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1、Warm up,1,高级教育,1.have译为“有,拥有” 时,它的疑问和否定形式 有两种: (1)用助动词引导 (2)由have本身引导,e.g. I have a house in town. I havent (got) a house in town. I dont have a house in town.,2,高级教育,2.have译为“进行,从事”时,和名词或名词短语构成短语。它的疑问和否定形式只能由助动词引导。可以代替常用动词如:eat,enjoy,drink , take等 e.g. 洗澡 have a bath 喝酒 have a drink 度假 have a holid

2、ay 看一下 have a look 抽支烟 have a cigarette 试一下 have a try 休息一下have a break 谈一谈 have a talk,3,高级教育,3.have也可以直接作助词 (现在完成时) e.g. I have been to Beijing for three years. Has Sam gone to New York?,4,高级教育,have,breakfast早餐 lunch午餐 brunch早中餐 supper晚饭 dinner晚餐(较丰盛),5,高级教育,breakfast brekfst n.早饭 haircut hekt n.理

3、发 party p:ti n.聚会 holiday hlidi n.假日,bath b: n.洗澡 nearly nili ad.几乎,将近 ready redi a.准备好的,完好的 dinner din n.正餐,晚餐 restaurant restrnt n.饭馆,餐馆 roast rust a.烤的,6,高级教育,Revision,1. Everyone says a phrase of “have” 2. Answer my questions: . Wheres Tom? Whats he doing? . What did Sam have? . Is dinner ready?

4、 . What time can they have dinner? . Where did they have lunch? . What are they going to have tonight?,7,高级教育,Recite and act the text:,hi where upstairs bath here nearly cigarette whisky dinner nearly seven lunch went beef matter again,Dictation,8,高级教育,Lesson 83 Going on holiday,9,高级教育,Where did you

5、 go on holiday? I went to the mountains.,I went to the U.S.,10,高级教育,Where did you go on holiday? I went to the beach.,Where did you go on holiday? I went to the zoo.,11,高级教育,Where did you go on holiday last year?,Topics:,Where would you like to go on holiday this year?,12,高级教育,What do you need befor

6、e you go on holiday?,suitcase,13,高级教育,bookcase,showcase,suitcase n. 手提箱 /su:tkeis/,suit 西装,套装 case 箱子,盒子 打包行李 pack the suitcase,14,高级教育,ack /pk/ v. 打包,ack the suitcase 打包行李 package n./ v.包裹,包装 n.小盒, 小袋 a packet of 一包 a packet of sweets 一包糖果 The bus was packed with people. 公共汽车里挤满了人。,15,高级教育,camera,1

7、6,高级教育,ticket,17,高级教育,money,18,高级教育,credit card,信用卡,19,高级教育,leave, v. 离开,出发 The train is going to leave in 5 minutes. v. 舍弃;脱离 Johns wife left him for another man. 约翰的妻子舍他而去,投入另一个男子的怀抱。 v. 留给,遗留;委托 Leave it to me,he said. “这事交给我来办吧,”他说道。 The famous actress left all her money to charity.,20,高级教育,We n

8、eed so many things. Look, What a mess !,untidy,21,高级教育,1. be in a mess 乱七八糟的(状态或局面) 你的房间乱七八糟的. Your room _. 2. What a mess ! 好乱啊!,mess n. 杂乱,凌乱的状态,is in a mess,22,高级教育,mess mes n.杂乱,凌乱 pack pk v.包装,打包,装箱 suitcase su:tkeis, sju:t n.手提箱 leave li:v v.离开 already :lredi ad.已经,23,高级教育,Text: Going on holid

9、ay,Q:Where did Sam go for his holiday this year?,24,高级教育,Did Sam have a cup of coffee? when? Yes, he had one after lunch. 2. Whats Carol and Toms living room like? Why? The room is very untidy. Because they are packing their suitcase. What are Carol and Tom going to do? They are going to have a holi

10、day. 4. When are they going to leave? Tomorrow.,Answer the questions:,25,高级教育,Lesson 83 Going on holiday度假 CAROL: Hello, Sam. Come in. TOM: Hi, Sam. Were having lunch. Do you want to have lunch with us? SAM: No, thank you. Tom. Ive already had lunch. I had at half past twelve. CAROL: Have a cup of c

11、offee then. SAM: Ive just had a cup, thank you. I had one after my lunch. TOM: Lets go into the living room, Carol. We can have our coffee there.,26,高级教育,CAROL: Excuse the mess, Sam. This rooms very untidy. Were packing our suitcases. Were going to leave tomorrow. Tom and I are going to have a holid

12、ay. SAM: Arent you lucky! TOM: When are you going to have a holiday, Sam? SAM: I dont know. Ive already had my holiday this year. CAROL: Where did you go? SAM: I stayed at home!,27,高级教育,我已经吃过午饭了,屋子很乱请原谅,已经,到.里,请进,和我们一起吃午饭,你们真幸运,烤牛肉土豆,E,他在楼上,我快好了,怎么了,28,高级教育,He had a piece of pizza at 5 oclock. He is

13、 full.,Read the 2 stories:,29,高级教育,Its 5:30.,Would you like a burger?,30,高级教育,No, thank you. I have (already) had dinner. 我已经吃过晚饭了. I had a pizza at 5 oclock. 我是5点钟吃的.,31,高级教育,Would you like some coffee?,No, thank you. I have (just) had a cup. 我已经喝过一杯了.,32,高级教育,They had some ice-creams at 4 oclock.,

