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1、第一章名词大家好,我是名词家族(Nouns)中的一员味 来认识一下我们一家人吧,让我们成为朋友(friends)吧。N同学们,观察以上集 合,我们能够看出,名 词就是表示人,事物, 地点或抽象概念的名 称。名词又可分为专有 名词与普通名词。专有名词表示个别的人、 地、物、团体、机构等专用名称,如: Beijing, Tom, the People s Republic of China(中华人民共和) 。 而普通名词是指许多人或事物的共有名pupil, family, man, foot. 普通名词 又分为可数名词和不 可数名词。可数名词是 可以用简单的数词进行计量的名词 ,如: box, c

2、hild, orange; 又可分为 集体名词与个体名词。不可数名词是不可以用简单的数词进行计量的名词。如: water, news, oil, population, information . 好了,我们先了解这么多,你会很快对我家的每一位成员熟悉的。加油!试一下,把上面图中的 单词填在适当的空格 中,相信你一定能填正 确。专有 名词普通名词国名 地名 人名,团体 机构可数名词不可数 名词个 体 名集体 名词抽 象 名物 质 名名称词词词第一节可数名词找一找:小朋友,快来读一读下 面的例句,找一找,你能发现什么吗?1. There are lots of tomatoes in the b

3、asket on the table.桌子上的 篮子里有很多的西红柿。2. A deer has four legs. 鹿有四条腿。3. The monkeys are very fat. 这 些 猴 子 很 肥。4. Her two brothers are both policemen. 她 的 两个哥哥都是警察。5. The boy often brushes his teeth before he goes to bed. 这个 男孩经常睡觉前刷牙。下面表格,要仔细观察 它们的规律及区别哦, 加油!可数名词:单数可数 名词要用冠词修饰,规 则的复数可数名词要 在名词后面加s,名词复 数

4、共有以下几种变化: 规则变化的名词复数 形式规I一般情况+s则1e.g. computecomputers; booQ books;规 则2以s, x, ch, sh结尾+ese.g. fox 一 foxes ;church 一 churches, bus- buses ;watch 一 watches规 则以f, fe结尾的,变f, fe 为 ves3e.g. life 一 lives ; half halves, shelf- shelves, cit尸 cities, wife 一 wives规 则4以辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+ese.g. family 一families; fly

5、-flies学一学你要加油哦!可数名词单数 变复数形式的规则变 化相信你一定记下了 吧。下面我们学习一下 一些不规则的变化。1、以o结尾的词,变复 数时有两种情况力口 es: herof heroes,potato potatoes tomato tomatoesnegro- negroes黑人英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿妙语记忆 只力口 So如:photo一 photos, pianof pianos, kilo fkilosradio 一 radios, zoozoos, bamboo 一bamboos2、单复数同形:Chinese - Chinese deer deer 鹿 Japanese-J

6、apanese sheep - sheep3、变元音字母oo为ee:tooth teeth foot 一 feet goose- geese 鹅 (但:boot- boots 靴子)4、变 man 为 men:man men woman 一 women Englishman -Englishmenpoliceman - policemenFrenchman-Frenchmen 请区别:German(德国 人 )- Germanshuman-humans: childchildren mouse mice6、一些合成名词的复数构成分两种情况(1)将中心词变为复数:A girl friend gi

7、rl friends an apple tree- apple trees (2) man,woman 构成的 合成词,每个名词都要变成复数a man doctor 一 men doctors a woman teacher - women teachers7、以f或fe结尾的名 词复数记忆口诀:把f或fe变成ves:直接加s:一只长颈鹿giraffe 家在悬崖cliff住, 探头崖顶roof处, 美丽珊瑚reef满目常以复数形式出现的名词clothestrousersglasses这些名词作主语时,注意它们的谓语用复数1. My clothes arenewer than yours.9 .

