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1、实验 11静态路由协议和 RIP 路由协议设置一、实验目的:熟悉静态路由和RIP路由协议的配置原理,掌握它的配置方 法。二、实验拓扑如下:创立以下拓扑结构并配置路由器,使得各路由器静态和动态两种可以相 互pi ng得通。三、实验步骤:1、首先按上图连接好路由器注意:路由器通常通过串行端口连接广域网络,因此路由器通常是DTE设备,modem、GV转换器等等传输设备通常被规定为 DCE。其实对于标准的串行 端口,通常从外观就能判断是 DTE还是DCE,DTE是针头俗称公头,DCE 是孔头俗称母头,这样两种接口才能接在一起。比方一台路由器,它处于网络的边缘,它有一个SO 口需要从另一台路由器中学习到

2、一些参数, 具体实施时, 我们就不需在这个SO 口配 时钟速率它从对方学到。这时它就是 DTE,而对 方就是DCE。添加路由的模块接口,如下列图所示:M DDL LESHWIC-4ESWWIC-LAMWIC-1ENETWIC-1TWIC-2AMWIC-2TWlC-CoverPhysical Device ViewO iuiridl SiztiZoom InZu on i Out屯f 牡-*CustomizeImage inPhysical ViewAdding Modules: Drag the module to an available slot on the device.Removin

3、g Modules; Drag the module from the device to the mnfii ila liu连线的时候注意不同的接口,连线选择 DTE线,如下列图所示:总rinl IDTUI密加搔口前Customize Image in Logical View设置之前需要翻开对应的端口的电源,如下图:PhysicalConfig匚LI?;pri a 10/1/0Z OnPort StatusA :B :C :D :GLOBALSettin 口勺Algorithm SettingsROUTINCStatic RIP SWITCHING VLAN Database INTERF

4、ACE FastEtherneM/O FgStEth&ggtyiSerialQ/1/1Equivalent IOS CommandsRouter*confignire termina 1Enaz ennfigur&tion eoianAndi one per lint End with CNTL/Z .Router(config)finxerfaee Seri*10/l/0Souter(eQnflgif)#V2、按拓扑图规划IP地址:在各路由器上配置IP地址,保证在链路的连通性 如:A ( config)# int S0/0A ( config-if)A ( config-if)#no shu

5、tdownA ( config)#int S0/1A ( config-if)A ( config-if)#no shutdown同样道理同学们配置余下的三个路由器。请记着配置时钟频率:路由器的接口模式下:Router(config-if)#clock rate128000实验过程可以通过思科虚拟器的操作界面进行设置,但最好通过路由命令来 进行配置,视窗操作中设置路由端口需设置以下内容,如下列图所示:匚LInGLOBALSettin 口 Algorithm SettingsROUTINCStaticRIPSWITCHINGVLANINTERFACEFastEth 已rn 已 tD/OFastE

6、thernetO/LSenalO/VOSerialQ/l/LkJConfigPhysicalTx Rirg LimitIDEqui阳迪nt IOS CommandsAU U. e X- 1 匸7enctt to= alNEX.Sfendxng lOG-byt IOP Echcis ta 172 工百,302* tizma&ut is 2 ascends:i I i iSucceii xaxe is 100 paccnt (S/S) iDund-trip min/ivg/iMix 童 2/5/17 mi2用show ip route命令查看路由表。截图显示每一行代表一个路由,目的地址/子网掩码,

7、协议,优先级,度量值,下一跳,输出接口。在路由器A上:RoutEfahcw lp retireCode i C - ecnnected S - 3eae1c, T - IMP,丸-ME, M - mcblle, 3 -D - EI&RFr ZX - EIGRFO - OSPE, IA - OS PF intrHl - OSFF NS SA eHTCEnal type 1 f T2 - OSFF NSSA extecnal type 2 El - OSFF EXErernal type 1E2 - OSPF exrrnal type 2, E - ZGFL - IS-ISr LI - IS-IS

8、 level-lr L: - IS-IS level-2, la - IS-IS lniE rea * * t!jndidAL& dsfaalDT U - p&r-usar gtatit! routs, - 0D3F - priedic dcwnls&dd static E&ureG&reit&y ofi.9 not1Z .16,0.0/24 1j 3UhMTedr 4 JLibnettC172.1.10x0 ii dirflctly connected, Serlal0/l/0SC17Z.16.40.0 is directly connected, SerlaLO/1/1cDULeEf|衣口

9、uter*sh&w ip t-outfeCodesz C - cemneetedj, S - itatitr I -r R RIP, M mo孙丄色 B - &GPB -ZX -兰IMP external r & - &SFP :k 亠 OSE? intei aaN1 * OSFF NSSA eitteirsal type 1, K2 - OS PF NSSU丄左ar e aara1 - O5E external Type Lf Be - OSE exteEn&l type 2f - HGP 土 - IS-IS, LI - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS l&vel-2F

10、la - IS-IS larer * -亡呂nd丄date defAiilr, U - ptr-user stitie reuta, a - GDHT - per丄adlu downlcaded static rauaGateway af laz rtsorD 13 nab set172.1 fi .0.0/;4 9 3Lihntcd, 4 ubnetsC172.16.10.Ds directly cermectftd,ScriA10/1/0C172.L.20.0i* dietly eorLneetdrSsiii 10/1/13172.16.30.01/0 vis 17Z.1.5O.Z在路由器

