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1、泥泞的近义词篇一:8A Units1-4同义词、词性转换八年级英语上册Units 14同义词组、词形转换 专项练习 I. 从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ( A. correctly B. carefully C. probablyD. highly ( A. loudly B. excitedly C. interestedly D. quickly and surprisingly ( A. invent B. catch C. include D. learn ( A. anyoneB. nothingC. no one D. anybody

2、( A. less than B. aroundC. less D. under ( A. achievedB. got to know C. told D. said ( 泥泞的) road with a stick. A. clever B. foolish C. rudeD. careful ( A. readB. finish C. lookD. go over ( A. look down B. come downC. write down D. break down ( A The remainder of B. The best of C. Some ofD. All of (

3、A. PeopleB. Workers C. Teachers D. Students ( A. SurelyB. MaybeC. Finally D. Suddenly ( A. orders B. repliesC. jokes D. feelings ( A. close toB. full ofC. in place of D. out of ( A. much B. fewC. very big D. very small ( yuan. A. money you loseB. money you earn C. money you pay D. money you have ( A

4、. dont realizeB. dont see C. dont hear D. dont read ( A. are cheapB. cost a lot of moneyC. are excellentD. cost a little money ( A. makeB. open C. control D. shut ( ) 20. - Can I visit you tomorrow? A. anyway B. anywhereC. anyhow D. anytime ( A. ordinary B. not ordinaryC. beautifulD. not beautiful (

5、A. at the time B. sometimesC. at one timeD. all the time (A. keep in touch withB. lose touch with C. play with D. talk with ( ) 24. My grandfather always brings a pair of glasses with him, because they are A. useless B. usefulC. colorful D. colorless ( A. about B. around C. nearly D. over II. 用所给单词的

6、正确形式填空。 1. It is useful _ (learn) a foreign language. 2. As we all know, Lang Lang is a famous _ (music). 3. Many people died in this accident, _ (include) three children. 4. Einstein is a great_ (science). 5. These students have different kinds of _ (ability). 6. I used to_ (go) fishing with my fat

7、her when I was young. 7. He was very excited because he _ (win) the game at last. 8. The little boy was _ (bear) in a poor family. 9. The little girl is _ (artist), and she draws many beautiful pictures. 10. The man always does things according to his bosss _ (instruct). 11. Tom promised _ (come) to

8、 the party, but he didnt come yesterday. 12. - How many times should I take the pills, Mom? - _ (Two) a day. 13. You must be careful and spell each word _ (correct). 14. Our classroom is on the _ (five) floor. 15. We have enough money _ (buy) the big encyclopaedia. 16. 3 _ (multiply) by 6 equals 18.

9、 17. Please teach me how _ (fly) kites. 18. Human beings ever used tools _ (make) of stones to work. 19. There are many traffic_ (accident) in the world every day. 20. The man comes from _ (Indian). 21. He is a great _ (invent). He invented many things. 22. _ (sudden), all the lights in the building

10、 went out. 23. The woman who is giving a speech has high _ (intelligent). 24. Believe me. I have never doubted about your _ (able). 25. There are all kinds of _ (animal) in the zoo. 26. I would like _ (climb) mountains when I am free. 27. There are a lot of books. The red one is Lilys. The rest of t

11、hem _ (be) mine. 28. It was amazing _ (hear) such a beautiful song at the party. 29. We all went to my grandpas home to celebrate his _ (eighty) birthday. 30. 350 _ (divide) by 5 equals 70. 31. The duck wished to have the ability _ (fly) like a bird. 32. The king ordered his men _ (build) a big tomb

12、 for him. 33. Teachers should make their classes _ (interest). 34. The teacher tried to teach his students how _ (work) out that difficult problem. 35. The boy always helps his mother with housework like _ (clean) the floor. 36. People use computers _ (operate) railways. Sometimes, computers do thin

13、gs better than us. 37. Try hard, and you will be able _ (get) a good mark in English. 38. The 3-year-old girl can _ (dance) well. 39. I am going _ (buy) a nice computer. 40. Tom is _ (clever) than other boys in his class. 41. Beihai Park is one of _ (beautiful) parks in China. 42. Of the three boys,

14、 Jim is _ (short) one. 43. It was cold today. It will be _ (cold) tomorrow. 44. This film is _ (interesting) than that one. 45. Who is _ (young), Tom or Jack? 46. The red shirt is _ (expensive) than the white one. 47. This ruler is a little _ (long) than that one. 48. The water in this river is even

15、 _ (dirty) than it was last year. 49. The tree grows _ and _ (tall). 50. This TV is very great. Its screen is 55 _ (inch). 51. Thank you for _ (give) me this nice present. 52. The little boy used _ (be) a bad student. But he studies well now. 53. The big dog can do many things like _ (catch) thieves