8、集体名词:一些集体 名词总是 用作复数people, police, cattle, staff部分集体 名词既可 以作单数 (整体)也可以作 复数(成audience, class, family, crowd, couple, group, committee, government, population,员)crew, team, public, enemy, party如:The police are coming.警察马上到。The family is very big. There are nine people .这家庭很大, 有九口人。The family are havin

9、g breakfast.这家人正在吃早饭到你大显身手的时候啦, 做做下列各题,看可数 名词掌握的如何。I . 写出下列单数可数dog:;man knife;photo_;mouse_;foot;fish_;child:l ife;fox.II .单项选择。1. Can you see ninein the picture?A. sheep B. dog C. pig D. horse2. A dog has fourA. foot B. feet C. feets D. foots3. There are fourA. eggs B. childsC. foots D. watchs4 Cou

10、ld you take for these ? They are very beautiful.A. any photos; tomatos B. some photos; tomatoesC. some photos; tomatosD.any photos; tomatoes 5. The cat caught two last night.A. mouses B. mice C. mouse D. mices6. Agroupof are talking with two .A. Frenchmen, GermansB.Germans ,Frenchmans C. Frenchmans

11、,GermenD.Germen , Frenchmen7. All the teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it was their own holiday.A. manB.menC.womanD.women 8. I like a lot, and my mother usually cooks them in different ways.A. fishB.butterC.potatosD.noodles9. Look at the flowers! They are in different : red, yellow,

12、 pink A. colorsB.sizesC.pricesD.names10. -Howmanydo you want?-A kilo, please.A. bananasB.meatC.breadD.milk【答案】I.略11. 1. A 2. B 3.A 4. B5.B6.A7.D8.D9.A10.A第二节 不可数名词一找:同学们,快来读一读下 面的例句,找一找,你 能发现什么吗?1. Bread is the usual breakfast.2. Three cups of coffee is cool, five bottles of juice is hot.3. Ten bags

13、 of rice is clean.看一看 : 哪些名词属于不可数名词1 .物质名词: water, tea, bread, milk, rice (米)2 .抽象名词:love, beauty, coldness advice学一学你要加油哦!1 .不可数名词没有复 数,也不能用a, an, 但可用the。如:Bread is the usualbreakfast.2 . 不可数名词表示数量时,可以用计量名词( 计量名词超过)+计量名词+OF+名词。如:a bottle of water,two cups of tea,three pieces of paper如 : three cups

14、ofcoffee, five bottles of water3.修饰可数名词的常用修饰语有 few, a few, many, a great number of 等:修饰不可数名词的常用修饰语有 little, a little, much, a great deal of:既可修饰可数名词 也可修饰不可数名词,如 some, enough, a lotof, lots of, plenty of, . 有些可数名词或不可数名词在一定情况下可相互转化,同一个 词,但意思不同(1) glass(玻璃)-a glass( 玻 璃 杯 ) paper(纸)-apaper住艮纸)work(工作)-

15、a work( 著 作 ) room(空间)-aroom(房间)(2) fruit(水果)- fruits ( 各 种 水 果 ) fish(鱼肉)-fishes(各种 鱼)hair(所有头发) -hairs (几根头发) time(时间)times(时 代)练一练 :到你大显身手的时候啦,做做下列各题,看不可数名词掌握的如何。I. 找出不可数名词,在横线上打勾,并将可数名词变成复数形式:homeworkhalfadvicemoneyknowledgeboot blood musicchickenheatmouthbread informationmilk cowtear II. 1. If

16、you dont takemore , youll get fat.A. medicineD.B. lessonsC.photos exercise. Mum, I haveto tell you!A. a good news B. some good news C. some good newses D. many good news3 .I have two and three bottles of here.A. orange, orangeB.oranges, orangesC. oranges, orangeD.orange, oranges4 . Help yourself to

17、.A. chickens and applesB. chickens and appleC. chicken and appleD. chicken and apples5 . He is a success as a leader but he hasnA.in teaching.manyexperiencesB. much experienceC. an experienceD. a lot experience6 . The restaurantis so popular here, Look,there are so many here.A. foodB. dish C. people

18、 D. waiter7 .-Would you likesome drinks, boys? Yes, , please.A. someorangesB. two boxes of chocolateC. some cakesD. two boxes of cola8 . You can get much about the WorldExpo on the Internet.A.mapB. pictureC.ticketD.information9 . Mr. Black gave us on how to learn English well.A. an adviceB.many advi

19、cesC.some advice D.some advices1 0 . When I hurriedly got to the airport, the lady at the window told me that there were no left on that plane.C.A. placesB.seatsD.space roomI. 略II. 1 . D 2 . B 3.C 4.D 5. B 6 .C 7 .D 8 .D9.C 1 0 .D第三节 名词所有格一找: 小朋友,快来读一读下面的例句,找一找,你能发现什么吗?1 . Is this Mr. Black office?

