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1、Healthy eating (II )I .语音:1. weightA. hejghtB. receiveC.翌herD .eight2. calorieA. saladB. adviceC. slaveD.danger3. energyA. singerB . singleC. changeD.anger4. dietA. quietB. pieceC . thiefD .patient5. suggestionA. discussionB . questionC . competitionD. explanationII .单项选择:6. At that time the farmer

2、fedgeese and ducks .A. score ofB. scores ofC. dozenD. dozens7. Kateher friend not to swim in the river .A. hopedB. suggestedC. advisedD. minded8. The medicine is no use to me .A. offB. ofC. forD. from9. It is not good to drink coffee .A. too much B. much tooC. too littleD. little too10. Tom was boy

3、that we all like him .A. such clever B. so cleverC . such clever aD. so clever a11. What he said strange , but it was true .A. lookedB. soundedC. heardD. listened12. New York is a city larger than in the USA .A. any city B. any citiesC. any other citiesD. any other city13. of us needs air , water an

4、d food.A. Everyone ; every dayB. Every one ; every dayC. Every one ; everydayD. Everyone ; everyday14. The room was empty an old chair .A.exceptB.except forC.besideD.besides15. The lady is a bit worried as she has put on more.A.sizeB.lengthC.weightD.width16. Beijing is a city which is ancient buildi

5、ngs .A. good atB. fond ofC. wealthy ofD . rich in17. How much calories will you while playing football ?A. burn upB. turn downC. burn offD. turn on18. Liquids can be changed gases .A. by B. intoC. ofD . on19. He made a suggestion in the of a question .A. type B. wayC. formD . means20. One four stude

6、nts in our class wears glasses .A. of B. onC. inD. by21. 一 Take this medicine three times a day , and you soon .A. are right ; Thank youB. will be quite yourself ; It s kind of youC. will be all right ; Thankre welcomeD are feeling better ; You 22What s the matter ? My leg . Is it here ?A has a pain

7、 here ; It s rightB had sharp pains ; That s rightC was hurt ; that s rightD hurts ; You re right23 ? I ve got a headache .A What s your troubleB What is happened to youC What matter with youD What s wrong on you24Doctor , I have a serious stomachache .A That s all rightB Don t say toC It doesn t ma

8、tterD Take it easy25 ? His examinations were complete He listened to my heart , took my blood pressure and temperature , gave me an x-ray and examined my eyes and ears .A What did the doctor check youB How did the doctor examine youC Did the doctor examine youD Did you have a physical examinationIII

9、 完型填空:Some years ago an American policeman found a woman lying near a lonely road She didnot appear to have _26_ , but she was trembling and clearly in a _27_ of shock , so he rushed her to the _28_ hospital She began to tell the _29_ on duty a story which was _30_ in all respects She had been _31_

10、along a country road _32_ she had been stopped by a flying saucer _33_ in front of her She had been forced to leave the car and _34_the flying saucer by creatures that looked _35_ human beings and which could easily make themselves _36_ although they could not _37_ It was as though they could read h

11、er thoughts and she could read _38_ They tested her politely and allowed her to _39_ after carrying out a number of tests on her As she otherwise seemed to be _40_ , the doctor decided that she was 41_ suffering from the side effects of some medicine The woman insisted onbeing _42_ to go home , but

12、when she gave her _43_ it was in a town over thousand miles from the _44_ The police then started to make inquiries and soon _45_ that there wasalready a _46_ going on for the woman, _47_ husband sadly reported that she had _48_ Her car had been found with the driver s door open and the engine runni

13、ng _49_ the car thesurface of the road had been completely destroyed not by an explosion or anything of thatkind , but _50_ a large , round , white-hot object had burnt through it .26 A a restB an accidentC a testD an incident27 A pieceB wayC stateD while28 A most famousB most expensiveC largeD near

14、est29 A nurseB doctorC policeD judge30 A funnyB sadC movingD astonishing31 A drivingB walkingC runningD wandering32 A asB sinceC whenD if33 A flewB flyingC landedD landing34 A enterB visitC watchD clean35 A atB afterC likeD for36 A noticedB seenC understoodD heard37 A moveB thinkC readD speak38 A th