16、. 54. The little girl is good at _ (play) the piano. 55. This computer was _ (make) in China. 56. Laptops are easier _ (carry) around than desktops, so I want a laptop. 57. Jim always spends one hour _ (do) his homework. 58. I think your idea is _ (bad) than mine. 59. This is the _ (bad) way of all

17、to solve the problem. 60. This book is _ (old) than that one. I want that one. 61. - How much water do you need? - The more, the _ (good). 62. I have an _ (old) brother. He always takes good care of me. 63. That town is _ (far) away from the city than this town. 64. The woman has three children. _ (

18、old) child is 26 years old. 65. Which is _ (far) from your country, Australia, USA or UK? 66. They decide to take no _ (far) action. 67. Jim ate too much salt. The doctor asked him to eat _ (little) salt yesterday. 68. This chair is _ (comfort). You should buy it. 69. My Mom doesnt believe all the _

19、 (advertise). 70. There are already too many _ (passenger) on the bus, so no one can get on the bus any more. 71. Sometimes, machines are _ (fast) at doing things than people. 72. The _ (introduce) is often at the beginning of a book or a speech. 73. _ (shop) online is very popular nowadays. 74. Nob

20、ody knows how _ (solve) this problem. 75. Mobile phones make talking over long distances _ (possibly). 76. The musician wants to _ (creation) a new kind of music. 77. Keep a safe _ (distant) between cars. 78. David is very clever and he is good at _ (paint). 79. You can go to get a_ (speak) to make

21、your voice louder. 80. The boy always_ (depend) on his parents and teachers. 81. The joke was_ (fun). All of us laughed after he told it to us. 82. You can use this invention_ (pick) up apples. 83. Who _ (create) this world according to the fairy tale? 84. When it began _ (rain), the farmers went ba

22、ck home as soon as possible. 85. When Mary has nothing _ (do), she reads books. 86. My parents never allow me_ (make) friends on the Internet. 87. I decided _ (buy) the expensive bag after thinking. 88. You must be tired. Youd better stop _ (have) a good rest. 89. A man who is giving a speech is usi

23、ng a _ (speak) to make his voice louder. 90. There are more and more interesting _ (advertise) on TV. 91. The _ (distant) between the two points is 10 km. 92. The _ (introduce) of this new book will be written by a famous writer. 93. Computers are very _ (practice) because people can use them to loo

24、k up useful information. 94. Some students spend too much time on _ (search) the Internet in holidays. 95. Mrs Green used _ (go) to hospital, but now she is in good health. 96. There were many _ (fossil). 97. Im sorry this _ (paint) is not for sale. 98. It is very _ (use) for a person to know how to

25、 swim. 99. Some dinosaurs were as _ (small) as chickens. 100. Dinosaurs died out _ (million) of years ago.篇二:组词反义词近义词资料 人教版二年级语文下册期末复习资料 第一部分:单元复习 第二部分:近反义词字 第一单元 一、复习课文:1、找春天一课仿写(1)柳树抽出嫩绿的枝条,那是春天的头发吧?(2)小鸟叽叽喳喳,那是春天的歌声吧? 2、草是(唐)朝的大诗人(白居易)写的,他写这首诗时才(16)岁。草这首诗原来的题目是赋得古原草送别。这首诗描写了(草顽强的生命力),诗中赞美小草顽强生命力的

26、句子是(野火烧不尽,春风吹又生)。 3、宿新市徐公店描写了(六)种景物,分别是(篱落、径、树、儿童、黄蝶、菜花)。诗的前两行是(静态)描写,后两行是(动态)描写。描写儿童找不到蝴蝶的原因的诗句是(儿童急走追黄蝶,飞入菜花无处寻)。 4、笋芽儿一文中描写美好春光的句子是(桃花笑红了脸,柳树摇着绿色长的辫子,小燕子叽叽喳喳地叫着)5、在小鹿的玫瑰花中,鹿弟弟说小鹿的玫瑰花没有白栽是因为(他不仅美化了环境,为别人带来了快乐,而且自己也从中得到了快乐。) 二、背诵、背写: 1、背写第2课古诗两首。 2、背写第17页上的“读读背背”及补充的春联。(1)杨柳绿千里,春风暖万家。 (2)黄莺鸣翠柳,紫燕剪春

