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1、四个疑问句句型一 Wh- + be动词+主语 特殊疑问句1. Bella is our English teacher.2.Her name is Anna.3.Im from Guangzhou.4.She is 11.5.Im good at Maths.6.My home is 3 miles from our school.7. There are thirty students in our class.1.Who is your English teacher?2.What is her name?3.Where are you from4. How old is she?5.Wh

2、at are you good at?6.How far is your home from our school?7.How many students are there in your class?句型二 Wh- + 助动词+主语+动词原形+其他特殊疑问句1.I live in Guangzhou.2.He lives with his parents.3.I get up at six every day.4.He gets up at six every day.5.My father goes to work by car.6.I chose the school because

3、its a new school.7. I bought ten books yesterday.1.Where do you live?2.Who dose he live with?3.When do you get up every day?4.When does he get up every day?5.How does your father go to work?6.Why did you choose this school?7.How many books did you buy yesterday?句型三:是。吗 + 主语+表语 一般疑问句1.Im a teacher.2.

4、She is good at swimming.3.My home is near our school.4.This is an e-mail.5.These are my favourite hobbies.6.Our English teacher is Bella.6.My favourite hobby is Art.1.Are you a teacher?2.Is she good at swimming?3.Is your home near our school?4.Is this an e-mail?5.Are these your favourite hobbies?6.I

5、s Bella your English teacher?6.Is Art your favourite hobby?句型四:做。吗 助动词(do/can)+ 主语+动词原形+其他 一般问句1.I like my school.2.Anna goes to school by bus.3.She wants to be an engineer.4.I have an elder sister.5.They live in school.6.I saw your blog on the Internet.7.I can dance Very well1. Do you like your sch

6、ool?2.Does Anna go to school by bus?3. Does she want to be an engineer?4. Do you have an elder sister?5. Do they live in school?7.Did you see my blog on the internet?7.Can you dance very well?1. junior high school 初中 primary school 小学senior high school高中2. 喜欢做某事love/like / enjoy doing sthwould like

7、to do sth.3. so 因此,所以注意:We dont say “Because, so” Which sentence is right? Because it rains, so we dont go out today. We dont go out today, because it rains. It rains, so we dont go out today. I love our school. Because the teachers are all very friendly. 5. on foot步行go to school on foot = walk to s

8、chool go home on foot = walk home 因为我家离学校近,所以我走路上学。_because_.My home is close to school, _7. be late 晚了,迟到 be late for: 干迟到上学迟到:_ 上班迟到:_我上学迟到了,因为我起得太晚了。 _because _. 我因错过公车而迟到了。 _because _.9. 在上午/下午/晚上:_ 在周一上午:_13. take part in 参加(活动,会议)我经常参加校运会。I often _the school sports meeting. join 加入(某人,团体,组织)你想

9、加入我们吗?_14. have a good time 过得愉快,玩的开心have fun; have a great/nice time; enjoy yourself暑假我们通常过得很愉快。We often _ on summer holidays.15. teach sb sth. 教某人某事teach sb to do sth. 教某人做某事Bella teaches us English.Miss Liu teaches us to sing.Alice teaches me to play the piano at weekend16. arrive: Vi. 到达 arrive

10、at +小地点 (场所)到达 arrive in+大地点 (城市、国家) reach +地方 (reach:Vt.达到) get to + N.(地方); get+Adv.(副词)arrive at school; arrive in Guangzhou;get home; get there;17. 放学后:after school 下班后:after work 午饭后: after lunch18. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事我姐姐经常在我做家庭作业的时候帮助我。My elder sister often

11、help me with my homework.你经常帮你妈妈洗衣服吗?Do you often help your mum wash clothes?11. 感叹句how + Adj. + 主语 + behow + Adj. + (a/n)+N.+主语 + behow + Adv. + 主语 + 实意V.How short it is!How large our school is!How fast he runs!How clever (a boy) he is!How nice you are!What a clever boy he is!what + (a/an) Adj. +N.

