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1、优秀课例教案课题Unit3 Never Give Up时 间9月25级别校级听课人员教学校长、主任,英语组全体教师地点会议室教学设计教 学 目 标知识与 技能1. Improve the reading skills.2. Learn the style of the passage- Narration.过程与 方法1. teacherguiding, studentexploring2. situation approach3. taskbased learning method情感、态 度、价值 观Encourage the students to overcome difficulti

2、es bravely and never give up.重点Learn the reading and writing skills.难点Improve the writing skills.教学过程教学环节师生活动预设及反思Step 1Warm up (热身训练)1. Ask the students whether you meet something han to face it ? I have met it . At first , I can t solve it . But at last ,I succeeded. Because of my determination. I

3、n our daily life, we might come across many difficulties, when you face difficulties, what will you do?创设情境,激发学 d习的动机。学生在 轻松愉快的气氛 中进入本课的学 习。Step 2Lead in (导入),1 Review the words we have learned.2 Give the students a story about the main idea of this lesson.吸引学生的注意 力,从而导入新课 的内容。教学环节师生活动预设及反思Step 3进行有

4、效的语言 积累,掌握记叙文 的写作方法及技 巧,为卜间的写作 做铺垫。Learning the new passage(学习新课文)1 Reading for the main idea.2 Reading for the style.3 Reading for the structure.4 Reading for the detailed information and writing methods.Step 4Group Work (小组活动)Let the students find out t read aloud with their partn:he beautiful sen

5、tences anc ers.小组合作学习可 以互相督促监督。Step 5Homework (作业)Well done: Write a composition about your friends who never give up.Just OK: Write a body part about your friends who never give up.Need: Make five sentences with the five words. “ handicap, quit, keep up with, succeed, success 对本堂课的谛言 输入进行吸收后 语百的后效输

6、出。Step 6板书设计:Unit 3 Never Give USucceedp (Reading)Never Give UpBe a handicapped boyWang Huansheng课后反思本节课选自八年级教材,是T阅读课。它的课堂容量大,如何在 40 分钟内完成本节课的教学任务?我与组内教师经过集备,设计了本节 课。有以下几个成功之处:1、导入环节:创设情境,激发学习的动机。 学生在轻松愉快的气氛中进入本课的学习。 2、注意阅读方法的训练。 进行有效的谛言积累,掌握记叙文的写作方法及技巧,为下面的写作 做铺垫。3、以学生为中心,注重学生的参与体验,关注学生之间的合 作与交流。不足:培养学生预习的习惯,提高朗读能力。


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