27、风。(3) 春风放胆来梳柳,夜雨瞒人去润花。(4)春风一拂千山绿,南燕双归万户春。(5) 艳阳照大地,春色满人间。 (6)一帆风顺年年好,万事如意步步高。 3、背诵第18页上的“宽带网”。春天里开的花可真不少,有 迎春花、玉兰花、杜鹃花,还有桃花、杏花、梨花、苹果花 许多城市或地区都有自己的市花或区花。如洛阳是 牡丹花,北京是月季花,澳门是 莲花 ,.是 紫荆花,郑州是 月季花。 三、听写:脱掉 解放 摇头 躲雨 探望 小溪 棉花 解冻 田野 未来 油菜 发烧 追赶 宿舍 光荣 干枯 徐州 商店 世界 笋芽呼唤 呼喊 山冈 轰动 喊叫 竹笋 兄弟 哥哥 微笑 安静 拐弯 浇水 骨头 终于 感谢

28、 逐渐 抽空 躺椅 四、比较组词:羞(害羞) 俺(俺的) 鹊(喜鹊) 杜(杜鹃) 差(差别) 掩(掩护) 鹃(杜鹃) 牡(牡丹) 荣(光荣) 除(除法) 疏(疏远)枯(干枯) 容(容易) 徐(徐徐) 蔬(蔬菜)苦(苦难) 未(未来) 仍(仍然) 冈(山冈) 拐(拐弯) 末(末尾) 扔(扔掉) 岗(岗位) 别(别人) 浇(浇花) 帽(帽子) 渡(渡过)店(商店) 烧(烧火) 冒(冒险) 度(温度)站(车站) 列(列车) 绵(绵羊) 探(探听) 摇(摇头) 烈(热烈) 棉(棉花) 深(深浅) 遥(遥远) 芽(发芽) 菜(白菜)换(交换)第(第一)躲(躲开) 讶(惊讶) 彩(彩色)唤(呼唤)弟(弟弟

29、)射(照射) 哥(哥哥) 油(石油)静(安静)本(本来) 呼(呼吸) 歌(唱歌) 抽(抽水)净(干净笨(笨重)乎(胖乎乎) 微(微笑)才(刚才)西(西瓜)大(大家) 安(平安) 薇(蔷薇)材(木材)牺(牺牲)达(到达) 按(按时) 五、多音字: ji (解放) bn (奔跑) chn(冲浪) cn(藏身) 解 奔 冲藏 xi (解数) bn (投奔) chn(冲床) zn(.) j (茶几) ch(处理) s (住宿)jn (尽管) 几 处 宿 xi(一宿) 尽 j(几个) ch (到处) xi(星宿)jn (尽情) lu (落叶) s(撒娇) zun (钻研) lo (唠叨) 落撒 钻 唠

30、l (落下)s(撒种) zun (钻石) lo (唠磕) (骨干)sn (散步) d (土地) sh (数学) 骨 散地 数 (骨朵儿) sn (散文) de (渐渐地)sh(数一数) 六、填空:1、填入合适的动词:(脱掉)棉袄 (冲出)家门 (长出)嫩芽 (演奏)乐曲 (穿过)山谷(抽出)枝条 (长出)叶子(闻到)香味 2、填入合适的修饰词:(可爱)的小姑娘 (解冻)的小溪 ( 丁丁冬冬)的琴声 (绿色)的叶丛 (粗重)的嗓音 (美丽)的世界 (明亮)的世界 (长长)的辫子 (快活)地游泳 (健壮)的竹子 (浓密)的绿叶 (高兴)地说 (静静)地躺着 (欢乐)地歌唱 (明媚) (晴朗) (温

31、暖) (广阔)(迷人) 的春光 (蓝色) 的天空 (灿烂) 的阳光 (美丽)(广阔)的田野 (长长)(清澈) 的小溪 (嫩绿)(细细)(绿色)(弯弯) (柔软) 的枝条 七、近义词:躲(藏) 触(摸) 奔(跑) 寻(找) 健壮(强壮) 四周(周围) 仍然(仍旧) 呼唤( 呼喊 ) 仔细(细心) 美丽(漂亮) 骄傲(自豪) 常常( 经常 ) 渐渐(慢慢) 滋润(滋养) 照射(照耀) 浓密( 茂密 ) 惋篇三:语文复习二年级近义词反义词 二年级的近义词与反义词表 近义词 躲-藏 遮-掩 脱掉-卸下 枯-干 追-赶 宿-住 美丽-漂亮 自豪-骄傲健壮-强壮 呼唤-叫唤 慢慢-缓缓、徐徐 高兴-开心

32、明亮-光明、光亮 同伴-伙伴 弯-曲 足迹-脚印 寻找-寻觅 迷路-迷途 景色-景象 芬芳-香气 赶紧-赶快不解-迷惑 应该-应当 舒适-舒服照顾-照料 挑选-选择 茂盛-茂密清晰-清楚 展现-展示 流动-流淌有名-出名 特别-非常 欢乐-快乐祝福-祝愿 闪烁-闪耀 雄伟-雄壮犹如-好像 装扮-打扮 川流不息-络绎不绝 奇怪-奇异 生气-气愤哄骗-欺骗 知道-明白 连接-联结容易-轻易 研究-钻研 立即-立刻采用-采纳 方便-便利 洁白-雪白忽然-突然 好像-似乎 望-看 鸣-叫 泊-停 一动不动-纹丝不动 清新-新鲜 辨别-分辨 慌张-慌乱指点-指示 著名-有名 观赏-欣赏指教-指点 惭愧-