15、eirB theirsC herD hers39 A leaveB stayC driveD watch40 A happyB thankfulC nervousD normal41 A happilyB naturallyC probablyD seriously42 A toldB allowedC advisedD ordered43 A nameB unitC addressD house44 A earthB carC roadD hospital45 A decidedB believedC supposedD discovered46 A discussionB searchC

16、movementD meeting47 A whichB whenC whoseD where48 A disappearedB fledC returnedD left49 A BehindB In front ofC BelowD At the foot of50 A asB ifC as ifD only ifIV 阅读理解:( A)Every day the teacher put spelling words on the chalkboard The children wrote themdown Ellen often copied them incorrectly Then s

17、he learned the wrong spelling .At last the teacher found out why Ellen could not see the chalkboard very well fromher seat The teacher asked the girl s mother to take Ellen to a doctor .The doctor tested Ellen s eyes He said Ellen was nearsighted and needed glasses .Ellen did not think she would lik

18、e glasses But when she wore them home , she foundshe could see leaves on the trees She could see cracks in the sidewalk She could seea picture across the room At school she could see the words on the chalkboard After that she learned to spell .51 What did the doctor mean by saying Ellen was“ nearsig

19、hted ” ?A She was almost blind .8 She could not see faraway things well .C She was nearly big enough for glasses .D She was sitting too near the chalkboard .52 How did Ellen probably feel about glasses after she wore them home ?A She was afraid they would break .B She did not like the way they looke

20、d .C She was sad because she could not see well .D She was glad to have them .53 Which of these comes first in the story ?A Ellen could see a picture across a room .8 The doctor tested Ellen s eyes .C Ellen copied the words wrongly .D Ellen learned to spell .54 What does this story show ?A Children

21、need to see well to read well .55 All children should go to a doctor .C Most boys and girls need glasses .D Children who can t spell need glasses .He was the first He would“ jump to( 8)Aristotle wrote many books , so we know a great deal about his work person to make really careful records of the be

22、haviour of animals and of plants never give an opinion without collecting all the facts he could ; he would neverconclusions ” but always wanted to find reliable evidence before making up his mind Someof his idea later proved to be wrong ; for example , he believed that the earth must lie in the mid

23、dle of the universe , with the sun and stars revolving round it All that he could observe in the sky led him to this opinion , for he lived in the says before there were telescopes Now we know , of course , that the earth is one of the planets revolving round the sun .55 The reason why we know a gre

24、at deal about Aristotle s work is that .A he was a Greek scientist who declared that the world must be a globe8 he wrote many books that are still kept well todayC some of his theory was proved to be wrongD we have learned the Greek history56 Aritotle made really careful records of the behaviour of

25、animals and plants so as to .A gather the facts seriously in his research work57 keep more animals and plantsC show his real love for animals and plantsD be the first one who would know all animals and plants57“ Jump to conclusions ” means .A to tell new information58 to draw a conclusionC to divide

26、 conclusionD to discover the balance of nature59 Some of his ideas were limited and even wrong because .A there were too many facts8 there were no reliable factsC the universe has changed a lotD there were no telescopes in the days when he lived60 Choose the right statement according to the passage

27、.A He would give no opinion without collecting all the facts he could .B Even if he had collected all the facts he could , he would not give an opinion .C All his conclusions were not based on facts .D His ideas were formed by reliable evidence .( C)Every country in the world celebrates the New Year

28、 but not everyone does it the sameway The countries of the America and Europe welcome the New Year on January first Thispractice began with the Romans JuliusCaesar , a Roman ruler , changed the date of the new year from the first day of March to the first day of January In the Middle East , the NewY

29、ear is when spring begins People in China celebrate it on the Spring Festival , which is the first day of their calendar based on the moon The Spring Festival usually comesbetween January 21 and February 19 Rosh Hashana , which is the Jewish New Year , comesat the end of summer The Hindus in India c

30、elebrate the first day of each season , so they have four New Years .In all of these cultures , there is a practice of making noise People made noise inancient times to drive away the evil spirits from the home Many people did it and stilldo it with fireworks In Japan , people go from house to house

