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1、DOTAIts a game,but it isnt just a game,What is DotA?,The full name of DOTA is Defense of the Ancients. It is just a map which is based on the game named Warcraft 3. However,it has become one of the most famous game in the whole world.,DOTA的全称是远古保卫者。它只是一款基于魔兽世界3的地图,但是,它已经成为了遍布全球的最著名的游戏之一。,This game a

2、llows 10 people play at same time.It separates 10 people to two opposite groups which are sentinel(近卫) and scourge(天灾).,这个游戏允许10个人同时进行,它将这10个人分成对立的两个阵营,近卫和天灾。,Players in each group should defend their own main architecture and defeat the other one.Meanwhile,it supply 101 heroes for players to choose

3、.Each hero has his own skills and characteristics.,每个阵营中的玩家需要保护属于他们自己的主要建筑物,并且击败对方的。同时,它也提供了101个英雄供选择。每个英雄都有属于他们自己的技能和特色。,As you see,it is the game which contains skill,fortunate, teamwork and awareness.So this is why people in each level are fond of it.,正如你所见,这是一款包含了技巧,运气,团队合作还有意识的游戏,所以这也是为什么每个阶层的人

4、都喜欢这个游戏的原因。,Lich 巫妖,身为被巫妖王的强力魔法复活过来的精英级守卫,KelThuzad能够如臂使指地操纵诺森兰的严寒。他生前操控寒冰气流的天赋并没有因为他的死亡而消失。由于对寒冰魔法的极度精通,使得他能够将寒气聚集在一个球体上,并让它在敌军之中四处跳跃造成极大的杀伤力,令那些敌人体验到他复活时所遭受的巨大痛苦。,. Due to the extreme proficient and ice magic have allowed him to delving into in a sphere, and let it over the enemy of tremendous dam

5、age leap around, make the enemy experience to his resurrection suffered great pain,Rylai is good at using breathtaking banned magic, her stunt is powerful range killer skills. Rylai is basically neverending have one of the most powerful mage.,Crystal Maiden 水晶室女,经过寒冰泉巨魔冰冻魔法师Raishali的长年训练,Rylai善于运用令人

6、叹为观止的禁制魔法,她的绝技是异常强大的范围杀伤技能。Rylai称得上是近卫军团所拥有的最为强大的法师之一。,Tiny可以通过投掷大量的泥石造成山崩,也能够将任何东西抛向空中,这都显示了他不起眼的身形下其实隐藏着巨人般的力量。他的岩石般坚硬的外表,让攻击他的敌人反受其害。随着时间的推移,Tiny身体中心的磁石能够吸引四周的石头土块,让Tiny“发身长大”,成为名副其实的山岭巨人。,Mountain giant 山岭,His rock hard appearance, make the attack his enemy boomgeranged. With the passage of time

7、, the body of a magnet can attract center around the clods of stone, let FaShen grow up, literally become mountain giant.,He kept on looking for fresh flesh, used to adhere to his terrible body up. Year after year, his skin have rigid enough to withstand magic, and still can cast poison, extreme eff

8、ectively kill dares to close to his warriors.,他不停地寻找着鲜活的血肉,用来黏到他那可怕的躯体上去。年复一年,他的皮肤已经坚硬到足以抵抗魔法了,而且还能施放毒气,极度有效地弄死敢于靠近他的勇士们。,The Priestess of the Moon is known for her deadly Arrow,which while difficult to land,will stun a target longer when fired from further away.She can send Stars down upon enemies

9、around her to deal damage。,月之女祭司如雨一般落下的箭与流星阻挡着潮水般涌来的天灾团,而且她神圣般的存在使得周围的盟军疲劳尽消,让他们以更快的速度奔波于战场之上。在需要的时候她还能够与周围的同伴一起隐形,这使得她成为不可多得的支援型英雄。,Months priestess,The ancient scriptures mention the seven sacred light emanation, in that a strong conflict of timely convergence of these road collisions in the emana

10、tion of the country to create a mortal purest fire, and from out of the mythical Phoenix was born.,远古圣典提及光的七道神圣射气,在辐合时发生强烈冲突 这些道射气的碰撞在凡人的国度创造出一个最纯净的火堆,并从中诞生出了神话般的凤凰。就像天赐之火显现的那样。伊卡洛斯既能发出死亡与毁灭之炎,又能治疗与重生。从他体内丅射出的高温光线,可以轻易焚化战场上的整支军队。,Icarus 凤凰,Shadow Fiends only defense lies in his superb offense.After

11、each life he takes,he traps their soul to empower his attack damage.Shadowraze allows him to blast opponents in small areas,at three separate distances.,Hero IntroductionShadow FiendNevermore,Nevermore是一种能吸收身体周围的灵魂的生物。他虽然是来自燃烧军团的魔鬼,但是却讨厌和同类的魔鬼一样蠕动,于是便重新伪装了自己。在遭遇过他的少数幸存者的心目中,影魔是最恐怖的对手,而那些被他残暴地杀死的人,才算

12、见识过什么是世界上最卑鄙的杀人手段。,Hero IntroductionDark RangerTraxex,The Drow Ranger is able to be quite a versatile fighter.She can provide constant support with her Frost Arrow to keep enemies pinned, Silence them so they cant retaliate with spells once theyre forced to fight.,黑暗游侠加入了近卫军团以追求真实。虽然常有人因为她的出身对她表示怀疑,她却一次又一次地证明了自己。作为一名出色的猎手,她擅长使用冰冻箭减慢对手,也能使用沉默术阻止法师施法。,Morphling 变体精灵,Sniper,Faceless Void 虚空假面,strygwyr 血魔,Thank you!,


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