12、 + 主语 + 谓语What a beautiful place our school is!What a kind man he is! What good weather it is!What hard work it is!感叹句练习一、用What或How来补全以下的感叹句。 1. _ a pretty girl she is! 2. _ quickly the boy is running!3. _ kind teachers they are! 4. _ clever the baby is!二、从所给的四个选项中选出正确的填空。 What What a What an How1.

13、_ happy I am! 2. _ sad child he is!3. _ hot water it is! 4. _ hard they study!三、按要求对下列句子进行句型转换。 1. He listened to his teacher carefully. (该为感叹句) _ _ he listened to his teacher! 2. What a clever monkey it is! (该为同义句) _ _ a monkey it is! 3. The food is very nice. (该为感叹句) _ _ food it is! 4. How sadly t

14、hey are crying! (该为陈述句) They _ _ _. 5. The Christmas tree is beautiful. (该为感叹句) _ _ the Christmas tree is!Book B阅读文章的相关词汇Book B P25 相关词汇1. Be different from: 与 不同2. Most family: 大部分家庭 most students/ peopleOne of the best students, one of them, one of us3. instead: 相反 I didnt go to Beijing last summe

15、r. Instead, I went to Hong Kong. He did drive his car. Instead he walked here.4. He does talk very much. 他话不多。/他不是很健谈。 I dont know much about Guangzhou. 我对广州了解不是很多。5. enjoy his jop : 喜欢/享受他的工作6. get up early, get up late, get up at 8 oclock7. like/ love/ enjoy doing sth.8. at weekends; at weekends9.

16、 play together, go home together, go to school together, have lunch togetherBook B P26相关词汇1. over 90 years old: 90多岁2. daily newspaper, daily activity, China Daily, Guangzhou Daily3.get all the newspaper: 买/取报纸4. neighbourhood:邻居,邻里; walk around: 在周围走 Walk around the neighbourhood; walk around our h

17、ouse; Walk in the school: 在学校里走走5. stop at every house: 在每间房子处停(每家每户都停)6. The job takes Ted about three hours every morning. 这份工作每天早上要花Ted大约三个钟。 Sth. Take sb. +时间 :某事花某人多长时间 My homework takes me 2 hours every day.7. He put the newspaper in the letter box at the front door. 他把报纸放到前门的信箱里。 He put the m

18、oney in the box on the desk.8. drive to Guangzhou drive home, drive back home, drive to his home, run home, run back home, run to my homeMy dad drives me to school every week. 我爸爸每周开车送我上学。Could you drive me home? 你能开车送我回家吗?9. a cup of tea, a peace of cake, a glass of milk/ water10. make money:挣钱 mak

19、e much money, make a lot of money11. I do it for the neighbourhood. 我为邻居做这个。 I do it for you. I do it for myself.12. keep sb. Adj. 让某人。(keep:保持) keep me happy13. until + 句子(表时间): 直到。 I will work until Im 100 years old. 我要工作到我100岁。 They stayed there until the restaurant was closed. 他们一直呆到餐馆关门。1. work

20、 in her business 在他的公司里工作。2. put on 穿上(动作);wear:穿着Its cold today. Put on your coat.He wears a red coat today.3. my own car 我自己的车my own house, my own hands4. make a phone call to sb. = give sb. a call = call sb. =phone sb.5. on ones way to 在去。的路上on ones way homeI find a bag of money on my way to scho

21、ol.Buy me a cup of coffee on your way home.6. get A grades 获得A7. pick sb up:接某人8. do sth. for three hours for+时间段:持续。时间课文翻译课文Reading的翻译学校的一天Sam我是个初中生。我喜欢上学。我的而学校里我家很近,所以我总是步行去上学。早上8点开始上课,我很少迟到。我最喜欢的学科是地理。我喜欢了解世界上不同的地方。上午,我们通常上语文、数学和英语课。上午9点50分,我们开始上午的休息。铃声一响,我就和我的朋友汤姆和杰克一起飞奔向操场。我们经常玩游戏。上午休息10点10分结束。

