJ I I I J J I 1Be Thats all rightD. Not at a

18、ll4. Susan, what are the advantages of MP5 players?A. unlessC. untilB. if工 so thatMom, they are smaller and lighter, they can be carried very easily.5.单词拼写:The naughty boy is always 行ghting (fight) with others.6. Look! Its raining heavily.take a raincoat with you?Well, Ill take one right now.Why not

19、B. Why dontC. Would you mind D. Would you like 7. Shall we go for a visit to the World Expo in Shanghai during summer vacation?(写出同义句)Why not go for a visit to the WorldExpo in Shanghai during summer vacation8. We dont have much homework thisweekend. Shall we go out together?OK. What abouta movie?A to seeC. see熠 seeingD.sees9. Its very hot outside. WhyA. notyou stay at home?B. not todont.To preview the new words andexpressionsTo preview what people were doing when the rainstormcame关佗报杜CV!121KCirl:MJ ISII


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