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1、八 Coffee八咖啡This study gives a brief review of the U.S. coffee franchise industry based on data from Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDD), formerly known as UFOCs, of a representative sample of 29 coffee franchises and from published industry sources.本研究简要介绍了美国咖啡特许经营行业。本报告中的数据来自特许经营公开文件(FDD ,此前称为统一特许

2、经营说明书)以及一些公开出版的行业介绍。特许经营公开文件对美国 29家咖啡特许经营进行了抽样调查。General Overview of Coffee Industry:咖啡行业概览Industry Size行业规模The coffee industry includes 20,000 stores with combined revenue of $11 billion. Approximately 20 million people work in the coffee industry worldwide. The coffee industry is very concentrated

3、 at the top and fragmented at the bottom with the top 50 companies taking up to 70% of the sales. Starbucks lead the way with over 16,680 stores worldwide;and Caribou Coffee a distant second, with nearly 500 corporate owned stores and over 100 franchised outlets.咖啡行业一共有 20,000家店铺,综合收入达到 110亿美元。全世界大约

4、 2000万人在咖啡 行业就业。处于咖啡行业顶端的企业非常集中,而底部的企业则十分分散:排名前50的咖啡公司贡献了销售额的70%。星巴克在全球一共有16680家店,居于行业领先。排名第二的驯鹿咖啡(Caribou Coffee )被星巴克远远甩在后面:驯鹿咖啡一共只有500家公司自营店面和100个特许经营店面。Competition竞争The general coffee industry is well developed and very competitive. A coffee store operator will face competition not only from oth

5、er coffee shops but also gas stations, quick service and fast food restaurants, convenience stores, donut shops and gourmet food stores. Franchises in the coffee shop industry allow the franchisee to take advantage of a recognized name, a tried and tested system and benefit from the efficiencies of

6、the franchisor.普通咖啡行业比较成熟,竞争也很激烈。咖啡店经营者不仅面对来自其它咖啡店的竞争,还要面对来自加油站、快餐、快捷服务餐厅、便利店、甜甜圈店和食品商店的竞争。咖啡店行 业的特许经营允许特许经销商利用已被认可的店名、经过验证的系统,并且可从特许经营权授权方的效率中获益。Coffee Consumption 咖啡消费Even in the recent economic climates, the coffee industry has proved to be very resilient.This is seen in the National Coffee Assoc

7、iation of U.S.A. s 2009 National Coffee Drinking Trends market-research survey. While many business are noting a downturn in consumers, daily consumption of coffee beverages among consumers remained consistent in 2009 with 54% of the overall American adult population partaking. This information tell

8、s us that even through difficult economic times; people of all ages are still consuming coffee.即使在最近这样的经济大环境中, 咖啡行业仍然发展良好。 美国国家咖啡协会公布的 2009 年全国咖啡饮用趋势市场调查报告 揭示了这一点。 尽管很多公司的顾客都在减少, 但每天 咖啡饮品的消费在2009 年保持稳定: 美国人口中有54% 的人都要和咖啡。 这些信息告诉我们即使在经济困难时期,各年龄段的人们仍然离不开咖啡。Data from the Coffee Research Organization an

9、d the National Small Business Development Support Center Clearinghouse show that coffee is the most popular beverage in the world, with more than 400 billion cups consumed per year. Americans alone, consume 400 million cups of coffee per day making the United States the leading consumer of coffee in

10、 the world. That is translated into four and a half thousand cups of coffee per second.Below is a graph for the consumption of coffee in America for the years 2006, 2007 and 2008:咖啡研究组织和全国小企业发展支持中心清算局的数据表明,咖啡是全世界最受欢迎的饮品,每年全球一共要喝掉4000 亿杯咖啡。单单在美国,每天就要喝掉4 亿杯咖啡,使得美国成为世界最大的咖啡消费国。这意味着每秒钟美国人就要喝掉4500 杯咖啡。下图

11、介绍了 2006 , 2007 和 2008 年的咖啡消费情况Age 06 07 08年龄 06 07 0818 - 2431% 37% 26%25 - 39 47% 44% 47%40 - 5959% 61% 61%60 + 73% 74% 71%18 2431% 37% 26%25 39 47% 44% 47%40 5959% 61% 61%60 + 73% 74% 71%Production and Industry产量和行业Coffee is one of the worlds more important primary commodities. The coffee produci

