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《UsingLanguageⅠ (4).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《UsingLanguageⅠ (4).ppt(23页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Using Language,Unit 3,Words,wind limb paralyze sickness recover funnel,vt. 绕; 缠 n. 肢; 翼; 分支 vt. 使瘫痪; 使麻痹 n. 疾病; 恶心 vt. 复原 n. 漏斗,snatch amongst vinegar unconscious,vt. 攫取; 抢走 prep. 在中间; 在之中 n. 醋 adj. 不省人事; 未发觉的; 无意识的,Listening,1 Wei Ping is studying at university in Australia. Just before the summer

2、holidays his friend Bob Martins invites him to go camping. He is a little nervous about this. In a small group discuss what Wei Ping might be nervous about.,Wei Ping may be worried about the winter, as that will be sleeping in tents, the lack of the toilet and bathing facilities, the possibility of

3、getting lost, insects such as mosquitoes, or snakes and spiders, etc.,1 What is Wei Ping worried about? 2 Does Bob share his worry? 3 Do you think by the end of the conversation, Bob has talked Wei Ping into going camping?,2 Listen to the conversation between Bob and Wei Ping and answer the question

4、s.,1 What is Wei Ping worried about? 2 Does Bob share his worry?,Wei Ping is worried about sakes.,No, Bob is not worried because he does not believe they are lkely to see any and he knows what precautions to take against being bitten.,3 Do you think by the end of the conversation, Bob has talked Wei

5、 Ping into going camping?,He probably has talked him around because he assured ei Ping that there was very littlie danger. Also the fact that Wei Ping summarized the advice Bob gave him suggests that he has accepted Bobs assurances.,3 Listen again and then complete the poster on the right.,snake,lon

6、g trousers,a noise,do not move,avoiding walking,4 Listen once more and discuss the following questions with a partner.,1 Why did Wei Ping misunderstand Bob when he said “When we talk through the bush”? 2 Why cant Wei Ping make a snake run away?,1 Why did Wei Ping misunderstand Bob when he said “When

7、 we talk through the bush”?,Because Wei Ping may think the bush means wild and dangerous land. But Australians use it to mean the countrysid where arent any houses or farms or other signs of humans.,2 Why cant Wei Ping make a snake run away?,Because snakes dont have legs ( this is where the humour l

8、ies).,1 Before you read the following text, read the title and look at the pictures on page 27. Discuss with a partner what you expect to read about in the text.,Reading,2 Answer the following questions.,1 How many poisonous snakes and how many poisonous spiders are there in Australia? Are they all

9、capable of killing humans?,115 different kinds of snake and most of the 2000 different kinds of spider. Only a few spiders and snakes are capable of killing humans?,2 What effect do have on humans? What about box jellyfish?,Most jellyfish can cause severe pain to anyone who touches htem but only the

10、 box jellyfish can kill a human.,3 How many kinds if shark are there in Australian waters? How many kinds are likely to attack humans?,160 different kinds of shark but only 2 or 3 kinds are likely to attack humans.,4 What kind of crocodile has occasionally attacked a human?,The saltwater crocodile.,

11、3 In your group discuss the best ways to protect yourself from each of the dangerous animals in the reading passage. The information on page 28 will help you.,Crocodiles: If you are in the far north of Australia a long way from civilization, keep a lookout for signs about crocodiles and stay way fro

12、m rivers where these signs appear.,Sharks: Try to swim in places that have shark nets. If you hear a shark warning, get out of the water immediately.,Spiders: Unless you are wearing gloves, dont out your hands into dark, dry places, under stones or amongst rubbish. If you do get bitten, go immediately to the hospital.,Jelly fish: If you see jelly fish washed up on the beach, dont go in the water. If you are stung by a jelly fish and have trouble breathing, go immediately to the hospital.,Homework,1. Retell the passage. 2. Write a short summary of the text.,Thank you.,


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