John Milton英美文学.ppt

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1、 John Milton John Milton (1608-1674)(1608-1674) Life time Masterpieces Writing style Influence An English poet,polemicist and scholary man of letters. A civil servant for the commonwealth of England under Oliver Cromwell. Best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost IntroductionIntroduction 1608-Born

2、on Bread Street in Cheapside, London, England. 1625-Attended Christs college,Cambridge. 1629-Graduated with a BA. 1632-Obtained his master of arts degree. 1632-Broke into the public literary scene. 1635-The Miltons moved to Horton,Backinghamshire where he pursued his studies in Greek, Latin, and Ita

3、lian, devoting much time to the Church Fathers. Life TimeLife Time 1637- 7 months after his mothers death, he wrote the pastoral work Lycidas. 1638-Began his European journey, visited Italy and met Galileo. 1639-Returned to England and began to think about writing an Arthurian epic. 1642-At the age

4、of 34, married Mary Powell, age 17. 1645-Reconciled , and daughter Anne was born a year later. Life TimeLife Time 1649-worked as a secretary for the government 1652-became totally blind due to overwork. 1656-remarried ,the happiest time in his life. 1663-got a third wife 1667-Milton finally conclude

5、d an agreement with a publisher for the printing of Paradise Lost. 1674-On the day before his 66th birthday, November 8, Milton died Life TimeLife Time Paradise Lost失乐园-1667 Paradise Regained复乐园-1671 力士参孙-1671 MasterpieceMasterpiece Paradise Lost 失乐园 MasterpieceMasterpiece - Adam and Eve were tempte

6、d by Satan and became depraved. Finally they were expelled from Paradise. - is called Three Western Poetry with (河马史 诗)and (神曲) Adam and EveAdam and Eve The mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven. 思想可以把天堂变成地狱,也可以把地狱变成天堂。 Miltons QuotesMiltons Quotes The childhood shows the man ,a

7、s morning shows the day. 从小能看大, 就像清晨看白天。 Miltons QuotesMiltons Quotes Miltons StyleMiltons Style A syntax that is full of inversions and parentheses Sentences are long and complicated in structures The diction is rich and elevated, combining Latinate phrasing with colloquial immediacy The actual sou

8、nds of vowels and consonants are chiming in alliteration and assonance The most learned poet; The greatest writer of the 17th century; One of the giants(巨人) of English literature Greatly influenced by two historical movements of Renaissance(文艺复兴) and Reformation(宗教改革). Like Spenser and Shakespeare,

9、he was also one of the Renaissance giants not only in England but also in the whole world. Almost all later poets in English literature respected Milton highly. Milton towers over his age as Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan age, and as Chaucer towers over the medieval period(中世纪). summarysummary 弗莱曾这样论述“弥尔顿诗作中天堂和地狱的区别等 都是通过诱惑来表现诱惑所带来的挣扎和善恶间的内 在竞技,成为他四部主要诗作的主题。” 华兹华斯也说:弥尔顿!你现在还活着该有多好。 ThankThank You! You!


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