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1、I went there last year 说课稿各位老师大家好:我说课的内容是Module6 Unit1 ,我的说课将从以下几个方面进行:一、 说教材:本模块主要围绕I went there last year.的语言功能运用动词的过去式谈论旅游见闻, 并对旅游的过程进行简单的描述。 它的语言任务是 When did you go to :? Did you go with .?二、 说学生本课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生, 他们对过去式的学习已有了一定的基础,能够正确的运用 “Whendid you go to .? Did you go with .?等句型来进行交流。因此在本课的教学

2、中,教师应在此 基础上创设情境,进一步引导学生巩固和拓展对过去式的表达及运用。三、 说教学目标:1、认知目标: 1 )能听懂、会说并认读单词 photo、 stay、 week、 parent; 2)能听懂会说认读下列句子: When did you go to .? We went there .Did you go with ?Yes, I did. No, I didn t.2、能力目标:在情境中运用 When did you go to .?We went there .Did you go with ? Yes, I did. No, I didn 来谈论旅游经 历。3、情感目标:开

3、拓学生视野,增长学生的人文地理知识,激发学生热爱祖国大好河山的情感。四、教学重点、难点(一)教学重点1、认读单词 photo、 stay、 week、 parent2、认读和运用句子: When did you go to :? We went there l ast year. Did you go with mother and father? Yes, I did. No, I did n t.(二)教学难点在情境中熟练运用所学重点句型来谈论自己和他人的旅游经历。5、 说教法学法为了顺利完成教学目标,更好地突出重点,突破难点,按照学生的认知规律,我采用全身反应法、情境交际法直观演示法、任

4、务型教学法、 游戏法相结合的方法, 促使学生多听、 多读、 多说, 形成自主、探究性学习,学生在互助、 交流中建立起自信,培养学生的综合语言运用能力,更好体现以学生为主体,教师主导的这一理念。6、 教学准备单词卡片,电子白板,课件、点读笔、日历、照片7、 教学设计Module 6 Unit 1 I went there last year教学设计Step1 : Warming upT:what do you like .?D(you like .?(reading、 watching TV 、 playing computer game 引导学生复习前面所学的动作 )Ss: Yes, I do

5、.No, I don t.T: I like travelling.(板书课题Travel)学生朗读三遍T : At first, let us sing a song .Where did you go ?教师评价: wonderful!热身环节第一是师生交流,用学过的句型师生问答what do youlike .?Do you like.?(!H导学生复习前面所学的动作)reading、 watching TV、 playing computer game 由这句型弓I出本课的课题 Travel。第二步是设计让学生 sing a song .Where did you go ? 这首歌曲既

6、能活跃课堂气氛又是本课谈论的重点。Step 2: New lessonT: who can tell me, where did you go last year? (课件出示)Ss: I went to T: When did you go?Ss: I went there .T: Did you go with your mother?(mother/sister版书句型Ss: Yes,I did.(No ,I didn t)T: Did you take some photos?学习这个单词photo,开会车拼读,表扬学生(good /wonderful/w ell done/so cl

7、ever)T:Look!There are some photos of XinJiang (出示两张新疆的I went there last year.做书)Who can tell me, where is Xinjiang ?(课件出示中国地图 )Ss: WestT: You are so clever.课件出示句子It ins the west of China. Who can read it? 找几个同学练 习读,wonderful good great表扬学生XinJiang is very beautiful. So:课件出示I stayed with my grandmoth

8、er for a week in July.学习单词 s tayed week 开火车读依次表扬 wonderful good greatWho can read it?T:I like travelling very much.so I went to another place. Look and guess! What is the place?解件出示海南的景色)Ss: HaiNanT: wonderful! Where is it?(出示中国地图海南在哪里)Ss: It is in the south of China .课件出示T: You are so clever.HaiNan

9、 is beautiful too, so I stayed there and visited my u ncle 学习单词 uncleWho can read it?第二步课文教学环节教师用 where did you go last year? When did you go? Did yo u go with your mother? (mother/ sister) Did you take some photos?用这几个问题对学生的旅游进行交流。设计意图:暑假刚过,同学们去过不少的地方, 给学生提供一个话题让学生来谈论, 因为是学 生自己经历的事情,学生谈论起来很感兴趣,学生们的

10、热情很高。然后教师谈论自己的旅行,教师出示自己去新疆旅行的图片 say:I went there last year呈现新句型,接着出示中国地图让学生观察 新疆在我国的位置, 师问 Who can tell me ,where is Xinjiang ?引导 学生回答It in the west of China.用各种方式读句子,练读句子。师生继续交流老师去过的地方, 教师出示海南图片让学生猜What isthe place? Where is it?依次引出新的句型It is in the south of China . HaiNan is beautiful too, so I sta

11、yed there and visited my uncle 学习单词uncle设计意图: 从学生谈论自己的旅游到教师介绍自己的旅游学生兴趣很高,教师提供的图片能吸引学生的注意力,让学生猜,学生的积极性大大地提高了, 地图的出示能让学生更直观的学习方位在英语中如何表达。Step 3:practice1、 T:There are so many beautiful cities in China Look at this one. what is the city?Ss: ShangHaiT: Great! Look at this map, and then fill in the blank

12、s.1、 T: All of you have a good job. Show your photos please.Who want to come here and show the photos?活动形式:师生互动,师问生答;生生互动,一问一答这时课件出示五个问题:Where did you go ?When did you go ?Where is it ?Did you go with your .?在操练环节我设计了两个活动: 第一个活动是出示上海、 北京的图片及地图让学生填空。 设计之一活动我想学生学习剩余的两个方位怎么表达,学习句子It is in the east /wes

13、t of China.第二个活动是展示学生自己的照片,课件出示五个问题:Where did you go ?When did you go ?Where is it ?Did you go with your.采用师生问答,生生问答的方式操练句型,本环节的设计意图是: 让学生所学的句型一问一答的形式谈论自己的旅游, 给学生创设真正的情景让学生多说的目的, 使自己所学到的知识能真正的运用到实际生活当中。Step 4、 Listen2、 listen and answer.What has Lingling got?3、 Listen point and repeat, then do exerc

14、ises.课件出示练习题4、 Read the text with your parter, then act it out.小组合作分角色朗读课文。在听音环节: 第一遍带着问题听音listen and answer. What hasLingling got?第二遍听音后做练习题,第三遍是小组合作分角色朗读 课文。Step 5、 WriteT : Your English is very well. And I know that you like trave lling. What is your favorie city? Now take your pens and write ab

15、out your trip .then I will ask some of you to read. 课件出示材料五年级的学生不能光停留在口头上, 也要落实在笔头上, 在本环节设计了写的要求, 教师提供材料让学生写自己的旅行。 然后找学生说说。 What is your favorie city? Now take your pens and write ab out your trip .then I will ask some of you to read.Step 6、 Homework1、 Listen and read the text after the tape.2、 Ask your friends about their trip.3、 4、


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