12、ng belt includes approximately 70 countries worldwide and employs approximately 20 million people. Information from the United States Department of Agriculture shows us that the world coffee production in 2008/2009 is forecast at a record 138.4 million bags or 132.276 pounds.咖啡是全世界重要的基本商品之一。全球一共有 70

13、个左右的国家生产咖啡,有大约 2,000 万人从事咖啡生产。来自美国农业部的数据显示,2008/2009年度,全世界咖啡产量有望达到创纪录的1.384亿袋,或者1.32276亿磅。The Brasil Coffee House, for example, imports only select naturally processed green coffee exclusively from growers in the Cerrado and South Minas region of Brasil. The Brasil Coffee House franchises the option

14、 of owning and operating one of these unique plantation style coffee stores.例如,巴西咖啡屋(Brasil Coffee House )只从巴西的萨拉多和南米纳斯地区进口优质天然 加工的绿色咖啡。巴西咖啡屋就是这种独具特色的种植园咖啡店的特许经营商。Popularity of Fair-Trade and Organic公平贸易和有机咖啡开始流行Current buzz words in the coffee industry are organic , shade grown , sustainable andfai

15、r- trade certified More and more Americans care about the conditions of the people who produce the products that they buy and the dangers to the environment. According to the Organic Trade association, the organic coffee market is now a billion dollar industry.现如今咖啡行业的流行语是“有机”、“绿荫种植”和“可持续发展和公平贸易认证”

16、。越来 越多的美国人开始关注咖啡生产工人的生活状态,以及咖啡种植对环境的影响。根据有机贸易协会的说法,有机咖啡市场目前市值已经高达10亿美元。To accommodate this trend, more coffee franchises have licensing agreements with Transfair to offer Fair Trade Certified coffee. Kelly s Coffee and Fudge Factory Franchisesoffer a range of organic and fair-trade coffees and speci

17、alty espresso based drinks. Seattles Best Coffee offers a premium assortment of Fair Trade Certified and certified organic coffees. They support Fair Trade, organic and responsible practices. Dazbog Coffee Franchising LLC also offers a line Certified Organic Dazbog Coffee. Dazbog Coffee Franchising

18、LLC is ranked at 256 in the top 500 franchises for 2008 in the USA by entrepreneur magazine. That is up from a ranking of 349 for the year before.为了适应这一趋势,更多的咖啡特许经营开始和公正标签组织(Transfair )签署协议来提供经过公平贸易认证的咖啡。凯利咖啡( Kelly s Coffee )和法梓工厂特许经营公司( Fudge Factory Franchises )提供各种有机咖啡和公平贸易咖啡以及特色的意式浓咖啡饮品。“西雅图最佳咖

19、啡 (Seattles Best Coffee )提供优质公平贸易认证咖啡和经过认证的有机咖啡。 他们支持公平贸易和负责任的行为。达斯伯格咖啡特许经营公司(Dazbog Coffee Franchising LLC)也提供各种经过认证的达斯伯格有机咖啡。该公司在企业家杂志公布的 2008 年美国特许经营500 强公司中排名第 256 位;而 2007 年,该公司的排名还在第349 位。“ Twenty years ago I never would have thought the industry would get this big” says RickKowalski, vice pre

20、sident of operations for “ It a sGrind Coffee House” (IAG Coffee Franchise, LLC). “ The direction we re going in now is toward more organic coff ees as well as coffees where we develop a direct relationship with the growers. We get involvedwith their ability to improve their quality of life. We re h

21、elping them develop clean watersources. That obviously helps everybody and the environment included ”“二十年前,我从来没想过这个行业会发展到今天的规模。 ”磨制咖啡屋( IAG 咖啡特许经营公司)运营副总裁里克科娃斯基说道,“我们现在前进的方向是有机咖啡,而且正在和种植者建立直接关系。 我们直接帮助他们改善生活。 希望可以帮他们获得清洁的水源。 这对环境,对所有人都有好处。 ”IAG Coffee Franchise, LLC was recently ranked in the top 50