11、C上:Ro-utrrahow ip Eaute:Cade a: C - eannected -I - IQflPr R - RIP, M - mobile B - BGP0 - EZGRP, ZX - EIGRP externalr O - OSPFr IA - OSPT imDer area Ml - OSPF HSSA 豊jcpm占丄 匸ipe 1. NZ - SPF USSA axEnal type 2 El - OSPF frJCLtffa&l1, E2 - OSBF external cyp邑 Ir E - EG-P1 - IS-ISr LI - IS-IS lftvsl-1, L2

12、 - IS-IS lftvel-2, 1a - IS-工昌 intfic * - candidart de faulty U - per-uisr ititico - ODRP - per iodic dou-nlsaddroutG&xaw&v of宝邑!so工匸 is nex set17 2.16.0,0/24 la suinefDftdr 4 silbnecsS172.1.10.01/0 via 172-1.30.2C172.1,20.0Is direelily Qsnnected,SerilO/l/lC172 -1- 30 - 0j.s directly CDnnectedirSeria

13、l0/1/0S172 .16_ 40_01/0 via 172.1.30 _2Naut冬罡军|在路由器D 上:H&atert shew p routeCades: C comiected, 二 ataxic, 1 - ICRE, R = B.IE1,. M mcbLl皂B 亠 B&FD - EICSP, X 三rear external, O 三 0S5F, IA - OSE* inxer area N1 - OSPF NS SA匕證皀 1 r N2 - OSPF NSSIL Q3tG r nal type 21 - OSF ex.nna.1 zyps 丄事 Z2 = CSEItinpe 2,

14、 Z 二 EGF - IS-IS, LL = IS-IS levell, L2 二 IS-IS leva 1-2r la - ISIS iater * 一 candldr& defatLlt, U 二 per-user jstat丄亡 routeo 亠 ODRE 二 perxedi亡 d&wnlQded ataxic EautgGate way of Issd resort is noi:- aecLs smbn-eE&d, 4 subMtjsS172,16-10.01/0 via 172.16祇力空172.le.SO.OI/O via 172.1.40_2C173.1.30 .0is dir

15、ectly connectedSexialO/l/OC172.1.4D.Ois diei;ly ccxuieated,SexialO/l/lrtoLiterf |五、把配置好的静态路由协议去除,设置 RIP路由协议。(1)用ping命令查看各个路由器是否连通(截图显示)以路由器A为例,可以到达B、C、D各个接口的地址。aeutftztplng 172Type escape ffaquene to abocSndi-ngi Sf 100-byte ICMP Echos to 172.16tlmwciui匸 isr 2 secands:I i T ISuccessi愛 100 percent; :

16、 5/5 # zound-trip miTi/avg/Riax = 1/2/7 saouteriping 172.i.20.2Typ令 escape sequen匚毎 t口 abo.rV.Sendingr 5* 100byte IvHP Zchos t;o 172 ,lG.2O- 2, Zimeout is 2 seccods:! i ! j iSuccess 戛nt亡 is 1QQ percents 5/5) r rcund-tcip su.ii/cLvg:enzoiute rt: shew ip rente- C 一 wnnect&dj, S I 一取 一 RIP, M 一 wbile,

17、B 一 BGPD 一 ZIGSPf SX 一 ZIGRP 总耳匸ernal, O 一 QSPF, IA 一 OSPF intieir area N1 OSPF MS SA eiclemal type N2 SPF HSSA. exteETLal type 2 El 一 OSPF external type lr 32 一 OSTF external type 2, 3 ESP1 - IS-IS, LI - IS-IS Xvel-Lr Len立口uter* shew ip roulte-= re=C-o-des i -C ccnnected., S 一 sta匸 Ju* I IG5.P p R

18、RIP, M mchle, M 一 BGP D 一 EjEGP, ZX 一 EIGriP externalr O 一 OSFF, IA 一 QSPE ijitex area N1 - OSPF NSSA extexnal type 1 r N2 OSPF NSSA eMt-exriEil. Xype 2 El - OSPF 吕seterzial type lf EW - OSPFtype 2t i - 2GPi - IS-IS, LI - rs-is LeL-lf L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter “ - candidate defaulbf U - p

19、er-user static cquce, - ODRP -dcwnl CodedEcuteG tway of 13U re sort i 3 not ssti172 . L lOxO/24 i sub-nttdH 4 jubntR172.lt.10 .01130/1 vlaL72.16.20.L, 00:00:1,SaziLD/l/LC172xi.20.Cia directlyccnnected,Sri10Xl/lC172.16.30_019 directlyconnected,Serial0/l/0丸172.1.40 .0120/1 vit172*16.3000:00;13fSezlL0/

20、l/OSo uter*在路由器D 上:SoiiT:eren.Scutrtaliev ip raursCade5 C - eannfteted, S - static, I - IGAPr R - RIPr M - mebile, B - BGP D - EIGSP, EX - EIGF external, O - OSEE, IA - OSPF inrsr area Ml - OSFtype 1, N2 - OS PEezEernal type ZE1 - OSPF ftXLcrnal type 1,- OSPF exrern&l type 2, I - EGPara1 - IS-ZS, LI

21、 - IS-IS leuel-1, L3 - IS-IS level-2r i - IS-IS inttr * - candidate default, U - per-uaeE atatic rail匚它 a * 0D2F - pricdc downl0Add static eoucbGateway of Last zesoit is not g&t17J . 16 l-0./24 is gubnccxftd, 4 BubntB172.l.0.0r172-1*30.100:00113,OOzOG:14rS&rialO/l/lSezial0/1/0172.l.3O.0 1j dizexXy172 .16.40.0 ij directlyconncctttd Ssrial0/1/0 ccnncuedr Serial0/l/lKoutart


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