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1、Project 工程Sihanoukville 2X50MW Coal-Fired POWER PLANT 西哈努克港 2X50MW 燃煤火力发电厂Client委托人CAMBODIAN ENERGY LTD.柬埔寨能源有限公司Consultant顾问POYRY ENERGY Ltd.贝利能源有限公司EPC Contiactor 承包商CHINA HUADIAN ENGNEERING CO.,LTD中国华电工程有限公司Equip. Supplier设备供应商DONGFANG TURBINE Co., Ltd东方汽轮机有限公司Document No.: (WBK)D60F-000100BSM Re

2、v : A 文件号:(WBK)D60F-000100BSM Rev : ADocument Title :文件名N60-8. 83 M人miMiM人N60-8.83 Turbine Instmction ManualN60-8.83汽轮机说明书(Main Turbine) 汽轮机主体-flContentsN60-8.83 1目录S/NSection 章节Description 说明Pages 页码Reniaiks 备注1Compilation Description 总则121Maili Teclinical Specification and Economic Target 主要技术规范及经

3、济指标131-1Maili Teclinical Specification 主要技术规范241-2Teclinical and Economic Target and Promise Conditions技术及经济指标及承诺条件152General Design Featuies 一般设计特性162-1Operation Featuies 运行特点272-2Main Steam System and Regenerative Extraction System 主蒸汽系统和调节抽汽系统282-3Steam Contribution and Operation Modes 蒸汽作用及运营模式1

4、92-4Water-spraying System fbr Rear Cylinder 后汽缸喷水系统1103Coiistfuctional Features of Turbine Proper 汽轮机本体构造特点2113-1Shafting 大轴2123-2Cylinder 汽缸2133-3Steam Faiiway Ariaiigement 蒸汽管路布置2143-4Valves and Pipes阀门及管道2153-5Slide Key System and Differential Expansion 滑销 系统及胀差2163-6Turning Geai-盘车装置2173-7Insula

5、tion and Enclosure 绝缘保温1183-8Tempeiatuie and Pressure Monitoring 温度、压力的监视1194Maiiufactuier Name and Addiess 制造商姓名、地址11N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-000100BSMPage 1 of 1 Compilation Description总贝JN60-8.83 type steam turbine is a 60 MW turbine model that is designed and m

6、anufactured based on the advanced technologies that are introduced domestically and internationally. It is a new kind of condensing turbine of impulse type, high temperature, pressuie and single cylinder. It matches boiler of corresponding capacity and steam turbine generator to form thermal generat

7、ion unit. It is of basic load in electricity grid, and can also regulate the peak.N6-8.83型汽轮机是依据国内外先进的技术设计制造的60MW的汽轮机。它是新型的冲动、高温、高 压、单缸凝汽式汽轮机,与应容量的锅炉及汽轮发电机相匹配组成热力发电系统。它可以带电网基本 负荷,同时可以调节峰值。The control system of tliis unit is low pressuie electric regulation.控制系统是低压电液控制This instruction manual mainly d

8、escribes tlie general design of the unit and tlie structure of tlie turbine proper. Please refer to related technical documents provided with the inacliiiie for detailed descriptions on related auxiliaries, governing, protection and safety systems, installation and maiiitenaiice, stait-up and operat

9、ion, and vaiious systems. If the instruction conflicts with teclinical documents provided, the documents shall prevail.说明书主要包括机组的一般设计及本体说明。关于辅机系统设备、调节系统、保安系统、安装和维护、 启动和操作及其他系统的详细说明请参考相关技术文献。若说明书与提供技术资料有冲突,以技术资 料为准。In this iiistniction the pressuies fbr the thermal system are presented in absolute pr

10、essure. The iiistniction uses legal measuring units system which can be converted .into engineering measuiing units by means of the following:说明书中涉及到的热力系统中的压力为绝对压力。说明中用到的法定度量单位体系可以根据下面的换 算公式转换为工程计量单位:Force: 1 kgf= 9.8067 N Pressure: 1 kgf / cm2=0.098067 MPa Heat: 1 kcal = 4.1868 KJ公式:1 kgf= 9.8067 N

11、 Pressure: 1 kgf/ cm2=0.098067 MPa Heat: 1 kcal = 4.1868 KJN60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-000100BSMNote: definitions of left and right sides: Being viewed in the diiection from tlie steam turbine towards the generator, the left hand side is defined as the left side where

12、as the right hand side is defined as the right side. Definitions of front and rear ends: the end close to the steani tuibiiie is defined as the fiont1 whereas the end close to the generator is defined as rear end.注意:“左恻”和“右侧”的定义:从汽轮机看向发电机的方向,左手侧定义为“左”,右手侧定义为“右”。前 端”和“后端”的定义:汽轮机端定义为“前端”,而发电机端定义为“后端”。