20、这是布莱克先生的办公室吗?2 . My brothers book is new. 我哥哥的书是新的。3 . Today is May 31, tomorrow will beChildrens Day.今天是 5月3 1日,明天是儿星下O. I found something important in today s newspaper. 我 发 现 今 天的报纸有些重要的 事情。.There is a map of China on the wall in our classroom. 在我们教室的墙上有一张中国地图。. He is a friend ofHenry s#是亨利的 一个朋友

21、。:读 下面表格,要仔细观察 它们的规律及区别哦,加油!名词的所有格:名词在句中表示所有 关系的语法形式叫做 名词所有格。所有格分一是名词词尾加 s 构成,二是由介词 of 加名词构成。前者多表 示有生命的东西,后者 多表示无生命的东西。1. s 所有格的构成:单数名词在末尾加复 数 名 词一般在 末尾 加, 不规则 复数名 词后 加Sthe boy s fath Jack s book, h son-in-law s photo, the teachers room, the twins mother, the children toys, women rights,以s结尾的Dickens

22、 nov人名所有格加或者表示各自 的所有关 系时,各名 词末尾均 须加SCharles s job the Smiths houseJapan s and America s problems, Jane and Mary s bi表示共有 Japan and 的所有关 America s系时在最 后一伺末 加Sproblems, Jane and Mary s father*-*:你要加油哦!对名词所有格 的概念和构成了解了 吧。下面让我们学一学 所有格的用法。1.所有格的用法: (1)表示人或其它有生命的东西的名词常在词尾加s。如:Children Day(儿童节 ),Mother sDa

23、y (母亲节),mysister sbook( 我 姐 姐 的 书 ) mens room (男厕所) (2)有些表示时间的名词 ,也可在词尾加 s.如 :today snewspaper(今天的报 纸 ), ten minutes walk(十分钟的步行路 程),(3) 表示天体的名词的所有格用s。如:the sun s heat;the moon s surface(4)表示世界、国家、 城镇以及地区机构的名词的所有格用s。如 : the city s development; the government s plan ; China s population( 中 国的人口 ). (5

24、)表示度量与货币价 值的所有格用s。如 : ten kilometers distance; 200 dollarsworth of goods(6) 表 示 “ 某 人 家“店铺”,所有格后名he doctor sth, e barber s, the tailor uncle s2. of 所有格的用法:(1) 用 于 无 生 命 的 东 the legs of the chair, the cover of the book(2)用于有生命的东西,尤其是有较长定语时。如: the classrooms ofthe first-year students(3)表示“有关”非所有关系的用 o

25、f 介词短语。 如: students of the school(4)表示同位关系的用of 介词短语。如: thecity of Pisa3 . “of+名词所有格/名 词性物主代词”称为双 重所有格。如:a friend of my father s(我父亲的一位朋友), a friend of mine( 我的一)到你大显身手的时候啦,做做下列各题,看看你对名词所有格掌握的怎么样,加油。I. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Chocolate is usuall y the (child) favorite food.2. -Paul, please e-m ail me those _

26、 (professor) weekl y reports as soon as possible.-OK! No problem.3. I found something important in _ (today) newspape r.4. Let s go to see Miss Ding on _ (teacher) Day thi s year.5. Please tell me the (win) telep hone number, I wan t to interview him.II. 根据汉语意思完 成句子。1. ( 李明的父母)workin abig hospital.2

27、. This is ( 我妹妹的语文书 )3.( 双胞胎的卧室 ) are very nice.4._(王平和王明的父亲)is a hotel manager.5. Is this ( 你的 好朋友的钢笔) ?III. 单项选择:1. - How is your skirt, Mary?It is more beautiful thanA. my sister sB. my sister C. sis tersD.mine2. -How far is your cousin shome from here?-It s about two drive.A. hour s B. h oursC.

28、hours D. hour3. Can you imagine w hat life will be like in time?A. 20 years B. 2 0 year s C. 20-year D. 20-years 4. -that new bike over there?-I think it s. _A. Who s;Sam B.Who s;Sam sC.Whose is; SamD.Whose is; Sams5. It is another book of my.A. brother B brother s C. brothers D. the b rother sI. 1. children s 2. professors 3. tod ay 4s. Teachers 5. w inner sII. 1.Li Min g sparent s 2. my s ister Chs inese boo k 3. The twins roo ms 4. Wa ng Ping a nd Wang Ming sfa ther 5. yo ur good f riend pesIII.1. A 2. C 3.A 4.D 5.B


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