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1、年 级 英 语 期 末 测试题班级:姓名: 等级:听力(50分)、根据你听到的单词顺序,给图片编上序号。(10分)()()()( ) ( )、根据你听到的句子顺序,给图片编上序号。(10分)()()())()三、你将听到 5 个句子,判断下面句子内容与你听到的是否一致,一致的填“A” ,不一致的填“ B” 。 ( 10 分)()1、It s a monkey. It tshin.()2、My favourite colour is green.() 3、 I like morning exercises.()4、Daming doesn t like apples.()5、Tom doesn

2、t go to school on Mondays.四| 、你将听到 5个句子,按你听到的顺序给句子编号。 (10分)1、 I have Chinese and maths in the morning.2、 We go swimming in summer.3、 Mum doesn t go shopping on Mondays.4、 She hasn t got a kite.5、 The dog is in the lake.五、你将听到 5 个问句或用语,根据你听到的问句或用语,选出正确的答语,把编号填 入题前括号内。 ( 10 分)( )1、A、It s a monkey.B、 I

3、t s behind the tree. C、 It s red.( )2、A 、I go swimming.B、 I like meat. C、 I don t like yellow.( )3、A 、It s a elephant. B、 It s an elephant. C、 They reelephants.( )4、A 、Yes,she has n t.B、 Yes, she has. C、 No, he hasn t.( )5、A 、It s a pear. B、They re pear. C、 They re pears笔试( 50 分)(10 分)、选择与图片相应的词或词组,

4、把编号填在相应图片下面的括号内()()()、选出符合图片的句子,把编号填入括号内。(10分)()()()()()A、watch TV B、rice C、walkD、 lion E、bananas1、We go skating in winter.2、She has got an orange coat.3、It s sunny andwarm today.4、The monkey is behind the box. 5、Amy goes to school by bus.、选出下列句子的正确汉语意思。(10分)()1、I play table tennis in the morning.()

5、2、The panda is in the box.()3、I haven t got a new book.()4、It s your turn now.()5、Here s a black hat.A、我没有新书。B、现在轮到你了。C、我上午打乒乓球。D、这儿有一顶黑色的帽子。E、熊猫在盒子里。四、选出下列句子的正确答语。(10分)()1、Here you are.()2、What does Lingling do on Mondays?()3、Does Ms Smart watch TV in the morning?()4、What s your favourite song?()5、

6、Does Tom like fish?A、She goes skating. B、No, he doesri t.C、Yes, she does. D、Thank you.E、It s the ABC song.五、用手写体抄写下面字母、单词和句子。(10分)1、大写字母:G I Q U J2、小写字母:f y i k l3、单词:warmsportsmallorangespring4、句子:We play football in autumn.三年级英语期末测试题听力材料一、根据你听到的单词顺序,给图片编上序号。(10分)1、sweater 2、noodles 3、elephant 4、sk

7、ip 5、dress二、根据你听到的句子顺序,给图片编上序号。(10分)1、-What s this ?It s a tiger.2、Daming flies a kite in the park.3、I ve got a T-shirt.4、My mother goes to work by car.5、Amy likes swimming.三、你将听到5个句子,判断下面句子内容与你听到的是否一致,一致的填“A”,不一致的填“ B”。(10分)1、 It s a monkey. It s thin.2、My favourite colour is yellow.3、I like mornin

8、g exercises.4、-Does Daming like apples-No , he doesin t.5、Tom goes to school on Mondays.四、你将听到5个句子,按你听到的顺序给句子编号。(10分)1、Mum doesn t go shopping on Mondays.2、I have Chinese and maths in the morning.3、 The dog is in the lake.4、 We go swimming in summer.5、 She hasn t got a kite.五、你将听到 5 个问句或用语,根据你听到的问句或

9、用语,选出正确的答语,把编号填入题前括号内。 ( 10分)1、 Where s the monkey?2、 What do you do on Sundays?3、 What s this?4、 Has Sam got new T-shirt?5、 What are they?答案:听力部分:1、 2 4 1 5 3( 10分)2、 3 5 4 1 2 ( 10分)3、 A B A A B (10 分 )4、 2 4 1 5 3( 10分)5、 B A B C C (10分)笔试部分:1、 DECBA(10分)2 5 3 1 4(10分 )2、 CEABD(10分)3、 DACEB(10分)五、略。 (两处错误扣一分,扣完为止。 )


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