13、1-11 Main Technical Specification and Economic Tai get1主要技术规范和经济指标1-1 Maili Technical Specification1-1主要技术规范1 Model: N60-8.83型号:N60-8.832 Type.- impulse type, liigh pressure, high temperature, single cylinder, single shaft condensing steam turbine 类型:冲动式、高压、高温、单缸、单轴冷凝汽轮机3 Guarantee output (TMCR cond

14、ition): 60MW保证输出(TMCR工况):60 MW4 Maximum power (VWO condition): 64.5MW最大功率(VWO工况):64.5MW5 Rated condition (TMCR condition) parameters:额定工况参数a) Main steam pressuie: 8.83MPa 主蒸汽压力 8.83MPab) Main steam temperature: 535 主蒸汽温度 535c) Main steam flow: 225.8t/h 主蒸汽流量 225.8t/hd) Back pressure: 8.5kPa 背压 8.5kP

15、ae) Inlet temperature of the cooling water: 30C 冷却水进 口温度 30f) Makeup water temperatuie: 235.4补给水温度 235.4OC6 Maximum steam flow: 245t/h 主蒸汽流量 245t/h7 Rotation diiection: clockwise when viewed in the diiection from turbine to generator转动方向:从汽轮机向发电机方向看为顺时针。8 Rated speed : 3000r/min 额定转速:3000r/miii9 Sha

16、fting critical speed: (calculated value):临界转速(计算值)181 Or/niiii (Steam tuibiiie 1ststep) 4160r/min(Steam turbine 2nd step)*1679.7i7niiii (Generator 1st step)18101/niiii (汽轮机一阶)4160i/min (汽轮机二阶)*1679.7r/min (发电机一阶)* The shaft critical speed of generator refers to the data provided by tlie manufacturin

17、g company of the generator.发电机转子临界转速依据发电机制造厂家提供的数据。10 Number of stages: 21 stages in total, consisting of 1 governing stage +20 pressure stages级数:21级,包括一个调节级和20个压力级11 Regenerative extractions: 6 stages consisting of 2 HP heaters+3 LP heaters+1 deaerator回热抽气:6级,包括2个高压加热器3个低压加热器和1个除氧器12 Height of die

18、last stage blade: 660mm末级叶片长度:660nini13 Amiulai area of the last blade: 4.14 m2末级叶片环形面积:4.14平方米14 Cooling suiiace aiea of tlie condenser: 4000 m2凝汽器冷却面积:4000 m215 Points for non-contiolling extiaction: Beliiiid stages No 5, 8, 11,15, 17, 19非调节抽气口位置:在5、8、11、15、17、19级后16 Overall dimension of the tui b

19、iiie: 8569.5minx6900ninix3360min (The height is the distance between elevation of the operation floor and atinospheric-pressure-relief valve on the rear cylinder.)汽轮机的总体尺寸:8569.5mnix6900nunx3360mm (高度是从运转平台到后汽缸上大气压力安全 阀的垂直距离)17 Weight of the steam turbine:14 It, (including valves, steam pipes, flame

20、 and levelling parallels)N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-000100BSM汽轮机的重量:141t ,(包括阀门,蒸汽管道,水平支吊架)18 Maximum lifting weight: 25 tons(fbr lifting upper cylinder assembly during maintenance)38 tons(fbr lifting lower cylinder assembly during installation)最大吊装重量:25M检修时上缸组合)38t

21、(安装时下缸组合)19 Maximum lifting height: 6.36m (with respect to the operation floor)最大吊装高度:6.36m (吊钩至运转平台)20 Elevation of the operation floor: 8 m运转平台高度:8m21 Executive standard of the product: GB 5578-85 Specification fbr Stationaiy Steam Turbines Driving Generat。匚产品的执行标准:GB 5578-85固定式发电机用汽轮机说明书1-2 Teclm

22、ical and Economic Tai get and Promise Conditions1-2技术经济指标及保证条件1. The rated output 60MW (TNICR condition) (The heat guarantee value is 9249 kJ/kW.h)will be guaranteed if the following operation conditions aie met:额定输出60MW(最大连续出力工况)(保证热值为9249KJ/KW11 )为保证热值运行条件满足以 下要求:a) Main steam pressure: 8.83MPa;主蒸

23、汽压力为:8.83MPab) Maili steam temperature: 535;主蒸汽温度为:535c) Main steam flow: 225.8t/h;主蒸汽流量为:225.8t/hd) Back pressure: 8.5kPa; Inlet temperature of the cooling water: 30背压为 8.5KPa ;冷却水入口 温度为 30e) Makeup water flow: 0%;补水流量为:0%f) Regenerative extraction system operates normally and keep steam fail-way n

