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1、小学小学 2015201520162016 学年度第二学期学年度第二学期 班级 四年级英语期中考试试卷四年级英语期中考试试卷 分数: 一、我会语音判断,划线部分读音相同的画“”,不相同的画“” 。 (6 分) () 1.AsisterB dinner() 4.AwaterB father () 2.AwarmB arm()5.AshortB horse () 3.AnurseB shirt()6.AteaB bread 二、我会选,选出不同类的一项。 (10 分) 姓名 () 1. AplaygroundBtheseCcomputer roomDgym () 2.ArainyBsnowyCwe

2、atherDsunny () 3. AmusicBartCmathsDclass () 4. AcolourBblackCgreenDbrown () 5. AbeautifulBgardenCprettyDcool 三、读短语,我会选择与其相应的中文意思,填代号。 (10 分) () 1. this wayA小心 考号 () 2. get upB这边 () 3. just a minuteC再多一会儿 () 4. be carefulD回家 () 5. go homeE起床 四、我会选择填空。 (20 分) () 1. _ the weather like ? AHowBWhatCWhats

3、 () 2. Today its cloudy _ London . AinBonCfor () 3. Its _ today. Put on your coat . AwarmBcoldChot () 4. _ I go outside ? ACanBcanCAm () 5. I _ ready . AamBisCare () 6. Its time _ P.E.class . AtoBofCfor () 7.- _ is it ? - Its 4:35 . AWhatBWhat timeCWhat colour () 8. Lets _ . Ato play footballBto sch

4、oolCgo home () 9. - Is that a map ? - _ . AYes,it isnt.BYes,it is.CNo,it is. ()10. Our classroom is _ the second floor . AinBonCat 五、好朋友,手牵手,我会选。 (10 分) () 1.Where is the library ?AIts 8 p.m . () 2.What time is it ?BNo, you cant () 3.Have some dinner , John .CIts on the first floor . () 4.Whats the

5、weather like in Wuhan ?DGreat ! () 5. Can I go outside ?EIts rainy . 六、我会根据情景,选择正确的答案。 (10 分) () 1. 你想提醒别人该回家了,你会说:_ AIts time to go home .BIts time for go home . () 2. 你想问对方学校是否有美术教室,你会问:_ ADo you have an art room ? BWhere is the art room ? () 3. 你想知道现在几点钟,你会问:_ AWhat day is it today ? BWhat time i

6、s it now ? () 4. 打电话向对方介绍自己时,应当说:_ AIm Lucy.BThis is Lucy. () 5.今天气温是 20 度,同学问你气温,你回答_ AIts 20 degrees. BIts 20 degree . 七、我会连词成句。 (12 分) 1.isofficeteachersthewhere(?) _ 2.youahavelibrarydo(?) _ 3.tobedtimeisittogo(.) _ 4.theroomisthatcomputer(.) _ 八、阅读。 (一)阅读下面的小短文,完成后面表格。 (10 分) Hi! Im Linda . Im

7、10 years old. I get up at 6:40 in the morning. It s seven oclock. Its time to eat breakfast. My school is near my house. So I go to school at 7:45. I have lunch at 12:10. After lunch I play with my friends. Its four oclock. Its time for P.E class. We jump and run. I feel (感觉)happy all day. I go home

8、 at five. 时间活动 1get up 7:00eat breakfast 7:452 3have lunch 4:004 5go home 1._2._3._4._ 5._ (二)读短文,判断句子正( T ) ,误( F )。 (12 分) Hello!Welcome to our new music room . Look! There is a teachers desk, eight pictures, a big map of China and a nice piano (钢琴) in it . You can see six fans and seven lights. T

9、he wall is blue and floor is white. Its very big . I can sing and dance in the music room . I like my new music room . () 1. We have a new music room . () 2. I can see 7 pictures in the room. () 3. A big map of China is in the room. () 4. I can see eight lights in the room. () 5. The floor is white. () 6. I dont like our new music room . 新课标第一网系列资料


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