翻译 直译与意译问题.ppt

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1、直译与意译问题Literal and Free,ZHANG GANZHOU,学生课堂演示 热身练习 直译与意译问题 课堂作业 课后作业,CONTENTS,学生课后作业展示 Students Presentation,(For 30minutes),Analysis of Homework After Presentation,Zhang Ganzhou,人民现在为什么拥护我们?就是这十几年有发展。 由于全球气候变暖,海平面在一点点地上升。 改革开放也使民族精神获得了解放。 我们的企业应着重提高国际竞争力。,Why do people support us? Because our econom

2、y has been developing. 2. The sea level is rising little by little in the consequence of global warming. 3. Reforms and the open policy have also emancipated the minds of the people. 4. We need to be enhancing international competitiveness.,5. 中国的现代化建设离不开与世界各国的经济合作与贸易往来。 6. 世界科技进步和产业结构的调整,亚太地区经济的迅速增

3、长,给我国经济发展提供了有利条件。在我国中长期发展中,也有不可制约的因素,突出的是:,5. Chinas modernization is inseparable from her economic cooperation and trade ties with other nations. 6. The scientific and technical advancement in the world and the industrial restructuring as well as the rapid economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region

4、 provide favorable conditions for economic development in China. However, there are a few factors that can impede progress in our medium-and-long range development. The prominent ones of these factors are,7. At the first APEC Economic leaders meeting in 1993, I said that what kind of world was to be

5、 brought into the 21st century was a crucial issue that we leaders of this generation must carefully think about and solve. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, we have found the situation of the world and of the Asia-Pacific region both encouraging and worrying.,7.在1993年亚太经合组织第一次领导人非正式会议上,我

6、曾说过,把一个什么样的世界带到二十一世纪,是我们这一代领导人必须认真思考和解决的重大问题。环顾新世纪初的世界和亚太地区形势,可以说是有喜有忧。,8.为了进行认真细致的考察,他很少乘车坐船,几乎全靠双脚翻山越岭,长途跋涉;为了弄清大自然的真相,他总是挑选道路艰险的山区,人迹稀少的森林进行考察,发现了许多奇山秀景。,8. In order to get a detailed and truthful picture of the particular places, he preferred to travel on foot instead of by cart or boat, despite

7、 the hardships on long distances; and he even ventured in mountainous areas and jungles, which are rarely traveled by people and full of dangers. The pay-off for his efforts was his discovery of many fantastic landscapes.,9.专家普遍认为积极的财政政策对于最近几年的经济快速增长势头起了很大作用,2003年,这一政策的实施除了应向社会保障,农村教育及基础设施倾斜以外,还应从政府

8、投资转向民间投资。,9. It is generally agreed among exports that the proactive fiscal policy has considerably contributed to the rapid economic growth in recent years. The year 2003 will see the further implementation of such a policy, which will give added weight to the development of the social security sys

9、tem, rural education and the infrastructure, and a shifting of focus on investment sources from the government to the private sector.,10.这些价值观和孔子宣扬的一些思想有很多相同之处,孔子的思想强调的是中庸适度。但是我尊重孔子的思想,并不是要把他的思想搬到现代社会。,10. These values have much in common with some of the virtues of Confucianism, the Chinese philoso

10、phy that stresses moderation. However, although I respect the spirit of Confucianism, I have not tried to adapt this ancient philosophy to modern society.,热身练习WARMUP,对牛弹琴 竭泽而渔 易如反掌 口蜜腹剑 井底之蛙 史无前例 两败俱伤,To play the lute to a cow. To drain a pond to catch all the fish To be as easy as turning over ones

11、 hand To be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted To be like a frog at the bottom of a well To be without precedent in history Both sides suffer./ Both sides would be losers in the fight.,浑水摸鱼 赴汤蹈火 随波逐流 知识就是力量 眼不见,心不烦 谋事在人,成事在天 空中楼阁 充耳不闻,to fish in troubled water Go through fire and water To go with the

12、tide Knowledge is power. Out of sight, out of mind. Man proposes, god disposes Castles in the air Turn a deaf ear to,直译与意译LITERAL a word-for-word translation; metaphrase; a literal rendering 2. to translate literally; to translate word for word,直译决非死译。 死译也叫逐词翻译(word-for-word translation),翻译时是以词为单位进行

13、考虑的,力求翻译目标语的每一个词都能与原语中的词绝对对等,这是一种“对号入座”式的翻译,在同一语系的语言之间大多可以。但在不同语系的语言之间,如英语和汉语,则不可以。,下各例译文A均为典型的死译: (1)橱窗里摆着的是什么东西? A:Shop window in displayed is what thing? B:Whats that in the shop window? (2)好是很好,可是买这么多扇子干什么呀? A:Good is very good,but buy so many fans do What? B: It is good, but why do you buy so m

