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1、-范文最新推荐- 法学应届生个人英文简历范文 Name: Mr. Cen Sex: Male National: Han Political landscape: members Date of Birth: June 1986 Account: Shaoxing City Marital status: unmarried Education: Undergraduate Graduate institution: Zhejiang University School of Jiang Graduation Time: June 2018 Specialties: Law Language:

2、 English (proficiency) Computer level: skilled Work Experience: one year Contact: 15999999999 Job intentions Work Type: All Nature of units: open Expectations of the industry: professional services, consulting, accounting, legal, services, societies, non-profit institutions, government, utilities, o

3、ther Expectations of the post: Assistant Counsel, Legal staff, public / Frederick Law System Working Location: Hangzhou, Shaoxing City Expectations of a monthly salary: Open / Negotiable Education September 2002 -2005 in Shaoxing City High School in June September 2005 -2018 in June Zhijiang Zhejian

4、g University School of Law Work experience July 2007 -2007 theory in Zhejiang in August finishing law firm files Assistant September 2007 -2008 in January Xinbo Augmentum tutor education teachers in primary schools in Hangzhou Center general July 2008 -2008 West Lake Court in August on the court, As

5、sistant organize files Sichang materials, files, send legal instruments Performance Won the 2008 River of Zhejiang University School of Communist Youth League cadres and the title of the best students to the Student Union Thesis on the shadow of the sun - interpretation of employment discrimination,

6、 winner of the sixth of Jiangs Cup competition of university students work extra-curricular science and technology awards Self-evaluation Work seriously, practical, responsible, sincere man, optimistic, responsible, patient, able to endure hardship, love travel, sports. After several years of univer

7、sity study, believe that they are maturing, there has been new for their understanding, but a piece of paper to终觉shallow, so to increase their own social experience, enrich their social experience, in their efforts to participate in social practice, based on the active part-time job, believe they sh

8、ould now be capable of performing their job candidates. 我市XX年度黄xx教育基金助学金发放工作已于十一月中旬全面完成。全市共有受助贫困生840人,其中男生303人,女生537人,分别占受助总数的36% 和64%。受助学生中革命“五老”、烈士后代、红军后代49人,占5.8%,老区贫困子女791人,占94.2 %。发放助学金总额84万元。根据省老促会和黄xx教育基金会的统一部署,在市、县党政领导的重视下,经过两级老促会和有关部门、受助学校的共同努力,助学金发放工作顺利、健康有序推进,实现了省“两会”提出的“三满意”工作目标。现将发放工作情况

9、总结如下: 一、加强领导,认真部署,精心组织。 黄xx助学基金发放工作,已历经十二年。实践证明领导是做好这项工作的关键。年初制定工作计划时,明确提出:“统一思想,再接再励,坚持标准”,把助学金发放工作列入本年度的主要工作之一。同时,坚持会长亲自抓,副会长具体抓,老促会与学校共同负责的工作机制。收到省老促会闽老促XX12号的通知后,市老促会及时召开常务会长办公会学习贯彻通知精神,研究制订了实施工作方案。及时下发了关于做好XX年黄xx教育基金发放工作的通知,对今年发放工作的名额分配、资助对象、工作程序、进度要求和完成时间等作出具体安排。反复强调发放工作一定要做到“三个好”:即,“宣传好、发放好、写


11、大事来抓,经常了解情况,掌握进度,及时指导,促进了发放工作的顺利完成。 二、规范程序,公开标准,严格把关。 各县(市)认真总结黄xx助学金发放工作经验,不断完善和规范发放工作程序,主要工作分为三个阶段进行,即:一是宣传发动阶段。在有受助学生的学校召开师生大会,学习省老促会有关文件,广泛宣传黄老先生的事迹,并对贫困学生情况进行调查摸底,做到心中有数;二是申报阶段。坚持条件,做到公开、公平、公正,严格按照家庭贫困、学生表现好、又有培养前途的要求,采取由贫困学生提出申请或老师、班级双重推荐,指定专人核实,由学校分管领导会同年段长、班主任、政治处负责人共同审查确定,将申请表发给受助学生填写,再由学生所


13、 三、抓宣传,促发放。 宣传工作是做好发放工作的前提,我们始终把宣传工作放在首位。各县(市)高度重视宣传工作,采取不同形式和手段宣传黄老先生的感人事迹,激发学生的学习热情,扩大助学金的社会影响。一是利用发放仪式。各县(市)普遍召开了隆重热烈的黄xx助学金发放仪式大会,由学生代表、学校领导、老促会领导、县领导讲话,进行宣传。二是利用现代传媒载体。在黄xx助助学金发放过程中,市县和有关学校都高度重视。各有关学校普遍在校园内建立了黄xx助学金宣传专栏、编发简报,利用班会、校会、广播电视宣传黄老先生的事迹及助学金发放要求,为做好发放工作做好前期准备工作。 Name: Mr. Jiang Sex: Ma

14、le Nationality: Guangdong Province, the nation: Han Height: 170CM political landscape: members Education: college graduation time: March 2006 Residence: place of residence is in Heyuan, Guangdong: Shanghai Occupational Overview / job interest Are engaged in the industry: Heavy Electrical Machinery M

15、anufacturing is engaged in Occupation: industrial / factory class Level posts are: intermediate positions (for more than two years work experience) Work Experience: 3 years Current salary: Overseas work experience: No Expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to:

16、Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangdong Expect to engage in the industry: look forward to engaging in Occupation: Mold Engineer Salary expectations:到岗time: 2 weeks Self-evaluation / career goals Career goals: I hope they can build for the future of the sky more blue to the top of the pyramid forward Education

17、al background Professional Name: Mold Design and Manufacturing Education: tertiary Location: Zhangjiajie certificate: Professional Description: The main learning tool in the schools expertise and ability to do the operation, the curriculum included the design and manufacture of tooling, engineering

18、mechanics, materials science, metal technology, CNC machining, etc., achieved outstanding results in school, performed well, and actively participate in some social activities and school activities, which has won Zhangjiajie Vocational and Technical School of Aviation Industry Computer-aided mold de

19、sign second prize. Work experience Company Name: on Haida Xin Electronics Co., Ltd. (March 2006 - present) Industry: Heavy Electrical Machinery Manufacturing Company nature: wholly foreign-owned. Foreign Office Size: 200 500 Location: Shanghai Job Title: Tooling Design Engineer Job Description: Mold

20、 design work to engage in open mode is mainly responsible for analysis, the review mode, 3D拆模, 3D Group legislation, 2D tagging, review test mode, maintenance mode for change to mold the whole process of production OK Language ability Grasp the extent of Language name English General Mandarin Chinese well 9 / 10


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