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1、中国传统文化旗袍,The Chinese traditional culture Cheongsam,Contents,The definition of cheongsam The origin of cheongsam The structure of cheongsam Representative figures Pictures appreciating,The definition,The Qi Pao or Chi-Pao, also known as the cheongsam or mandarin gown(长袍); A body-hugging (紧身)one-piece

2、 Chinese dress,the Manchus (满族人),Nurhachi(努尔哈赤),Embryo a collarless, tubeshaped gown,Qipao Banner gown(旗服),The origin,The evolution,1920s,1930s,1940s,Frog 盘扣,The structure,立领,襟,衩,刺绣,Mandarin collar 立领,Lapel / front of a garment襟,Openings 衩,Embroidery 刺绣,long sleeves,short sleeves,sleeveless,如意襟(Ruyi

3、 jin) 琵琶襟(Pipa jin) 斜襟(slanting Jin) 双襟(double Jin),高领 high collar,低领 low collar,无领 collarless,Representative figures,张爱玲 Eileen Chang (1920-1995) A well-known writer,be addicted to cheongsam. Life is a colorful gown, covered with lice. 生命是一袭华美的袍子, 上面 爬 满了虱子,She owns the most number of qipao all ove

4、r the world.,邓丽君,Where there are Chinese there is her voice, she really made the beauty of the cheongsam, cheongsam accomplished her legend. 有华人的地方就有邓丽君 的歌声,她成全了旗袍 的美丽,旗袍成就了她的 传奇。,Pictures appreciating,Expo (展览会)2010 Shanghai China,立领采用中式旗袍的演变,既有中国文化含义的诠释又融入了国际时尚化的设计手法 。,Cheongsam for Miss Manners,宝

5、蓝,It is recorded that cheong-sam began in the Qing Dynasty. 据记载,旗袍始于清代。 The Chinese cheongsam looks rich arid magnificent. 中国旗袍,雍容华丽。 Qipao (Chinese-styled long gown) is a common dress for a woman. 旗袍(中国式长袍)是一种普通女装。 a close-fitting womans dress with high neck and slit skirt is one of the traditional

6、 patterns of Chinese national costume. 旗袍是中华民族服装的传统款式之一。 The Application and Expressing of the Cheongsam s Beauty in Apparel Culture; 旗袍之美在服饰文化中的体现与运用 The Qing Dynasty unified China, and unified the nationwide costume as well. 清统一中国,也统一全国服饰,男人穿长袍马褂,女人穿旗袍,The skirt of the Chinese Qipao is slit up to

7、the thigh on each side. 中国的旗袍两边衩口一直开在大腿。 The Chinese cheongsam shows the style and features of traditional clothing. 中国旗袍展现传统服装的风貌。 We have cheongsam of various material, colors, and patterns. 我们有各种面料、颜色和式样的旗袍。 Status and Innovation of Qipao in Modern Society; 旗袍在现代社会的地位及创新性研究 The Qing Dynasty unifi

8、ed China, and unified the nationwide costume as well. 清统一中国,也统一全国服饰,男人穿长袍马褂,女人穿旗袍 The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women; the male version is the changshan. It is known in Mandarin Chinese as the qipao or chipao, and is also known in English as a mandarin gown. 旗袍是中国一种紧身的连

9、衣女子服饰,男子的被称为长衫。英语中也用mandarin gown来表示这种服饰,The modernized version is noted for accentuating the figures of women, and as such was popular as a dress for high society. As Western fashions changed, the basic cheongsam design changed too, introducing high-necked sleeveless dresses, bell-like sleeves, and the black lace frothing at the hem. By the 1940s, cheongsam came in a wide variety of fabrics with an equal variety of accessories. 现代版的旗袍很贴身,更能显出女子的身材,为上流社会的女性所推崇。旗袍的式样也跟随西方时尚而变化,出现了高领无袖、喇叭状袖子和黑色蕾丝泡泡镶边的款式。到上世纪四十年代,旗袍已经有很多种不同材质和配饰。,Thank you,


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