2019届高三英语Book 11 高中英语写作总体指导教学课件 (共40张PPT).pptx

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1、Students Book 11 Writing Class,Assessment In addition ; To begin with ; However,使用恰当的连接词 Use proper linking words,Dear Editor, As a student reader, I am writing to talk about the English textbooks published by your house. These books have many advantages._ One of them is that we can find a variety o

2、f topics, such as science, culture and history. These topics, I think, are very popular with us students.,To begin with,In my opinion; Therefore; However; whats more,_, along with the texts there are many beautiful and colorful pictures, which can help us understand English better. Even the students

3、 who used to dislike English have turned out to be interested in the subject. _, some of the texts have too many new words and expressions which are hard for us. _, Id like to suggest changing them into easier ones.,whats more,However,Therefore,Avoid Chinglish! 1) Traffic in Shanghai is too crowded.

4、 2) There has a highway connected with Beijing. 3) Though shes almost 40,but she still plans to compete. 4) I forgot my dictionary at home. 5) It will cost us much money to buy one.,Language,heavy.,left,is,take,改错,I cant understand them when I meet new words, so I have to refer to them in the dictio

5、nary. The ability to read English passages is slowly. There is no doubt that English Study need lots of time and efforts. Only by this way, can we keep up with other students. Im LiHua, a new student of you.,meet with,look up,low,learning,in,Li Hua,yours,My English level is common and I cant speak v

6、ery well. I believe we can get alone well with each other. Besides, I think speaking English is as important as writing English. I study English for 12 years so I think I know English very well. There are some advice in teaching English.,average,it,along,spoken,written,have studied,is,Adopt a variet

7、y of sentence patterns 使用较丰富的句式,1. They even threw rubbish into the lake. They totally ignored the noticeable sign No littering nearby. (使用V-ing形式),They even threw rubbish into the lake, _ the noticeable sign No littering nearby.( 福建),totally ignoring,Adopt a variety of sentence patterns 使用较丰富的句式,No

8、t long ago I won the first prize in the English contest_in our school.( 山东),held,2. Not long ago I won the first prize in the English contest. It was held in our school. (使用过去分词),3. To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things. (使用名词性从句) 4. People suggest that the conference be put off. (改被

9、动语态),_ the little girl knows so many things.,What surprises him is that,_the conference be put off.,It is suggested that,5. He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper. (使用强调句型) 6. I passed the physics exam because of your help. (用虚拟语气),_he had read the news in the

10、newspaper _ he knew what had happened.,_the physics exam _your help.,It was not until,I couldnt have passed,that,but for/without,assess,Please learn to Your composition you finish from now on.,书面表达评价表 项目 自评 他评 1.书写工整吗?有没有乱涂乱划? 2.句子开头注意大小写了吗? 3.有没有注意标点符号? 4将文章分段了吗?分成了几段? 5有单词拼写错误吗?几个? 6.有时态错误吗?误用了哪种时

11、态? 7.注意主谓一致了吗? 8.有没有语态的错误? 9.有没有使用关联词?使用得当吗? 10.有没有词性的错误?哪一种? 11.简单句表达正确吗? 12.是否注意使用了复杂的句子结构? 13.表达方式是否多样化?注意长短句搭配了吗? 14.有没有用好词好句?用了哪些?,Appreciate :A Letter of App;ication,假定你是学生李华,所在城市将举办国际文化交流活动, 正网上招募志愿者。请你写一封申请书,志愿为此活动 提供服务。注意:可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯, 词数100左右。,Follow excellence ,success will chase you 追求

12、卓越,成功就会跟随而至,Summary: 1.How to write a good compositionm 2.Practice 3.How to assess our own composition and others,Thank you,Homework:,Homework: Book 11 Writing the letter of Application,Enjoy it and you will make it!,Have a happy day!,Have good luck in the College Entrance Examinations !,A Game to t

13、est your reaction:考考反应力:,Do the opposites! 老师说look up ,同学就look down; 老师说sit down ,同学就just stand ; 老师说raise you right hand ,同学raise left hand ; 老师说raise your left hand ,同学raise right hand。,语言高级,Summary :,一看字体(字体工整) 二看语言(语言高级) 三看内容(要点齐全) 四看结构(三段式结构),建议: 1.积累单词 2.熟读,熟透课文 3.学会积累好词好句 4.练字,Practice makes perfect!,


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