22、0 franchises in the USA by Entrepreneur magazine for 2008. They offer franchises for the low initial investment fee of $25,000 - $36,000.IAG 咖啡特许经营公司当前在 企业家 杂志公布的 2008 年美国特许经营500 强公司中榜上有名。他们的特许经营权初始投资数额并不高,在25000 到 36000 美元之间。Starbucks, the world s biggest chain of coffee stores, is one of the large

23、st buyers of FairTrade Certified coffee. In 2009, they plan to double their purchases of Fair TradeCertified coffee to 40 million pounds, making the company the largest purchaser of Fair Trade Certified coffee in the world. All of the espresso-based coffee used in its European stores is Fair trade c

24、ertified.世界最大的咖啡连锁星巴克是公平贸易认证咖啡最大的买家之一。 2009 年,他们计划将自己的公平贸易认证咖啡采购量增加一倍至4000 万磅, 从而使该公司成为全世界最大的公平贸易认证咖啡的买方。 星巴克在其欧洲地区的咖啡店里提供的意式浓咖啡, 全部都是用公平 贸易认证咖啡磨制而成的。Key terms for Fair-trade and Organic Coffee Market公平贸易认证咖啡有机咖啡市场的关键术语Organic coffee is grown without pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. F

25、or coffee to be sold as certified organic in the United States, it must be produced in accordance with U.S. standards for organic production and certified by an agency accredited by the U.S.Sustainability addresses the environment as well as social and economic responsibilities.有机咖啡指的是种植过程中未使用杀虫剂、 除

26、草剂或者化肥的咖啡。 在美国销售的经过认证 的有机咖啡必须遵守美国标准进行有机生产,并且获得美国授权的组织的认证。可持续性既强调保护环境又强调社会责任和经济责任。Shade grown coffee is grown on certain plantations where bushes can be integrated into the rainforest. This preserves bio-diversity as the coffee is not grown in rows in cleared plots.树荫栽种 咖啡指的是: 在某些将灌木与热带雨林结合起来的种植园里种植的

27、咖啡。 这可以保 持生物多样性因为咖啡根本不是成行的种植在清除了杂草的土地上。Fair-trade certified coffee means that small scale farmers are getting a fair price for their produce and are not being under cut by bigger corporations.公平贸易认证咖啡指小型农场主可以获得公平的咖啡售价,不会被大公司盘剥。Starbucks and Seattle s Best Coffee, Franchise:星巴克和“西雅图最佳咖啡” (Seattle s B

28、est Coffee ) ,特许经营:Starbucks does not offer franchises. In North America, the majority of stores are Company-operated. As an exception, Starbucks may enter into licensing arrangements with companies who provide access to real estate which would otherwise be unavailable such as airport locations, nat

29、ional grocery chains, college and university campuses and hospitals. Seattles Best Coffee is a subsidiary of Starbucks and offers franchises to operate a Seattle s Best Coffee Caf e and/or Kiosk. The estimated initial investment for a single unit franchise is between $164,500 and $317,000. As of May

30、 2008 Seattle s BestCoffee has more than 540 cafes in the U.S. and 86 Seattle Bsest Coffee Express espresso bars. In addition, Seattle Bs est Coffee is available across the U.S. in supermarkets and at more than 3,900 foodservice locations, such as college campuses, restaurants, hotels and cruise lin

31、es.星巴克没有推行特许经营。 北美地区大部分的星巴克店都是公司自营的。 但是, 星巴克也和 一些公司签署授权合同, 主要是机场、全国杂货连锁、学校和大学、医院等比较难进入的地 点。 如果不和这些地方签署合同, 星巴克将无法进入上述场所。 “西雅图最佳咖啡” ( Seattle s Best Coffee )是星巴克的分公司;该分公司提供特许经营权,允许别人经营“西雅图最佳咖啡厅” 及咖啡亭。 预计单店初始投资在16.45 万美元到 31.7 万美元之间; 截至 2008 年 5月, “西雅图最佳咖啡”已经在美国拥有超过540 家咖啡厅,另外还有86 家“西雅图最佳咖啡快捷意式浓咖啡” ( Seattle s Best Coffee Express ) 。此外, “西雅图最佳咖啡”还进入 了美国超级市场和 3900 多家食品服务场所,例如,大学校园、餐馆、酒店和邮轮。


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