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1、短文改错中代词的短文改错中代词的 1212 种考法种考法 考点考点 1 1:前后人称不一致:前后人称不一致 人称代词:人称代词: (2019(2019 年课标卷年课标卷)wed like to invite)wed like to invite you to the exhibition. We would be grateful you to the exhibition. We would be grateful if you could joinif you could jointhemthem that day. that day. 解析:应指“加入到我们当中”才与上文的 we 一致,

2、故改 them 为 us。 物主代词:物主代词: (2019(2019 年卷年卷) My uncle says that he never dreams of becoming rich in a short) My uncle says that he never dreams of becoming rich in a short period of time. Instead, he hopes thatperiod of time. Instead, he hopes that ourour business will grow steadily. business will grow

3、 steadily. 解析:根据主语 he 可知,指“他的”生意,用形容词性物主代词 his,故改 our 为 his 反身代词:反身代词: (2019(2019 年卷年卷)I thought I knew everything and could make decisions)I thought I knew everything and could make decisions byby yourselfyourself. . 由句子的主语是 I 可知,是指由“我自己(myself)”做决定,故改 yourself 为 myself。 考点考点 2 2:前后单复数不一致:前后单复数不一致

4、人称代词:人称代词: (2019(2019 年课标卷年课标卷) I was happy when the toys worked, but when things went) I was happy when the toys worked, but when things went wrong, I got angry and brokewrong, I got angry and broke it it. . 解析:指代前句中的 the toys,是复数,应用 them 做 broke 的宾语,故改 it 为 them。 (2019(2019 年大纲卷年大纲卷)Otherwise, it

5、is impossible for)Otherwise, it is impossible for himhim to help each other and to to help each other and to make their friendship last long.make their friendship last long. 解析:由 help each other 和后面的 their 可知,要用复数,故改 him 为 them。 (2019(2019 年大纲年大纲 I I 卷卷)Nang is a special kind of cake in Xinjiang. I

6、like)Nang is a special kind of cake in Xinjiang. I like themthem very very much.much. 解析:替代前句中的 a specially kind of cake,是单数,用,故改 them 为 it。 物主代词:物主代词: (2009(2009 年大纲年大纲 I I 卷卷)The factory at the corner of Friendship Street and Zhongshan)The factory at the corner of Friendship Street and Zhongshan R

7、oad has been moved out the city, and a sports center has been builtRoad has been moved out the city, and a sports center has been built inin theirtheir place. place. 解析:指原来“那家工厂所在的”地方,单数,故改 their 为 its。 考点考点 3 3:前后性别不一致:前后性别不一致 人称代词:人称代词: (2019(2019 年大纲年大纲 II II 卷卷)Before her leaving, I prepared a g

8、ift to show my best wishes)Before her leaving, I prepared a gift to show my best wishes toto himhim. She said. She said 解析:由上下文中的 she 可知朋友是女的,这里突然变成男的了,前后性别不一致, 应改 him 为 her。 物主代词:物主代词: (2009(2009 年大纲年大纲 II II 卷卷)A little girl was hurt and)A little girl was hurt and hishis mother needed help. mother

9、 needed help. 解析:应是指前面提到的“那个女孩的”妈妈,故改 his 为 her。 第 1 页 考点考点 4 4:代词的漏用:代词的漏用 人称代词:人称代词: (2019(2019 年卷年卷)At last, I will be on my own,but I still want to have my parents to)At last, I will be on my own,but I still want to have my parents to turn toturn to whenever need helpwhenever need help. . 解析:根据句

10、子结构,whenever 引导状语从句,从句中缺主语,应填代词;再根据句 子意思,表示“我”需要帮助的时候,故在 need 前加 I。 物主代词:物主代词: (2019(2019 年年 II II 卷卷) 5. One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with) 5. One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with hishis parentsparentshe turned around ahe turned around and found thatnd found that hi

11、s parentshis parents were missingFivewere missingFive minutes later, Tony sawminutes later, Tony saw parentsparents. . 解析:意思是 Tony 见到了“他的”父母,故在 saw 后面加 his。上文也有明显提示。 考点考点 5 5:人称代词:人称代词“ “格格” ”的误用的误用 也就是人称代词主语与宾语的误用。 (2019(2019 课标课标)Three years ago, Li Mings parents invited)Three years ago, Li Mings