33、羞愧 光滑-猾溜 飞快-快速 力气-力量 聪明-聪慧 喜欢-喜爱 仔细-认真 满意-满足 常常-经常 惊讶-惊异、惊奇 谈天-聊天 往常-以往 巴望-盼望 焦急-着急 办法-方法 讨厌-厌恶 孤单-孤独 讥笑-嘲笑 清楚-明白 刻苦-努力 斥责-训斥 夸奖-夸赞 灭绝-灭亡 足够-充足 流行-盛行 旅游-旅行 反义词 脱掉-穿上 害羞-大方 仔细-粗心、马虎 枯-荣 疏-密 沉睡-苏醒 美丽-丑陋 漆黑-明亮 慢-快 浓密-稀疏 明亮-黑暗 甜-苦 长-短弯-直 温暖-寒冷 出现-消失 回答-提问 保护-破坏 弱小-强大 无力-有力 勇敢-怯懦 难过-高兴 有趣-无趣 糊涂-明白、聪明 冷冷清

34、清-热热闹闹情绪 茂盛、茂密-稀疏清晰-模糊 展现-隐藏 热情-冷淡 欢乐-痛苦 开心-难过 高大-矮小 繁华-衰败 奇怪-平常 高兴-难过 容易-困难 整齐-零乱 方便-麻烦 洁白-乌黑 动-静 开始-结束 称赞-贬低 沉-浮 清新-污浊 厚-薄 慌张-冷静 稠-稀 表扬-批评 升-降 光滑-粗糙 真诚-虚伪 轻松-沉重 特别-平凡 富裕-贫穷 喜欢-讨厌 漂亮-丑陋 满意-遗憾 常常-偶尔 欺负-保护 筋疲力尽-精力充沛 瘦-胖 暖烘烘-冷冰冰 远-近 刻苦-懒惰 夸奖-批评 聪明-愚蠢 枯萎-茂盛 下降-上升 减少-增多 近义词 躲-藏 遮-掩 脱掉-卸下 枯-干 追-赶 宿-住 美丽-

35、漂亮 自豪-骄傲健壮-强壮 呼唤-叫唤 慢慢-缓缓、徐徐 高兴-开心 明亮-光明、光亮 同伴-伙伴 弯-曲 足迹-脚印 寻找-寻觅 迷路-迷途 景色-景象 芬芳-香气 赶紧-赶快不解-迷惑 应该-应当 舒适-舒服照顾-照料 挑选-选择 茂盛-茂密清晰-清楚 展现-展示 流动-流淌有名-出名 特别-非常 欢乐-快乐祝福-祝愿 闪烁-闪耀 雄伟-雄壮犹如-好像 装扮-打扮 川流不息-络绎不绝 奇怪-奇异 生气-气愤哄骗-欺骗 知道-明白 连接-联结容易-轻易 研究-钻研 立即-立刻采用-采纳 方便-便利 洁白-雪白忽然-突然 好像-似乎 望-看 鸣-叫 泊-停 一动不动-纹丝不动 清新-新鲜 辨别

36、-分辨 慌张-慌乱指点-指示 著名-有名 观赏-欣赏指教-指点 惭愧-羞愧 光滑-猾溜 飞快-快速 力气-力量 聪明-聪慧 喜欢-喜爱 仔细-认真 满意-满足 常常-经常 惊讶-惊异、惊奇 谈天-聊天 往常-以往 巴望-盼望 焦急-着急 办法-方法讨厌-厌恶 孤单-孤独 讥笑-嘲笑 清楚-明白 刻苦-努力 斥责-训斥 夸奖-夸赞 灭绝-灭亡 足够-充足 流行-盛行 旅游-旅行 反义词 脱掉-穿上 害羞-大方 仔细-粗心、马虎 枯-荣 疏-密 沉睡-苏醒 美丽-丑陋 漆黑-明亮 慢-快 浓密-稀疏 明亮-黑暗 甜-苦 长-短弯-直 温暖-寒冷 出现-消失 回答-提问 保护-破坏 弱小-强大 无力-有力 勇敢-怯懦 难过-高兴 有趣-无趣 糊涂-明白、聪明 冷冷清清-热热闹闹情绪 茂盛、茂密-稀疏 清晰-模糊 展现-隐藏 热情-冷淡 欢乐-痛苦 开心-难过 高大-矮小


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