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1、,Unit 6,The Making of a Surgeon Dr. Nolen The importance of self-confidence,intern resident Surgeon,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,what do these three words mean?,实习医师 住院医师 外科医生,What are their responsibilities?,intern,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,to “make rounds” with other doctors; to visit hospi

2、tal patients; to help give special treatments and answer emergency calls in the hospital at any time of day and night.,resident,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,learns by observing the work of others; assists experienced surgeons during operations; In an emergency, he may take over the work of the sta

3、ff surgeon; the resident has much more responsibility than the intern.,What are their responsibilities?,Chief resident,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,A resident who is completing his / her residency period and who has thereby distinguished himself / herself is selected to be chief resident, a positi

4、on of greater responsibility.,What are their responsibilities?,Surgeon,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Specializes in surgery and in charge of many operations.,What are their responsibilities?,How to become a doctor in US?,intern,resident,Surgeon,chief resident,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,4 years

5、medical school,4 years college bachelors degree,Part Division of the Text,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Part one(1-2): The author raises the question and gives the answer. (Confidence is the key to success.),Part Division of the Text,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Part two(3-6): The author supports

6、 the main idea by giving examples.,Part Division of the Text,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Part three(7): The author repeats and strengthens the main idea. (Conceit encourages a doctor in trying moments.),What question did Dr. Nolen ask himself as the year of his chief residency came to an end?,Uni

7、t 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Part one(1-2): The author raises the question and gives the answer.,How does a doctor recognize the point in time when he is finally a “surgeon”?,Recognize:认出;辨别出 Eg:I can hardly recognize you because youve changed such a lot. 接受;承认 Eg:We recognized that his act was not r

8、ight.,What was his answer?,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Part one(1-2): The author raises the question and gives the answer.,His answer was self-confidence.,When can a doctor say to himself that he is indeed a surgeon?,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Part one(1-2): The author raises the question and

9、 gives the answer.,When he can say to himself ,“There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon” then, and not until then is he indeed a surgeon.,Double negation for emphatic purpose. 双重否定,表示强调。若改成肯定句后,语气变弱。,译文:我能胜任对任何外科病人的治疗,我的治疗和其他外科医

10、生一样高明,甚至比其他医生更高明。,Part Division of the Text,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Part two(3-6): The author supports the main idea by giving examples.,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Part two(3-6):,Blank Filling,Directions: Read the second part again and fill in the information to show the changes of the au

11、thor.,Changes,Past,Now,Reason for change,Sleeping,Had trouble getting back to sleep.,Sleeping was no longer a problem.,Learned to accept decision making as a constant problem for a surgeon and could live with it.,Making decisions,Reviewed all the facts of the case and wondered if he had made a poor

12、decision.,Any decision he had made was bound to be a sound one.,Had knowledge and experience.,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Globe Reading.2-part4,Changes,Past,Now,Reason for change,During operation,There were butterflies in his stomach and he sweated through the operation.,No need to sweat any more

13、 and could handle whatever he found.,Had the knowledge, the skill and the experience to handle any surgical situation in practice.,Making mistakes,Was afraid of it.,Still dreaded errorswould do best to avoid them.,Knew they were part of a surgeons life.,Part Division of the Text,Unit 6 The Making of a Surgeon,Part three(7): The author repeats and strengthens the main idea. (Conceit encourages a doctor in trying moments.),


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