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1、A Customers Plea for Your Product: Students 培养企业需要的人才 Kai-Fu Lee 李开复 Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Corporation 微软公司全球副总裁 June 1, 2005 Content 内容 Students Feedback from Customer 学生 客户的回馈 What kind of students would Microsoft like? 微软需要什么样的学生 ? 10 suggestions on how to produce more of these stud

2、ents? 如何培养这样的学生的十个建议 Customer Feedback 客户反馈 ProductsProductsProducerProducerCustomerCustomer Customer Customer FeedbackFeedback StudentsStudents 学生学生 UniversityUniversity 大学大学 IndustryIndustry 产业产业 Industry Industry FeedbackFeedback 产业反馈产业反馈 Why is Customer Feedback Critical? 为什么客户反馈如此关键 Industry is

3、 changing constantly - IT, bioscience, nanotech 产业在改变 - IT、生化、纳米技术。 Competition is intense - WTO-like effect in education 竞争在激烈教育领域的 WTO效应 Product does not match customer need - High retraining cost/burden 产品不符合用户需求 - 企业重训练负担 The Talent Gap in Chinese Universities 中国的人才鸿沟 Exceptional UnemployableNee

4、d TrainingQualified Chinese University Graduates U.S. University Graduates Chinese University Graduates U.S. University Graduates What student would Microsoft want? 微软需要什么样的学生 ? 1。Life-long learning 终生学习 2。Balanced US / Chinese culture 平衡中美文化优势 3。Complete 完整 1。A Lifelong Learning Person 终生学习 Not jus

5、t learn to answer 学习不只是为了按部就班地学习正确答案 But to reason, learn, apply 而是为了推理、思考、应用 Know why and how 为了知道为什么和如何做 1. Levels of Learning 学习的境界 Learn an answer 学会答案 Learn one method to find an answer 学会方法 Learn how to find a method 学会找到方法 Learn why the method fits the question学会为什 么 Learn many answers and me

6、thods exists 学会方法和答案不止一个 Microsoft interviews for critical thinking. 微软的面试并非测试智商,而是测试思维能力 Learn to apply knowledge 学会实践 Microsoft expects CS students to have written 100,000 lines of code. 微软期望计算机系的学生有100,000行编程的经验 2。A Balanced Person 平衡中美文化优势 Not just typical Chinese or American strengths 不仅只是中国人才或

7、美国人才 But balances both, and learns to apply judgment 而是具备中美人才双重优势, 并有足够的应用判断力 2. Balanced Individuals 平衡的人才 Chinese Talent 中国人才 Perseverance 毅力 Humble 谦虚 Solid theoretical foundation 扎实的理论基础 Disciplined 讲纪律、服 从 Subtle 含蓄 American Talent 美国人 才 Passionate 有热情 Self-confident 自信 Independent and creative

8、 独立并有创新精神 Pro-active 积极主动 Direct 直截了当地沟通 3。 A Complete Person 完整 Not just high GPA 不仅有好成绩 But balanced 4Qs - 而且兼备德、体、智、情 Intelligence Quotient Emotional Quotient Physical Quotient Spiritual Quotient Not just seeking a “hot” major 不只是选热门专业 But has vision, passion - 而且有理想、热情 Passion 兴趣 Attitude 态度 Val

9、ues 价值观 Vision 理想 Execu- tion 执行 EQ 人际 3. A Complete Person 完整 What is right? 什么是对的? What do you want in life? 你的人生目标? How to get what you want + love? 如何达到目标? How to do things? 如何做事情? What do you love? 你喜欢做什么? How to work with others? 如何和他人合作 ? 10 suggestions on how to produce these students? 如何培养这

10、样的学生的十个建议 Suggestions-1 建议 1 Develop 3 types of graduates that match societys needs 发展三种教育,培养符合社会需要的人才 Researchers 1% 研究员 Professionals 20% 职业员工 Technicians 79% 技师 Suggestions-2 建议 2 Understand industry needs 理解产业对人才的需要 Incorporate into curriculum so graduates are industry-ready 改变课程使毕业生能立即为企业贡献 Sug

11、gestions-3 建议 3 Stimulate thinking, reasoning, and not memorization 激发思考与推理,避免死记硬背 Suggestions-4 建议 4 Find opportunities to teach students 引导学生 Teamwork 团队合作 (团队项目) Industry needs 企业需要(实习机会) To find their vision boldly experiment 时代在改变;大胆地试验 MIT OCW MIT 开放课程 Good privately donated university in Chin

12、a 建立中国一流的私立大学 Let the Ph.D. students pick their advisors 博士生选导师 . Suggestions-10 建议 10 Find win-win between pair-wise US and Chinese universities 在中美高校中找搭档,达到双赢 80% of the worlds best schools are in the US; there is much to be gained 80%最好的学校都在美国,和美国学校搭档有 很多好处 Phase out the Soviet-influenced systems

13、 用美国的模式取代过时的苏联模式 Closing Remarks 结束语 You are educating the leader of the 21st Century 你的学生将成为21世纪的领导 The American leaders and the Chinese leaders will shape the future of the world 中美领导将决定世界的未来 Your work to make the world a better place 你的工作将使21世纪更加美好 Thank You 谢 谢! 这个演讲的幻灯片,和其他内容,请访问:这个演讲的幻灯片,和其他内容,请访问:


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