14、any fans?,(3)回国以后送给朋友。做得多精细啊! A:Return country after present friends. Made how delicate! B:Ill give them to my friends when I go home. Arent they delicately made? (4)Every atom of your flesh is as drear to me as my own:in pain and sickness it would still be dear. A:你的肉中的每一个原子,对我来说,都像我自己的一样亲;它即使在病痛中,

15、仍然是亲的。 B:在我看来,你身上的每一个细胞都像我自己的细胞一样亲;即使你痛苦你有病,也还是一样亲。,(5)It was an old and ragged moon. A:那是一个又老又破的月亮。 B:这是一弯下弦残月。 (6)Being a teacher is being present at the creation, when the clay begins to breathe. A:当一名教师意味着是创造的见证人,他目睹人体开始呼吸。 B:当一名教师就意味着目睹上帝造人的过程,目睹用泥土捏成的人体开始呼吸。,【2003年TEM8汉译英试题】 得病以前,我受父母的宠爱,在家中横行

16、霸道,一旦隔离,拘禁在花园山坡上的一幢小房子里,我顿感打入冷宫,十分郁郁不得志起来。 【考生】Before I illed, my parents spoiled me, I was very autocratical(专横的)at home, but now isolated, I was custodied in a small house in the garden hill, suddenly, I felt very cold like in the ice house, very sad. (死译) 【改译】 Before I fell ill, my parents doted

17、on me a lot. I could have my way at home. Once I was isolated and confined in a chamber on the hillside of the garden, I suddenly felt I was neglected and became very depressed.,但是,直译具有局限性。例如译文有时冗长啰唆,晦涩难懂,有时不能正确传达原文意义,有 时甚至事与愿违。如果不顾场合条件,不顾中外两种语言的差异,一味追求直译,就必然造成误译。直译之所以有误区,是因为一方面,中外文化历史背景不同,造成了不同的思维方

18、式和不同的语言表达形式;另一方面,因为英汉属不同语系,语言的形式与内容、句子的表层结构与深层意义等,时常不统一。因此,有时需要意译。,意译 FREE TRANS,意译 free translation; paraphrase; liberal translation,是指根据原文的大意来翻译,不作逐字逐句的翻译(区别于“直译”)。通常在翻译句子或词组(或更大的意群) 时使用较多,意译主 要在原语与译语体现巨大文化差异的情况下得以应用。,从跨文化语言交际和文化交流的角度来看,意译强调的是译语文化体系和原语文化体系的相对独立性。意译更能够体现出本民族的语言特征。例如习语、诗词、成语等的翻译,常常通

19、过意译来达到“信、达、雅”。 如: 塞翁失马,焉知非福 【直译】When the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing in disguise?,很明显直译是在讲个故事,但是却无法体现成语要表达的因祸得福的意思。所以需要意译: 【意译】 A loss may turn out to be gain. 2)“上网” 【直译】go on to the internet 【意译】get connected with the internet 很明显,按照直译“go on to t

20、he internet”的意思,恐怕老外都要吓得坐地上啦。,【意译1】这是冬天里一个寒冷的一天。 【意译2】这是的寒冷一天。 【意译3】这是一个寒冷的冬日。,4) It was a cold winter day. 【直译】这是一个寒冷的冬天。 这句直译,从英文到中文,似乎都没有问题,但实际上翻译错了。,直译和意译兼用,直译和意译兼用也被看作是 “平行式转换” (Paralleling)(刘宓庆当代翻译理论。这种翻译方法是指在翻译过程中将直译和意译二者结合,交替使用。,【例1】你不要脚踏两只船。If you run after hares, you will catch neither. 【例

21、2】苦尽甘来。After rain comes sunshine. 【例3】为人不做亏心事,半夜不怕鬼敲门。A good conscience is a soft pillow. 【例4】年岁不好,柴米又贵;这几件旧衣服和旧家伙,当的当了,卖的卖了;只靠着我替人家做些针线活寻来的钱,如何供得你读书?Times are hard, and fuel and rice are expensive. Our old clothes and our few sticks of furniture have been pawned or sold. We have nothing to live on

22、but what I make by sewing. How can I pay for your schooling?,1.我在学堂里坐着,心理也闷,不如给人家放牛。 2.走过三个人来,头戴方巾,都是四五十岁光景,手摇白纸扇,缓步而来。 3. 他一边写着,一边注视着窗外,防止被巡查的人员看见。 4. 我才不会理这一套呢! 5. 雨可能会停,但带把伞又何妨呢?,课堂随机练习,1.我在学堂里坐着,心理也闷,不如给人家放牛。 2.走过三个人来,头戴方巾,都是四五十岁光景,手摇白纸扇,缓步而来。,课堂随机练习,1.I feel sitting in school boring anyway. Id