12、parents invited I I to spend two wonderful to spend two wonderful weeks in Qingdao with them during the summer holiday.weeks in Qingdao with them during the summer holiday. 解析:作 invited 的宾语,要用人称代词的宾格,故改 I 为 me。 考点考点 6 6:物主代词:物主代词“ “性性” ”的误用的误用 也就是名词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的误用。 (2009(2009 年课标卷年课标卷)Im going to a

13、ttend)Im going to attend minemine first lesson this afternoon, so Ive gotfirst lesson this afternoon, so Ive got some preparations to make. Keep in touch.some preparations to make. Keep in touch. 在名词前作定语要用形容词性物主代词,指“我的(my)”第一堂课,故改 mine 为 my。 考点考点 7 7:人称代词与物主代词的误用:人称代词与物主代词的误用 (2019(2019 年大纲年大纲 I I 卷

14、卷)I was only about six when he held his hand out to me. I took it)I was only about six when he held his hand out to me. I took it inin meme and we walked. and we walked. 解析:意思是将他的手放到“我的手(my hand)”里,相当于 my hand,应用 mine,故改 me 为 mine。 考点考点 8 8:反身代词与人称代词宾语作宾语的区别:反身代词与人称代词宾语作宾语的区别 (2019(2019 年年 I I 卷卷) 2

15、. He had a deep voice, which set) 2. He had a deep voice, which set himselfhimself apart apart from othersfrom others 解析:因做宾语的反身代词应与主语是指同一人或物,而此句为定语从句,其主语不 是 he,而是代表 the deep voice 的 which,所以不能用 himself,要改为 him。意为: 这种声音使“他”与别人分离,故改 himself 为 him。 考点考点 9 9:suchsuch 与与 soso 的误用的误用 (2019(2019 年卷年卷)At f

16、irst, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by)At first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by myself. However, my parents didntmyself. However, my parents didnt seem to think seem to think suchsuch. . 解析:指代上文中 think 的宾语从句,用 so,表示“这样”,故改 such 为 so。 考点考点 1010:manymany

17、 与与 muchmuch 的误用的误用 (2019(2019 年卷年卷)It does not cost)It does not cost manymany, yet we can still learn a lot., yet we can still learn a lot. 解析:意思是“不会花费许多(钱)“,指代不可数名词“钱(money)”,用代词 much,不用 many,故改 many 为 much。 第 2 页 考点考点 1111:anythinganything 与与 everythingeverything 的误用的误用 (2009(2009 年课标卷年课标卷)Im gla

18、d)Im glad to say that to say that anythinganything has worked out fine in the dorm. has worked out fine in the dorm. 解析:因 anything 常用于否定疑问句中,这里不合适;作者是想说,很高兴告诉你, “一切(everything)”都很好,故改 anything 为 everything。 考点考点 1212:this, thatthis, that 与与 it it 的误用的误用 (2019(2019 年课标卷年课标卷)We are organizing an art e

19、xhibition for high school students in)We are organizing an art exhibition for high school students in the city.the city. ThisThis will be held on the 9th of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai. will be held on the 9th of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai. 解析:指上句提到的“艺展”,即指代 The art exhibition 用

20、 It,故改 This 为 It。 英语表达中的“异曲同工” 在做阅读理解的时候可能都会发现一个现象,就是正确答案的选项往往是原文某些 词句的同义表达,而并非和原文的一样的句子。 例例 1 1【正确选项】The majorityThe majority thought it was a trendit was a trend.(2019 全国乙卷 26 题) 【原文句子】Two-thirdsTwo-thirds believe more families will follow the examplemore families will follow the example of Obamas

21、 family. 例例 2 2【正确选项】Taste many kinds ofmany kinds of apples.(2019 全国丙卷 28 题) 【原文句子】Visiting an apple event is a good chance tosee, and often taste, a a wide variety ofwide variety of apples. 例例 3 3【正确选项】It has seats in the open airIt has seats in the open air. (2019 全国丙卷 24 题) 【原文句子】Large outdoor t

22、heater with the closest seatsoutdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (pieced if ference). 例例 4 4【正确选项】He could have bought it at alower priceat alower price. (2019 全国甲卷 21 题) 【原文句子】I let a salesclerk fool me into buying a discontinued model, I realized this a day later, when I saw newspaper advertisements for the set atat seventy-five dollars less than I had paidseventy-five dollars less than I had paid. 第 3 页


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