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1、.数词数词:表示人或事物的数目和顺序的词。数词分为基数词及序数词。基数词:表示数目多少的词。例如:one, two, three, four序数词:表示先后顺序的词。例如:first, second, third, fourth基数词与序数词基数词:序数词基数词:序数词基数词:序数词1one 11eleven 2 two 12twelve3three 13thirteen30thirty4four 14fourteen 40forty5five 15fifteen 50fifty 6six 16sixteen 60sixty7seven 17seventeen70seventy 8eight1

2、8eighteen 80eighty 9nine 19nineteen90 ninety 10ten 20twenty 100hundred 几十几的基数词例:21twentyone 83eightythree 99ninety-nine 序数词: twenty-first _ _ 用英语写出下列单位:百: hundred 千: thousand 百万: million 数词的应用:1.时间的表示整点: 例 5:00 _ 8:00 _半点: 例 6:30 _/_ 10:30_/_几点几分: (分钟数30分钟以内) 8:20 _/_ 2:15 _/_ 7:10 _/_ (分钟数超过30分钟) 9

3、:45_/_ 6:50 _/_2.编号的表示编号既可以用基数词也可以用序数词第一课 Lesson One = the first lesson第十页 Page Ten = the tenth page有点编号习惯上用基数词。第307号房间 Room 307 读作 room three zero seven101路公交车 Bus No.101 读作 bus number one hundred and one电话号码6057486 读作six o five seven four eight six3.年月日的表达1997年7月1号 _2008年8月8号 _2017年3月10号 _1月 _ 2月

4、_ 3月 _4月_5月 _ 6月 _ 7月_ 8月_9月 _ 10月_ 11月_12月_星期: _ _ _ _ _ _ _数词练习题: 1. The new student is in _.A.class 2 B.Class 2 C.2 class D.Class Second2. Lesson _ is easier than the _ lesson. A.One, two B.One, second C.First, two D.First, second3. -Its already 7:40 now. When will the film start? - _. We still h

5、ave five minutes. A.A quarter to seven B.Seven past forty-five C.A quarter to eight4.Danny lives in _. A.room 404 B.Room 404 C.404 room D.404 Room5. There are _ months in a year. December is the _ month. A.twelve, twelve B.twelve, twelfth C.twelfth,twelfth D.twelfth,twelve6. -How many students are there in your school? -There are _. A.three hundreds and twenty-five B.three hundred and twenty five C.three hundreds and twenty-five D.three hundred and twent-five;.


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