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1、English Test for Senior One Students (Unit 9-10). Multiple Choice (20%)1. Mr. Wu returned to his hometown and found it completely .A. changingB. changed C. changeD.had changed_when you re looking for aD. importanceD. have changedD. No matter whatD doesn t it2. Being able to speak another language fl

2、uently is a great _job A. assistantB. chanceC. advantage3. The country life he was used to greatly since 1992.A. changeB. changingC. has changed4. we do must be in the interest of the people.A. HoweverB. No matter how C. Whatever5. There seems to be something wrong with the blouse, ?A. isn t thereB.

3、 isn t itC. doesn t there6. The purpose of protecting nature is to make human beings life better, it worse.A. not makeB. not to make C. not makingD. do not make7. As she got older and older, her relatives all .A. died outB. died awayC. died offD. died down8. There are so many monkeys in the zoo that

4、 some of them are to the mountains.A. given away B. brought up C. taken down D. set free9. I m sorry I m late again. Come in, please. You are always the one to come.A. lateB. laterC. latestD. last10. This question is being discussed.A. worthB. worthyC. worth of D. worthy of11. When can I go out to p

5、lay, Mom? You can t go out unless you the training course.A. can finishB. will finishC. have finished D. will have finish12. We d better not any more time to the project, which might bringabout a negativeeffects.A. spareB. devoteC. spendD. waste13. He reached London in 1996 , , some time later , he

6、became a famous actor.A. whereB. whenC. whichD. that14. When I arrived at the railway station the manager . So we had time for only afew words.A. just went awayB. has just gone awayC. had just gone awayD. was just going away15. Id like to look through todays newspaper and see in the world.A. how is

7、it goingB. what is taking placeC. what is going onD. what is coming out16. An important test of one s social ability is whether he in a changingsurrounding.A. can adapt to liveB. can adapt himself to liveC. is adapt to livingD. is adapted to living17. Will you give this message to Mr White, please?

8、Sorry, I cant. He .A. no more works hereB. works no more hereC. no longer work hereD. doesn t work here any longer18. , the situation doesnt seem so disappointing.A. To look in this wayB. Looking in this wayC. Looked at in this wayD. Being looked at in this way19. Which of the following sentences is

9、 WRONG?A. Daren t you tell her the truth?B. They dared me to jump over the river.C. People always think I m a fool. They are right, I dare say.D. The little girl dares not go out in the dark at night .20. Which of the following sentences is CORRECT?A. The Yangtze River is almost twice the length (长度

10、)than the Pearl River.B. This tree is as three times tall as that one.C. The size of the new playground is four times that of the old one. D. I am double of his age.n . Cloze ( 20%)Some twenty years ago I was working in a factory with Walter Jansen who would be retired (退休)soon after 40 years of wor

11、k. For the past twenty-five years he 1 the factory foreman (工头).He loved the people he worked with and they loved him too. This was my first year to work but it was Walter s 2 . 3 Walter Jansen who told me about the big“Trip to theIsland tradition ( 传统):Every December the two hundred workers familie

12、s would 4 and each family would place five dollars in a box and write its name on a piece of paper. Then someone would be blindfolded ( 蒙眼)and draw the 5 of the family that would go for a happy two-week trip.“Whydon t you cometo the gathering? ” Walter 6 to me. I ll 7 you to everyone.” 8 three o clo

13、ck each family had put five dollars. But before the 9_ the announcercalled Walter up and 10 him a medal expressing their thanks for his years of care and 11 . Then I was asked to draw the name of the 12 family. I was blindfolded and 13 to the box. I reached in, and 14 settled on one.I took off the b

14、lindfold and read the piece of paper, 15 !”The 16 were deafening (震耳欲聋).Everybody surrounded him, 17 . 18 the gathering continued I 19 the box, carelessly, and a handful of pieces went out. With curiosity ( 好奇心),I unfolded some, and found each of them in 20 handwriting,carrying the same nameWalter J

15、ansen .1. A. wasB. was madeC. have beenD. had been2. A. pastB. lastC. firstD. second3. A. I remembered B.I askedC. I heardD. It was4. A. come acrossB. get togetherC. travel aroundD. drop in5. A. nameB. moneyC. memberD. box6. A. persuadedB. advisedC. saidD. asked7. A. showB. inviteC. tellD. introduce

16、8. A. AtB. ForC. ByD. On9. A. drawingB. eatingC. gatheringD. celebrating10. A. broughtB. providedC. awardedD. made11. A. hardshipB. troubleC. courageD. friendship12. A. famousB. bestC. luckyD. thankful13. A. ledB. cameC. rushedD. took14. A. slowlyB. particularlyC. finallyD. luckily15. A. My familyB.