24、ormal and clean;回热抽汽系统 运行正常并保持蒸汽管路正常清洁。g) Makeup water pump meets rated paiameteis;给水泵达到额定参数h) Efficiency of the generator is no less than 98.33%, rated power factor is 0.8;发 电机效率 不低于 98.33% , 额定功率因素0.82. The maximmn output, 62.6MW will be guaranteed if the following operation conditions are met (un

25、der the VWO condition):保证最大输出功率62.6MW应满足以下运行条件(在阀门全开状态): a) Main steam ptessure: 8.83MPa: Main steam temperature: 535;主蒸汽压力 S.83MPa,主蒸汽温度 535P b) Main steam flow: 237.1t/h;主蒸汽流量:237.1t/hc) Back pressuie: 8.5kPa: Inlet temperature of the cooling water: 3(FC:背压:8,。5KPa ;冷却水入 口温度: 30d) Makeup water flo

26、w is: 0%;给水流量 0%e) Regenerative extraction system operates normally and keep steam faii-way normal and clean;回热抽汽系统 运行正常并保持蒸汽管路正常清洁。f) Makeup water pump meets rated parameters;给水泵达到额定参数g) Efficiency of the generator is no less than 98.33%, rated power factor is 0.8;发 电机效率 不低于 98.33% , 额定功率因素0.83. If

27、 the theniial evaluation test is not conducted in a timely maimer after the unit is put into operation, an aging deduction factor fbr correcting the thermal efficiency shall be considered ill accordance with TEC 953-2-90 of International ElecUiciaiis Committee.如果在机组投入运行后没有及时做热力试验,依照国际电力委员会标准,为排除设备老化

28、影响引入 修正系数来修正热效率。The fhctors are as fbllows:系数规定如下:a) 0.07%/month during a period of 3-12 months;在 3-12 个月期间为 0.07%b) 0.042%/month during a period of 13-24 months;在 13-24 个月期间为 0.042%Method fbr acceptance test witli respect to the thermo-dynaniic pei fbrniaiice, accuracy of the instilments used, the

29、revision of the test results and the uncertainty of measuied heat rate should meet the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Standard (ASME PTC6.1).关于热力学性能验收测试采取的措施,仪器使用的准确性,对测试结果及测试热效率不准确性的修正 应依据美国 工程师 机械标准 (ASME PTC6.1 )N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-000100BSM2 Gene

30、ral Design Features2一般设计特性2-1 Operation Features2-1运行特性1 Startup Conditions 启动方式The startup conditions of this unit are classified based on the inner wall metal temperature of tlie lower body of front cylinder after the regulating stage.机组启动方式是根据下汽缸体调节级后内壁金属温度 来分类的:Cold stail-up: less than 150冷态启动:低

31、于 150Waimstart-up: 1500cTOOK;半热态启动:150-300Hot start-up: 30040(FC;热态启动:300-400Extreme hot start-up: above 400;极热态启动:400以上The unit can be started up witli rated paiameters or slide parameters.机组既可以采用额定参数启动,也可以 采用滑参数启动。2 Operation Controlling Mode 操作控制模式Operator manual mode (manual); operator auto mode

32、 (semi auto); turbine selfstart mode (auto)手动操作;半 自动操作;自动操作3 Offset Frequency Operation超出设定频率范围的运行During lifetime, the unit operation is continuous and stable in the frequency range of 48.551 Hz. Offset frequency operation time limit of tlie unit shall conform to the following table.整个过程中,机组运行是连 续的,

33、并且保持频率在48.5-51HZ范围内。机组在超出设定频率运行时间限制依据下表:Frequency (Hz) 频率Permitted operation time 允许运行时间Total (niiii) 总时间(分)One time (sec) 一次运行时间(秒)51,5Not allowed 不允许51.0-51.5303048.5-51.0Continuous operation 继续运行48.0-48.530030047.5-48.0606047.0-47.5101047.0Not allowed 不允许4 Unit allowable load cliaiige rate机组允许的负荷

34、变动率From 100% to 50%T-MCR, not more than 5%T-MCR/miii; Below 50%T-MCR, not more than3%T-MCR/min; Load phase st叩 being no more tlian 10% is allowed.在 100%到 50%最大功率之间,负荷 变动率不大于5%最大功率/min;低于50%最大功率时,负荷变动率不大于3%最大功率/min ;负荷加 载阶段不超过10%是允许的。5 Others 其他5.1 To ensuie safe unit operation, the maximmn allowed b

35、ack pressure is 17.7kPa; maximum allowed exliaust temperature is 10(TC.为保证机组安全运行,最大允许背压17.7KPa ;最大允许排气温度为100o5.2 It is not allowed idle nmiiiiig to last more than 15 minutes after load rejection.甩负荷后,不允许空转超过 15分钟。5.3 The allowed unit minimum load fbr long-term operation is 18MW, witliiii the range o