31、 making noise with drums and bamboosticks Young people in Denmark throw broken pieces of jars or pots against the sides of friends houses .In the United States , many people stay up until midnight on New Year s Eve to watchthe clock pass from one year to the next Friends often gather together at a p

32、arty on NewYear s Eve , and when the New Year comes , all ring bells , blow horns , blow whistles ,sing and kiss each other .61 People of different cultures celebrate New Year .A do not allB do the same things but not toC do not all do the same things toD do the same things to62 The Chinese New Year

33、 s Day is called the Spring Festival , which comes A on the first day of MarchB between January 21 and February 19C at the end of summerD on the first day of January63 The peoples all over the world have only one New Year except .A the JapaneseB the HindusC the RomansD the people in the Middle east6

34、4 It was long , long ago that people began to to .A make noise , greet the rising sunB make noise , frighten the evil spiritsC make noise , stop themselves from falling asleepD lit fireworks , make the night bright65 In the USA people usually do not sleep until very late on New Year s Eve .A to watc

35、h a big clockB to stand waiting for nothingC to see off the old year and welcome the New YearD to make noise( D)It started as a game Wendy and Peter were in River Park They watched the boats on the river and visited the zoo They played on the slides and swings They watched themerry-go-round , but th

36、ey did not have money for a ride They ate their sandwiches at apicnic table Suddenly Wendy jumped up .“ I know what to do , ” she said . “ Look at all that junk (废弃的旧物)under the tables Let spick it up .”So they picked up paper and empty boxes and cans They put them in the green cans marked “ Litter

37、” Peter s dog Stoopy picked up some paper and ran away with it Peter calledhim back and took it from him Then they taught Stoopy to carry trash (废物) to them They put it in the cans They worked until there was no trash left on the picnic grounds .The next day their friends Marlo and Andy came to the

38、park with them They helped totidy the picnic grounds again Then they ran all over the park looking for litter (四下乱丢的东西) They tried to see who could find the most After that it was a game they played every time they came to the park .One day a man came with a camera He watched what they were doing He

39、 asked to taketheir picture Then he took them all for a free ride on the merry-go-round, even Stoopy Thenext day their picture was in the newspaper It said “, Five Litter Lifters at River Park ” After that all their friends wanted to be litter lifters It was the beginning of a club thatwas a model f

40、or others to follow .66 Why did Wendy and Peter go to the park the first day ?A To have fun B To throw paper C To empty litter cans D To ride on the merry-go-round .67 What did the man with the camera do ?A He helped children pick up litter .8 He helped them catch Peter s dog .C He took a picture of

41、 the Litter Lifters for a newspaper .D He took a picture of all the trash on the ground .68 What did Wendy and Peter teach Stoopy ?A Not to bark at people B To empty litter cans .C To keep of the way D To help pick up litter .69 What does the story show about Wendy and Peter and their friends ?A The

42、y were big for their age .B They were helpful .C They would rather work than play .D They found an easy way to make money .70 What does the last part of the story show ?A The man with the camera joined the club .B People laughed at the children for picking up trash .C Other children began to help ke

43、ep the park clean .D People came and took the litter cans away .71 Which of these tells best what this story is about ? It is about .A how the Litter Lifters Club started8 why people throw things away in a parkC how a dog can be trainedD how to have fun in a parkV.补全对话:Woman : 71Doctor : You shouldn

44、 t worry about it , but he has to have complete bed rest .Woman :Hm m What does that mean , exactly ?Doctor : 72 He really has to lie down all the time .Woman : When can he go home ?Doctor : 73Woman : That seems a long time .Doctor : 74 He has to stay in bed for ten or twelve days After that , hecan

45、 only get up twice a day for ten minutes Finally , he will start to do some easyexercises When he can walk around for an hour , he may go home .Woman : I see 75A Well , it s a slow process .9 After a few days .C In two or three weeks .D How serious is his back problem ?E What are you ?F Well , he shouldn t walk at all or sit up , not even to eat .G Thank you very much


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