22、这段时间真是太短暂了!午饭时间是从上午11点50分到下午12点半。下午课到3点半结束。之后,我,汤姆和杰克会一起去参加校乐队的排练。我们一起演奏出美妙的音乐。我在学校总是过的很快乐。课文翻译More practice我妈妈是一位初中老师。她教英语。妈妈每天早上6点起床,6点半吃早餐。她总是7点25分到学校。她上午一般上两节。下午,她还要上一节课。放学后,她会和她的学生一起打排球。晚上,她要做饭。晚饭后,她还要备课。她有事会辅导我的作业。她通常晚上11点睡觉。课文背诵提示课文 Reading P17:A day at schoolI 初中生. 爱上学学校 家,so 步行. 8 a.m. &少迟到

23、 最爱地理 learn about上午,语数英 morning break 9:50 When (铃响),playground( 好友T&J)We games. Break 10:10Lunch: 11:50 12:30. end at 3:30. Then T, J & I 参加 school band practiceWe music. I 过的开心课文More practice P26:My mother 初中老师 教英语6:00 :起床 6:30:吃早饭 7:25:到学校 上午:两节课下午:一节课 放学后:volleyball晚上:做饭 晚饭后:备课 有时:辅导我 11p.m.: 睡觉

24、Book B P25:My family is different from (大部分家庭)Father scientist work in(lab) (not) by bus. Instead, walk 10km(每天) talk very much家,每周) 爱工作,但不爱早起 有时:4点Elder brother me he: sport, but I (not) he: table tennis(周末) 有时:一起玩。 他总赢。翻译Book B P26:The world oldest paperboy 世界上最老的卖报人Ted 是世界上最老的报童(卖报人)。他现在90多岁了。今天早

25、上Ted带我们上了他(卖)日报的固定路线。每天早上Ted5点起。首先,他开车去买好所有报纸。然后他在围绕邻区走,并在每家每户停留。他将报纸放在前门的信箱里。这个工作每天花Ted三个小时。最后,他大概在上午8:30开车回家,然后喝一杯茶。Ted 并没因为这个工作而挣到钱,但他和喜欢它。他说:“我喜欢我的固定路线,我是为邻居而做它的。它能让我保持健康。我将一直工作到我100岁。一般现在时一、一般现在时常用的时间词1. every 系列 every+day/ morning/ evening/ week/ month/ year/2. 频率副词 never, seldom, sometimes, o

26、ften, usually, always3. 次数 Once/ twice a week, three/four times a month, times a year, on Saturdays二、一般现在时的作用1. 表示现在的状态 He is twelve. She is a student. She is in the classroom.2. 表示经常或习惯性的动作,常用状语:often, sometimes, usually, every dayI get up at 6:30 every day. He reads English every morning.3. 表示主语具备

27、的性格和能力She likes English. He speaks French.4. 表示不受时间限制的普遍真理和自然规律Two and four is six. The moon goes around the earth.三、一般现在时的构成及发音1. 系动词be的一般现在时am, is are2. 情态动词的一般现在时 情态动词原形(can/ could/ may/ must)3. 实义动词的一般现在时情况构成方法 读音例词一般情况加 -s 清辅音后读/s/ 浊辅音和元音后读/z/ swim-swims, help-helps;like- likes, listen-listens以

28、s,sh,ch,x,o等结尾的词 加 -es /s/,/z/,/T/,/J/后读/iz/ pass,finish, teach, finish, washdo以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y 为i再加es 读/z/study-studies, fly-flies 否四、否定式的构成否实义动词 (借助do) do+not+动词 如: like dont like; doesnt like否Be动词 be+not 如:am am not; is is not; are are not情态动词 直接+not 如:can can not; could could not She is good at dance. she is not good at dancing.She wants to dance. she doesnt want to dance.She can dance. she can not dance. 友情提示:范文可能无法思考和涵盖全面,供参考!最好找专业人士起草或审核后使用,感谢您的下载!


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