36、f minimum load to 100% rated load, the turbine can operates continuously and stably.机组允许长时间运行的最小功率为 18MW ,在机组允许最小功率到额定功率范围内,机组可连续稳定运行。N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine) (WBK)D60F-000100BSM2-2 Main Steam System and Regenerative Extraction System2-2主蒸汽系统和回热抽汽系统1 Main Steam System 主蒸汽系统

37、The main steam system is a unit operation that means one boiler operates witli one steam turbine under normal condition.在正常情况下,单元制机组中主蒸汽系统是指一台锅炉对应一台汽轮机运行。The main steam, coming from tlie boiler, flows into the main stop valve thiough a main steam pipe, then it goes to four governing valves separatel

38、y via four main steam inlet pipes, filially flows to die cylinder. The steam, having done work ill die cyliiideis, will be exliausted into a condenser thiough tlie rear cylinder.来 自 锅炉的主蒸汽,通过主蒸汽管道进入主汽门,然后通过四个调节阀分别进入四根主蒸汽进口管路, 最终进入汽缸。在汽缸内做完工的蒸汽,到达后汽缸然后排入凝汽器中。2 Regenerative extraction system 回热抽汽系统The

39、re are six stages of regenerative extraction for tliis unit, consisting of two HP heaters, one deaerator and thiee LP heaters. Please refer to Figure 2-2-1 Rated Condition Heat Balance Chart.Table 2-2-1 shows all parameter of the extracted steani fbr the regenerative system when the deaerator is in

40、constant pressuie operation mider TMCR condition.表2-2-1表示的是在最大连续运行工况下除氧器定压运行时回热抽汽系统所有参数Extraction Section No. 抽汽序号123456Heater name 加热器名称No.lHP 1#高加 HTRNo.2HP 2#高加HTRDTR除氧器No.4LP4#低加 HTRNo.5LP 5#低加 HTRN0.6LP 6#低加HTRExtraction point(beliind stage)抽汽口位置(级 后)5811151719Pressure(MPa)压力3.4661.941.0260.352

41、0.1540.045Pressure loss(MPa)压损3%3%5%5%5%5%Extraction temperaturefC)tt 汽温度416.1342.9269.1160.9112.178.6Flow (t/h)流量14.11316.7295.0767.88811.26.4本机组有六级回热抽汽,包括两台高压加热器,一台除氧器和三台低压加热器。请参阅表2-2-1中 额定工况热平衡表Table 2-2-1表 2-2-12-1-2N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-0001 OOBSM错误!未找到引用源。

42、,Fig 2-2-1 Diagram of Regenerative System under TMCR Condition 最大连续工况下回热系统图2-2-2(WBK)D60F-000100BSMN60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-0001 OOBSM2-3 Steani Contribution and Operation Modes 配汽方式Nozzle control, used in tliis uni

43、t, involves four groups of nozzles. Each group of nozzles corresponds to one related governing valve. The angles turned of the cams of admission distribution earn mechanism correspond to the openness of die governing valves. Figiue 2-3-1 shows tlie distiibution of nozzle and the total number of stea

44、m passages. When tlie unit load is less than 25%, the flow is controlled by equiEbrated valves of the four governing valves, and steam shall uniformly enter the casing to reduce thermal stress. With the increase of load, No. I to No.IVgoverning valves are opened in turn to contiol flow. When all fou

45、r governing valves remain fully open, therotor rotate# Z4=13partial admission rate reaches 62.5%.Figure 2-3-1From the Turbine to tlie Generatorm/m本机组采用的是喷嘴调节,有四组喷嘴,每组喷嘴对应一个调节阀。入口凸轮机构的角度分布与调节阀的 开启相对应。图2-3-1表示的是喷嘴的分布及蒸汽通道总的数量。当机组负荷小于25%时,四个调节阀门均 衡的调节流量,蒸汽均匀的进入汽缸以减小热应力。随着负荷的增加,从I到IV调节阀依次开启调节进汽量, 当四个调节阀

46、全开后,部分进汽度达到62.5%。2-3-1N60-8.83 Turbine Instruction Manual (Main Turbine)(WBK)D60F-0001 OOBSM2-4 Water-Spraying System for the Rear Cylinder2口后汽缸喷水系统When the unit operates under low load or no load conditions, especially liigh back pressuie condition, the temperature of tlie exliausted steam increases to overheat the cylinder. As a result, the center height of the bearing will be changed and violent vibration may occur.当机组在低负荷或空负荷运行时,特别是高背压工况下,排汽温度升高对汽缸过度加热,会导致轴承中 心高度改变,产生剧烈振动。The water-spraying system, placed at tlie lower half of tlie rear cylinder, is used to keep the unit in operat


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