23、rather look after our neighbors buffaloes. 2.Behind him came three men in scholars square caps, all some forty to fifty years old, fanning themselves with white paper fans, they advanced slowly.,3. 他一边写着,一边注视着窗外,防止被巡查的人员看见。 4. 我才不会理这一套呢! 5. 雨可能会停,但带把伞又何妨呢?,课堂随机练习,3. While writing, he would keep an e

24、ye on the outside of the window for fear the the guard on duty would see him. 4. As if I cared. 5. The rain may hold off, but it wont hurt you to take an umbrella with you.,直译加注释,由于文化因素的影响,有时即便翻译成了地道的英语,英语国家的读者也照样似懂非懂,这时就需要加注释说明。,【例1】对牛弹琴 to play the lute to a cow, which is a Chinese way, meaning ch

25、oose the wrong audience. 否则,可以用替代法翻译成: to cast pearls before swine; or: to whistle jigs to a millstone.,【例2】班门弄斧 to show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter. 否则,可以用替代法翻译成: to parade ones knowledge before an expert; or: to teach ones grandmother to suck eggs.,【例3】三个臭

26、皮匠,顶个诸葛亮 three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhu Geliang, the mastermind in Chinese history. 否则,可以用替代法翻译成: Two heads are better than one. Or: More people working together have a better chance of solving a problem than one person working alone.,【例4】三请诸葛亮 to invite sb. three times like invit

27、ing Zhu Geliang, the mastermind in Chinese history. 否则,可以用替代法翻译成: To invite sb earnestly and repeatedly; or: To be persistent in inviting sb.,课堂作业EXERCISE IN CLASS,为了不使自己不忠不孝的劣迹进一步发展成为醒世恒言,我们开始把从前留下的坏印象一点一点地努力往回拨反。下一轮亲戚来时我们比以前更殷勤,更周到,出手更阔绰,笑脸更相迎,更把身子艰难地蜷进夜晚的沙发里,蜷出一坨坨虾形的孝顺和贤明。于是在一片“识时务者为俊杰”、“浪子回头金不换”

28、、“人文精神又回来了”的啧啧赞叹声中,亲戚们来往走动得更勤了。亲戚们无论怎样做都是有道理的,因为他们是我们的亲戚们。他们总在提醒我们什么叫做血浓于水。他们总在提拎着耳根子对我们叮咛告戒:亲戚们的传统,不是说反就反了的。,为了不使自己不忠不孝的劣迹进一步发展成为醒世恒言,我们开始把从前留下的坏印象一点一点地努力往回拨反。 Determined not to be go-down-in-history as pernicious (有害的) examples of offenders against family virtues, we desperately tried to revive ou

29、r past good records in hosting relatives.,下一轮亲戚来时我们比以前更殷勤,更周到,出手更阔绰,笑脸更相迎,更把身子艰难地蜷进夜晚的沙发里,蜷出一坨坨虾形的孝顺和贤明。 To the next batch of relatives, we presented ourselves as more solicitous热切期望的 than ever. We went to ever greater expenses, greeted them with broader smiles and curled ourselves onto the sofa at

30、night like frozen shrimps, the picture of family virtue and hospitality.,于是在一片“识时务者为俊杰”、“浪子回头金不换”、“人文精神又回来了”的啧啧赞叹声中,亲戚们来往走动得更勤了。 And so relatives come and go even more frequently to the tune of “the superior person is he (she) who knows the times,” “the profligate放荡者 returned is worth his (her) weig

31、ht in gold,” and “the spirit of humanity is revived” and so on.,亲戚们无论怎样做都是有道理的,因为他们是我们的亲戚们。他们总在提醒我们什么叫做血浓于水。他们总在提拎着耳根子对我们叮咛告戒:亲戚们的传统,不是说反就反了的。Relatives, like customers, are always right, just by the fact that they are relatives. They are by their existence live reminders that blood is thicker than w

32、ater. They are continually dinning絮絮不休地说 this warning into our ears: the tradition of relatives cannot be overturned 破坏 at will.,Determined not to be go-down-in-history as pernicious examples of offenders against family virtues, we desperately tried to revive our past good records in hosting relativ

33、es. To the next batch of relatives, we presented ourselves as more solicitous than ever. We went to ever greater expenses, greeted them with broader smiles and curled ourselves onto the sofa at night like frozen shrimps, the picture of family virtue and hospitality. And so relatives come and go even

34、 more frequently to the tune of “the superior person is he (she) who knows the times,” “the profligate returned is worth his (her) weight in gold,” and “the spirit of humanity is revived” and so on. Relatives, like customers, are always right, just by the fact that they are relatives. They are by their existence live reminders that blood is thicker than water. They are continually dinning this warning into our ears: the tradition of relatives cannot be overturned at will.,课后作业HOMEWORK,Download from Email: Z Password: 200888,


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