14、33,高级教育,Would you like some ice-creams?,No, thanks. Ive had an ice-cream. I had an ice-cream at four oclock.,34,高级教育,I have had dinner. I have had a cup. I have had an ice-cream.,I have had 我已经吃过/喝过/从事了, 助动词,吃,35,高级教育,构成: I have had dinner. S(主语)+ have/ has + 动词过去分词,现在完成时, have是助动词,无实义,现在完成时中动词形态 ,3

15、6,高级教育,否定形式: hasnt/havent + 动词的过去分词 疑问形式: 把 has/have 提前 I have had dinner. 否:I havent had dinner. 疑:Have you had dinner? 肯:Yes,I have./ 否:No,I havent.,37,高级教育,I have had my lunch.,否: I have not had my lunch. 问:Have you had your lunch? 答:Yes, I have. / No, I havent. 对划线部分提问:What have you had?,38,高级教育

16、,我们通常这样缩写:,39,高级教育,Grammar focus :,NCE,谈论过去发生的事情,但是发生的时间不重要. e.g. She has broken her arm. 她伤了她的胳膊.,40,高级教育,一般现在完成时通常与表示不确定的时间副词或短语连用 如 just, already, before, never, ever, twice, three times等。,41,高级教育,2. 谈论过去发生的某事,但对现在造成了影响 e.g. She has broken her arm, so she cant play basketball. 她伤了她的胳膊, 所以她不能打篮球了.

17、,42,高级教育,3. 过去开始的某事,现在还在继续. e.g. He has lived in China for 20 years. 他已经在中国住了20年了. He has lived in China since 1993.,4. 刚刚发生的事情.,e.g. They have just arrived at the airport. 他们刚刚到达了机场.,43,高级教育,NCE,5. 经历或取得的成就. e.g. He has passed his math exam with a high mark. 他以高分通过了他的数学考试.,44,高级教育,头脑风暴,1. 谈论过去发生的事情

18、,但是发生的时间不重要,2.谈论过去发生的某事,但对现在造成了影响,3.过去开始的某事,现在还在继续,4.刚刚发生的事情,5.经历或取得的成就,45,高级教育,现在完成时VS一般过去时,46,高级教育,规则动词过去分词和过去式变法一样,+ ed clean - cleaned + d arrive - arrived 3. 辅音字母+y结尾的去y加ied empty - emptied 4. 双写最后一个辅音字母加ed stop - stopped,现在完成时构成:,主语 + have/has + V.过去分词,47,高级教育,不规则动词的过去式以及过去分词巧记规律,AAA: putputpu

19、t let-letlet ABA: comecamecome ABB: standstoodstood ABC: eat ateeaten,48,高级教育,cost-cost-cost read-read-read put-put-put cut-cut-cut let-let-let set-set-set AAA变化的单词,结尾字母一般是t或d。 特殊:动词read, 变化是read-read-read,但发音分别是ri:d-red-red。,AAA,49,高级教育,有些动词的过去分词与原形是一样的: run-ran-run come-came-come become-became-bec

20、ome,ABA,50,高级教育,ABB(含规则动词),51,高级教育,1.另有一些其它形式的变化。 have (has)-had-had leave-left-left lose-lost-lost make-made-made feel-felt-felt spell-spelt-spelt stand-stood-stood 2. 改变单词中间元音字母。 sit-sat-sat win-won-won hold-held-held find-found-found hear-heard-heard,ABB(含规则动词),52,高级教育,ABC,53,高级教育,ABC,有些动词的过去分词是在

21、原形词尾加n或en,变成以en结尾的单词。 take-took-taken give-gave-given fall-fell-fallen eat-ate-eatenwrite-wrote-written speak-spoke-spoken forget-forgot-forgotten (forgot) 特殊: am/is-was-been are-were-been, do (does)-did-done go-went-gone see-saw-seen,54,高级教育,Exercises:,c,1. Tom _already _in this school for 6 years.

22、 A. was ; studying B. will ; study C. has ; studied D. are ; studying already /:lredi / adv.已经 一般与现在完成时连用,是现在完成时的重要标志 一般放于have/has之后, 过去分词之前 e.g. I have already had lunch.,55,高级教育,2. Harry Potter is a very nice film. I _it twice. A.will seeB.have seenC.sawD. see 3. Jim 已经喝了一杯牛奶了. Jim _ already had _

23、cup _ milk. 4.翻译; 我妈妈已经喝过咖啡了. My mother has already had some coffee.,B,has,a,of,56,高级教育,Have some watermelons,please!,I have already had/eaten some watermelons.,I have had 我已经吃过/喝过,57,高级教育,Have some oranges please!,Thanks, I have already had/eaten some oranges.,58,高级教育,Have some peaches please!,Than

24、ks, I have already had/eaten some one.,59,高级教育,Have some steak please!,Thanks, I have already had/eaten some.,60,高级教育,Have some chicken please!,Thanks, I have already eaten some.,61,高级教育,Have some tomatoes please!,Thanks, I have already had/eaten one.,62,高级教育,Have some potatoes please!,Thanks, I hav

25、e already eaten some.,63,高级教育,Thanks, I have already had some.,Have some beer please!,64,高级教育,Have some tea please!,Thanks, I have already drunk/had some.,65,高级教育,Lets play a game :Guess what they have had for lunch!,Student A guess : What have you had? Have you had? B: I havent had . Ive just had some. e.g. A: Have you had some bread? B: No, I havent had some bread, Ive just had some dumplings.,66,高级教育,


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