17、 Water Jansen C. The announcerD. Anyone16. A. cheersB. voicesC. noiceD. answers17. A. introducingB. thankingC. congratulatingD. laughing18. A. AfterB. TillC. DuringD. While19. A. fellB. threwC. droppedD. opened20. A. goodB. colourfulC. the sameD. differentm. Reading ( 20%)AWhere Is God?A couple had

18、two little boys, aged 8 and 10, who were excessively mischievous. They were always getting into trouble. And their parents knew that. If any mischief (恶作居U ) occurredin their town, their sons were probably invoked.The boys mother heard that a clergyman (牧师)in town had been successful in disciplining

19、 (管教)children, so she asked if he would speak with her boys. The clergyman agreed, but asked to see them individually. So the mother sent her 8-year-old first in the morning, with the older boy to see the clergyman in the afternoon.The clergyman, a huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy

20、down and asked him sternly ( 严厉地),Where is God? The boys mouth dropped open, but he made no response, sitting there with his mouth hanging open, wide-eyed. So the clergyman repeated the question in an even sterner tone, Where is God!? Again the boy made no attempt to answer. So the clergyman raised

21、his voice even more and shook his finger in the boys face and cried, WHERE IS GOD!?The boy screamed and ran away from the room, ran directly home and rushed into his closet (壁橱),slamming the door behind him. Whenhis older brother found him in the closet, he asked, What happened?The younger brother,

22、gasping for breath, replied, We are in BIG trouble this time, brother. God is missing - and they think WE did it!1. The underlined sentence means.A. Their sons were probably beaten.B. Their sons were probably hurt.C. Their sons probably played a part in it.D. Their sons were happy.2. The clergyman p

23、romised to.A. frighten the children.B. beat the children.C. talk to the two children at the same time.D. talk to the two children one by one.3. According to the passage, which of the following sentence is true?A. The two children always obey their mother.B. The two children s father didn t know that

24、 their children were naughty.C. The clergyman was very rich.D. The two children liked to play tricks.4. By “where is God ” , the clergy man wanted to tell the child.A. they should behave themselves.B. he was angry, for they have had stolen God.C. that God is missing.D. to find God.5. At last, when t

25、he younger child rushed home, he was.A. happy B. frightenedC. illD. angryBFrom e-mail to on- line shopping, you may think you ve heard everything there to know about the electronic frontier(新领域).But with hundreds of thousands of Web pages beingadded weekly , there are plenty of surprises out there .

26、 Here are some of the most intriguing (有迷惑力的).Put your kid on a greeting card . Here is how: simply take some pictures with a regularcamera , and then ask the photo service to develop them digitally(数字化) .For a smallfee , you ll receive your photos on a disk . Put that into your computer and , with

27、a few clicks of the mouse , you can view your photos on the screen . With a few more keystrokes(键击),you can attach (使附在)the photos to e-mail and send them to friends and relativesworldwide.Sign on to one or several greeting card s Web sites ( is an index of more than 1200 electronic card sites ) an

28、d create an electronic birthday or holiday card . Using your digital photos, you can paste your grandchildren onto the cover.If you don t want to use your own photos , go tocards to browse (浏览)hundreds of images in over 30 categories all of which you can attach to an electronicgreeting card for fre

29、e . For a nominal fee you can choose from a library of 75,000 images as .Call Australia for free. To have a telephone conversation over the Internet, the personyou want to talk to no longer needs a computer. Now all you need to talk to someone in Sydney is one computer with speakers, a microphone, a

30、 sound card and some software(available or ) . Typically , you ll pay a monthly fee ( usually under $ 20) to a service provider, but after that, the calls themselves are local. Sound quality is the same as that of a cell phone.Even if you don t have a computer, you can stilluse the Webto reduce yo

31、ur long distancephone costs. Somecompanies offer a service that lets you use an ordinary phone to call another ordinary phone , but charge only a few cents per minute for U.S. calls , because they send them through the Internet.Today 48 percent of American homes have computers a figure that is expec

32、ted to climbto 60 percent by 2003. And by the end of the next decade, Americans will likely be spending more time shopping , banking , investing and learning on the Internet than in the real world . If you can t do or find something on the Net today, you probably can tomorrow.6. Over the Internet ,

33、you.A. can hear everything thereB. will meet with plenty of surprises which come out every weekC. will hear the things about the electronic frontierD. can find some things are very interesting7. From the passage we can infer that.A. fewer people will use the Internet in the following ten yearsB. mor

