【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic3 Let’s celebrate Section C课件 仁爱版 课件.ppt

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【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic3 Let’s celebrate Section C课件 仁爱版 课件.ppt_第1页
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《【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic3 Let’s celebrate Section C课件 仁爱版 课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】七年级英语下册 Unit8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic3 Let’s celebrate Section C课件 仁爱版 课件.ppt(11页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、七年级英语,Unit 8 Topic 3 Lets celebrate Section C,Prepare Lesson before class(预习提示) I、汉译英 1、为春节做准备 . 2、人们准备美味佳肴,打扫并装饰房子 . 3、向父母问候并得到压岁钱 . 4、熬夜并在午夜吃饺子,以求好运 .,用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. (celebrate)National Day(国庆节)is a big event in China. 2.We are busy (prepare) for 29th Olympic Games(29届奥运会). 3.In China children al

2、ways greet their parents for (luck) money. 4.Listen! Someone (knock) at the door. Let me go and see.Dont be afraid(不要害怕). 5.Yesterday evening, she (wear) a beautiful dress at the party.,Fill out the form. Let the students write the names of Chinese festivals and western festivals that they know.,Ste

3、p 1. Review.,1.Present the new words:whole,stay,lucky. 2.Ask the students to read la and ftll out the form.,Step 2. Presentation,Choose a student to use the content in the form to describe Christmas,and the other students finish lb,1.Review the past forms of verbs.Change the verbs into their past fo

4、rms in 2a. havehad bewas/were givegave wearwore telltold playplayed,Step 4. Practice,根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。 1.In China,hosting the 29th Olympic Games(奥运会)is a big e . 2.Children will receive l money from their parents on the first day of the ,unar new year. 3.Whos k at he door?Its me. 4.Its in polite to s

5、to others. 5.On the e of the New Year people eat dumplings and watch TV.,教学反馈,根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.Some stuents (熬夜) to study. I think its bad for health. 2.On Halloween,many children (捉弄)their neighbors. 3.Here are some flowers for you with my (最好的祝愿). 4.The w evening,she said nothing. 5.On Christmas morning,they go out to greet each other and say .(圣诞快乐,(1)Will Kangkangs classmates help Daniel Igali? (2)What will Kangkang, Maria , Jane and Michael do?,Step 3,Good Bye!,


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