34、e people will study in the regular school by the end of the next decadeC. more people will study online by the end of the next decadeD. more money will be needed for a long distance call by the end of the next decade8. If you want to attach a photo to your e-mail, you have to it.A. digitalizeB. take

35、 C. pictureD. send9. Which of the following is NOT true ?A. A telephone conversation over the Internet can be carried out without computers .B. Over the Internet, the receiver of the phone conversation doesn t need a computer .C. The phone conversations over the Internet are much cheaper .D. The lon

36、g-distance calls online are for free.10. What is the best title for this passage ?A. From E-mail to on-Line ShoppingB. Surprising Things You Can Do on-LineC. Kids on Greeting Cards D. Free Calls over the InternetW. Spelling (10%)1. You are the very i of your father.2. The patient was asked to ring t

37、he bell in an e.3. Don t d the headmaster. He is busy now.4. The tailor m me for some new clothes.5. Pandas and tigers are all e animals. We must protect them from being killed.6. The government should listen to the society and(反应)to its needs.7. This movie is adapted from an(原著)novel by an American

38、.8. When the old lady returned home, she found all her(贵重的)things stolen.9. Many of these countries are rich in mineral(资源).10. People today enjoy a high level of(技术).V . Fill in the blanks with the right form of a phrase given below (5%)depend on lead to set free throw away break down1. If you keep

39、 working so hard, your health.2. Not being able to have a clear view of one s own always failure.3. During the ten years in prison, he never dreamt of.4. We usually go swimming on Saturday, sometimes on Sunday,the weather.5. The room is almost empty, with all the old furniture.VI. Complete the follo

40、wing sentences (10%)1 .当我问他为什么迟到时,他答不上来。He couldn t an answer when I asked him why he was late.2 .任何生活方式的改变都将影响你的健康Any change in lifestyle will your health.3 .你能提醒我明天和牙医的约会吗?Can you me my dentist s tomorrow?4 .我遛狗的时候你能替我做饭吗?Can you the cooking while I walk the dog?5 .目前,你最好在英语学习上多投入时间., you d better

41、 more time your studying English.6 .每个人都能欣赏杰伦的歌,这和你的年龄没关系。Anybody can enjoy Jay Chou, and your age.7 .人们由于污染而生病,因此我们必须对此采取措施治理KPeople get sick because of pollution, so must be against pullution.W. Proofreading (10%)1. In case it will rain, the wedding will be held indoors.2. He succeeded to pass the

42、 driving test.3. The new method makes that possible to perform the operation.4. He stood still, with his lips pressing.5. No matter who completes the work first will be given a reward.6. The citizens are not quite happy with this plan, so a change is called on.7. We have to think of solution for the

43、 problem.8. A computer can store a large number of information.9. He will accept the job unless the salary (薪水 ) isn t too low.10. I should be able to get the first chapter finish by tonight.W. Transform the sentences below according to the requirements (5%)1. “ Frank, I came to return your book ” ,

44、 said Henry. ( 改成间接引语)2. We went to the cinema to enjoy Harry Potter on Sunday. (改成强调句,强调时间 )3. I will never forget the days. We fought against SARS in those days. (合并成定语从句 )4. We went to Shanghai by ship. The ship held 150 passengers. (合并成定语从句 )5. Is this the research center? We visited the modern

45、equipment in the research center lastyear. ( 合并成定语从句 )Key:I . Multiple Choice (20%, 每小题 1 分)BCCCC BCDDD CBADC DDCDCn. Cloze ( 20%,每小题 1 分)DBDBA CDCAC DCACB ACDCDm. Reading ( 20%,每小题 2 分)CDDAB BCADBW. Spelling (10%, 每小题 1 分)1. image 2. emergency 3. disturb6. respond7. original 8. valuable4.measured/m

46、easures 5. endangered9. resource 10. technology , 每小题 1 分 ). Fill in the blanks with the right form of a phrase given below (5 1. will break down 2. leads to 3. being set free 4. depending on 5. thrown awayVI. Complete the following sentences (10%,每空 0.5 分)1 come up with 2. have effects on3. remind

47、about/of appointment4. take over5. At present devote to6. makes no difference7. measures takenW. Proofreading (10%,每小题 1 分)1. will rain frains 2. to pass fin passing 3. that fit 4. pressing fpressed 5. No matter whg Whoever6. on -for 7. for -to 8. number famount 9. unless for 或者 will fwon t 10. finish 一 finishedW. Transform the sentences below according to th


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